Skyrim DLC Will Be Timed 360 Exclusive


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Iklwa said:
So now it's not even a "Hey guys, look what we made to augment your experience!" It's a "Hey guys, we purposely left shit out of our game so you could pay for it later! Give us your money, our cash pools are a tad low after we bought everyone here a yacht!"

Worst part is, I will still most likely purchase and play any Skyrim DLC.
Pretty sure that this isn't the type of DLC that's already on the disc, considering they said it's basically going to be expansion pack sized, which to me sounds like it could be GTA 4 DLC length.
Lt. Vinciti said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Getting the CE for 360.
All my friends are calling me a retard for pre-ordering the collectors edition >.< not that I care, I want that fucking dragon!
You need better friends....


-sigh- I wish Microsoft didnt need to prove their childish or dicks...perhaps all this money you can throw @ the fuck makes CoD? Perhaps someday they can stop forcing people to pay for Gold...

Dreamin heh
Yes, I see how you can be really annoyed at Microsoft trying to make money.
zehydra said:
This is slightly puzzling. This is obvious to me, as a ploy to add incentive to get console gamers to buy the game... but haven't they flat out told us that the game was being developed for console primarily anyway?
Well since the biggest market for games is the consoles, it comes down to PS3 vs. Xbox, and clearly Microsoft has paid a good amount of money to get the DLC exclusivity, so that when people are choosing 360 or PS3 they go with 360 version.


New member
Feb 1, 2010
You better give Microsoft your DLC first Bethesda, or it will make such a tantrum you wished you never gave anything to Sony.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
SonOfVoorhees said:
I still dont get why they cant release a special edition of Morrowind and Oblivon on consoles with all the good mods on it. The updated graphics, more creatures and better character models and also the best mission and weapons and magic mods. Id buy it.
you would run into some problems with the creators of the mods. Eather you stiff them get sued and hated by your entire fan base or
Track them down to pay them but seeing how may times the money would split if you put 5-6 mods on a disk it probably isn't worth it to the publisher.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
I honestly don't care about DLC or mods. It's MOTHER F****** SKYRIM!!! They are just a plus to one of my favourite game series ever made. I would still play it with or without mods or DLC. So I can wait for it. I'm sure by the time I've completed the game (most likely twice) the first DLC would of already come out.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Iklwa said:
So now it's not even a "Hey guys, look what we made to augment your experience!" It's a "Hey guys, we purposely left shit out of our game so you could pay for it later! Give us your money, our cash pools are a tad low after we bought everyone here a yacht!"

Worst part is, I will still most likely purchase and play any Skyrim DLC.
Interesting, it seems you read a different article that I just can't find, care to link it? because this one didn't mention anything about them leaving content out of their game


New member
Oct 25, 2009
razer17 said:
Well since the biggest market for games is the consoles, it comes down to PS3 vs. Xbox, and clearly Microsoft has paid a good amount of money to get the DLC exclusivity, so that when people are choosing 360 or PS3 they go with 360 version.
gotcha. I wasn't even aware it was coming out on the PS3


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Crazycat690 said:
To me atleast, it just seems like a bad tactic, this wont get gamers to want a 360 more, if you own a 360 fine, then you might be happy, if you own a Ps3, not so much, the only thing Bethesda is doing is teasing Ps3 and PC gamers, MS should focus on exclusives and not on this bullshit. I'm sorry but I was just thinking about if I was gonna buy Skyrim because I know bethesda games haven't impressed in the past, and being a Ps3 gamer, this feels like Bethesda is basically saying "don'y buy this game please, unless you own a 360", and while PC gamers can tell bethesda "lol gtfo" pirate it and mod it, Ps3 gamers stand without much to do then. What is the point with DLC if you've already finished the game? Maybe I'm overracting, but Bethesda just pisses me off!
You want to know why they did it? Check out this post.

Onyx Oblivion said:
I guess it's a good thing I didn't pre-order the PS3 version. Getting the CE for 360.
That's why they do it. Is it annoying to PS3 users? Yes. Is it effective in increasing sales? Yes, I imagine so.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
I'm a little fed up with timed exclusives but I can still wait for 30 days or so. There will be enough content in the main game to last me forever anyway.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
No big deal. What's 30 days to someone who kills time by killing dragons?

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
What the f*cking hell Bethes - oh wait. I don't care. I won't have time to play Skyrim probably until ME3 comes out. *Goes back to college prep*


New member
Feb 19, 2009
I can get
i7omahawki said:
Iklwa said:
So now it's not even a "Hey guys, look what we made to augment your experience!" It's a "Hey guys, we purposely left shit out of our game so you could pay for it later! Give us your money, our cash pools are a tad low after we bought everyone here a yacht!"

Worst part is, I will still most likely purchase and play any Skyrim DLC.
Hahah, yeah the worst thing about Elder Scrolls games is their lack of content. I mean, these games only have about 90 hours of gametime for each playthrough, compared with your average 8 hour campaign with almost zero replayability.

Seriously, reputations exist for a reason, and if there's one thing Elder Games aren't, it's light on content. The horse armour debacle was ridiculous, yes, but only because they charged, well...any money at all for a trivial add-on. I've never bought it and I doubt I'd care if they'd included it in the game.

Anyway, it seems that they haven't made any of the DLC yet, and don't even know what it will be, they're just *gasp* planning ahead.

OT: As I own a 360 and a computer not nearly good enough to run this, I'm kinda glad I'm getting DLC while missing out on all the awesome modding that will surely be happening in PC land.

Question is, what will PS3's be getting?
We get thirty days of waiting, and after that, exactly the same. So no problem there.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
If you have a choice and get it on consoles rather than on PC, you have no idea what you are going to miss out on in terms of custom made content.


New member
Aug 11, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
I guess it's a good thing I didn't pre-order the PS3 version. Getting the CE for 360.

I'll get the PC version down the line, I'll get it on the Steam holiday sale, likely. And then get a gaming PC by next summer, if all goes as planned.
Let's be honest.. they have announced over 300 hours of gameplay. they can take as much as they want away, it is still a game worth the money!


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Hopefully there wont come a day when a game that PC gamers helped launch will be a console exclusive.
Otherwise mod mod mod.

Kyle 2175

New member
Jan 7, 2010
So a PC-centric game is getting Xbox releases for DLC first? Meh, Ruined Tail's Tale and Malevolence for Oblivion were better than any of the official DLC. Hopefully the same thing will happen this time, then again, they took quite a while to make and would similar things would probably be out well after the DLC came out.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I'm not really surprised about it, but it doesn't mean its not frustrating. :\

RaikuFA said:
these timed exclusives really need to stop
Agreed, 100%. Give them all whatever it is at the same time.