I classify myself as a dog person too, but I don't mind cats. Yeah some can be assholes, but dogs can be too. But yeah, if you don't like cats, that's fine. They are far more independently wired than dogs, so they often don't really care to have interaction with humans, at least not in the way humans want to have it back with them. They express affection in different ways, that often comes across as aloofness. Like sleeping around you. The fact that a cat is comfy enough around you to lounge about, sleep, and show you it's belly, actually indicate they are pretty chill about you being around. You don't threaten them, and they can feel safe around you to relax for Nap 149 of the day. Yeah it's not very fun from the human side of things, but it is a sign of affection, for a cat anyway. And while some of them will show more overt affection like dogs (rubbing up against you, rubbing your face vigorously, etc) for my female cat at least, this happens at like 4:30 am. And while she's super adorable, when she's crawling on my chest, purring lovingly, and headbutting my face with hers in a sign of affection...it's 4:Fucking:30 am! So I find it less adorable. xD