Shia LaBeouf Slams the Wii


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Nutcase said:
Devildoc said:
Nutcase said:
I had no real opinion of LaBeouf before. Apart from the sky-high pricing and a (relative) lack of worthwhile content, I don't have a bone to pick with Wii either.

But seeing LaBeouf troll 9+ pages of ad hominems ("he isn't even a good actor so who cares"), neediness ("if Megan Fox says jump, just ask how high"), cluelessness about women ("her wanting to play LEGO Star Wars is like five minutes away from her asking for sex"), whining, and random knee-jerk reactions out of idiots and fanboys gives the guy a whole lot of points in my book.
The Wii is actually pretty reasonable price wise, until the last price drop for the arcade the Wii was the cheapest of the consoles (and still is once you throw in the HDMI cable and hard drive). The games are also cheaper than either of the HD console games.
I think the price that matters is what it takes to play the core games on the platform - the console fully equipped, not "whatever is in the box". For Wii, you need a ton of peripherals: wands, nunchucks, classic controllers, memory cards. Even backwards compatibility is dependent on having GC peripherals, idiotic decision if I've ever seen one. Seeing how one of Wii's main strengths is local multiplayer, you are pretty likely to need multiples of several different controller types. In comparison, many 360 and PS3 folks get all they need in the box. Adding a player is only a question of getting one extra controller, and having just one controller type is great for redundancy when controllers inevitably break. You can even use many 360 and PS3 peripherals with a PC, and some PC peripherals with the PS3, and there are adapters for converting - say - PS2 controllers for use on a PS3.

At ~100 euros, I'd be tempted to buy a fully equipped Wii to play the precious few games on it that I'm interested in. At ~250 euros, which is the actual price level and ties with the 360 normal package, I find said Wii a terrible value. Value is subjective, but I'd certainly value the 360 a lot higher than the Wii, despite having a current gaming PC which makes a large portion of the 360's games redundant.
Hmm? I didn't need any extra peripherals to play my Wii when I first got it, extra controllers for local multiplayer sure but every console needs that for LOCAL multiplayer, and some people do have friends irl and it IS more fun to drink some beers and play a game in front of the TV all together than to do it all in different houses right?

so basically you need the console, and maybe a classic controller for virtual console, and a gamecube controller if you play gamecube games on it.. that's essentially it though. so $250 +$20.00 +$20.00 or so.. still under $300.

The 360 to get that.. $199.. then you need a hard drive which is $100 for a 60GB so why not just get the pro package in the first place ($299) then the HDMI cable which is $40 or more

PS3.. just the system in the box costs more.

Then add an extra $10 per game.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
*sighs* I may be a nintendo fangirl but i dont try to blatantly bash systems. Good Job Shia Labeouf, you proved your a fanboy, congrats.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Devildoc said:
Hmm? I didn't need any extra peripherals to play my Wii when I first got it, extra controllers for local multiplayer sure but every console needs that for LOCAL multiplayer, and some people do have friends irl and it IS more fun to drink some beers and play a game in front of the TV all together than to do it all in different houses right?

so basically you need the console, and maybe a classic controller for virtual console, and a gamecube controller if you play gamecube games on it.. that's essentially it though. so $250 +$20.00 +$20.00 or so.. still under $300.

The 360 to get that.. $199.. then you need a hard drive which is $100 for a 60GB so why not just get the pro package in the first place ($299) then the HDMI cable which is $40 or more

PS3.. just the system in the box costs more.
You forgot component, which the Wii needs to match the 360. Plus, where does your pricing data come from? Surely you aren't using bullshit MSRP's?

Using the best price search engine for my country (prices include shipping),

Wii 230EUR
Classic controller 25EUR
Wii component cable 15EUR
GC controller 20EUR
tiny memory card 10EUR

360 Premium 225EUR

And how about when we want to add one player?

Wii Remote 43EUR
Nunchuck 22EUR
Classic controller 25EUR
GC controller 20EUR

360 wireless controller 42EUR

I continue to be amazed of how Nintendo is able to sell a glorified Gamecube at PS3 prices, but that's exactly what they are doing.

Hitman 43

New member
Jun 6, 2009
Shia LaBeouf in my opinion is a great actor and not, what some idiotic people call him, a "fanboy".

And yes the 360 and PS3 are better than the Wii (in my opinion!).

So people who are offended by this, get over it. Nothings going to happen. The Wii is going to remain the Wii exactly as it was.

Hitman 43

New member
Jun 6, 2009
suzakulancelot said:
needausername said:
jamesworkshop said:
Megan Fox isn't into men so he's safe
She is, shes just into women too.
First of all, that is fucking hot.
Second of all, I dislike the Wii, and even though a rock has more talent then Shia he might be a cool fellow to have a drink with. (I can't believe I just said that straight faced.) XD
Apparently Megan Fox and Shia are dating it was written. Not sure if it's true.


New member
Apr 21, 2009

So every game Shia touches sucks. And I should take gaming advice from him why?

rated pg

New member
Aug 21, 2008
+1 for epic trolling. Good boy Shia.

Even though he's dead wrong about Lego Star Wars and the fact that he passed up time spent playing video games with Meghan Fox makes me question if he's gay or what...


New member
May 19, 2009
Nintendo has enough money to buy Shia and his career 1000 times over, but everybody's entitled to their opinion. He probably doesn't like the controller either. Can't say I blame him, I think the Wii's OK.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
He hums Mario Brothers themes to himself but doesn't like the Nintendo console? What is he, schizophrenic?


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Why in the blue hell should I give two shits what Shia LaDouche thinks about the Wii...? Because he's an actor? Consequently, this reaffirms my opinion that he's a genuine prick. Those comments are pretty harsh for a casual public interview. I guess the "We love Shia" party inside his head is going on 24/7 and he just tunes out the rest of the world.

To my other point, yes, I like the Wii. It's a fun little console. I often tell people who dislike it that they must not have any friends. That this jackass wouldn't even play it with Megan Fox, simply his co-star, confirms that absolutely no one likes this kid. A rabid pack of wolves, slashing and tearing at your ravaged carcass as foam collects on their maws, would make better friends than him.

"Remember children, don't be like Shia whatshisname. Treat all consoles objectively and at least give them a try before passing judgment. Be friendly and considerate to gamers of any skill level. Remember, you were once new and inexperienced too."

[This message brought to you by your local Retro-Gamer.]


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
soul_rune1984 said:
I hate the Wii.... there I said it. My friend has one and had me try it. I wanted to throw the damn controller out the window on purpose. But I have nothing against those who can use the Wii in fact I envy them a little.
I totally agree with you. It's not the gamers or players that are bad, it's just the console.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Curtmiester said:
O shut up Shai. You were on a crappy kids show for like 4 years.

I was watching Transformers when it came out, and I was "I KNOW that guy!"

Hell, that sucked. My sister constantly recorded it and rewatched the same episodes when she was bored, which was always. That damn girl just kept CBBC on ALL FREAKING Day
Nov 28, 2007
Remember kids, it's not all right for an actor to show favoritism in the console race, but it is all right for you to call him a douche for doing so.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Halfbreed13 said:

So every game Shia touches sucks. And I should take gaming advice from him why?
I don't even recommend taking gaming advice from actual game reviewers. Don't know about anyone else here, but I don't need some "professional opinion" to make up my own. Granted there are a lot of cannon fodder releases out there, many of them come under unjustified scrutiny simply because a reviewer's opinion is that Such-and-Such game isn't up to their way too high standards (unless you're a Gamespot employee, then you just nitpick and FIND reasons to hate it).

And yes, Shia LaBeouf's opinion is worth less than theirs.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
For people who hate Shia LaBeouf you all seem to love to discredit his word.
I will admit i agree with him. Just because he doesn't share your opinions doesn't make him a bad person.
And he alone is not Murdering transformers. Really It's a good movie. Yeah it's different them what the show was but to tell you the truth the show was built off of the toys. So in all reality Transformers has no "back story" other then they are vehicles that transform into robots. I have a feeling everyone who discredits the transformers movies also discredits the start trek movie and probley has had the argument that Han solo shot first. Guess what. If you don't care about Shia LaBeouf's opinion and he's making $200 million dollars for "murdering" transformers with bad acting. Then who gives a crap about your opinion when you work at game stop? Do me a favor and try to do better. If you can get Michel Bay to not laugh at you when you say you think you could do better then him and Shia LaBeouf on a transformers movie then you can tell me that I'm wrong and your opinion means more then his.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
swashbucler1 said:
I agree with him, i remember in school they said "Who ever has the most points wins a wii" and i said, no thanks, i would rather have a fucking detention!
You are so badass. The fourth graders must look up to you.