Skyrim elves look AWFUL :(

Kurai Angelo

New member
Oct 12, 2009
Elamdri said:
Tolkien WON. Elves LOOK like human beings. They may not have to look like supermodels, but they're general appearance should be human. Especially in a game series that bleeds as much Tolkien and D&D as TES.
I like how you continually insist that Elves have to look Human, when in fact most if not all High Fantasy worlds often adhere to the idea that Elves have been around a lot longer than Humans. So from the perspective of TES universe, Elves do not infact look Human, Humans look like Elves.

Also, I know a lot of people have already stated this but sticking so rigorously to your opinions that lore cannot change and evolve is very disappointing. Good or bad, challenges to the status quo should be encouraged, especially in fantastical settings where there are no rules. No matter how much you think Tolkien was the law maker of all things weird and wizardy! Why is it he should get a free pass in reinventing creatures and races as he saw fit but when people do it since they're wrong?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Riddle78 said:
Elamdri said:
Riddle78 said:
It takes balls of Daedric Steel to live in Skyrim,especially now.
What? No it doesn't. I watched 2 guards a FARMER kill a dragon while playing the game yesterday. I only did about 1/10th of the damage! Come talk to me when the people of skyrim have to deal with Bandits wearing Daedric Plate or fight Dremora lords while traversing the wilderness and then we can talk about how rough the people of Skyrim have it.

(Although those giants are pretty rough).
Good job conveniently ignoring the rest of my argument there. So you inanely comment on the weakest piece of justification I have to the rest of the "Elves don't look ugly" argument? Son,you need to get your head checked.

Protip: Reading the entire argument,and thinking about it,and not replying is more acceptable than what you just pulled. You insulted me with that response. You responded to a well thought-out argument with...Mindless blather!
Well, no I was really just making a joke. I mean, your argument is one that the elves look badass. I disagree, and that's fine. Your second argument is that Bethesda has the right to makes elves look however they want. And that's fine too, but I also have the right to hate their decision.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
idarkphoenixi said:
Not all elves have to look like JC Penny cover models. I'll keep my woodelf assassin thanks
Well yeah, sure he looks fine NOW! YOU MADE DARTH REVAN! ;)

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
lacktheknack said:
Elamdri said:
Kakashi on crack said:
Wow. I've never seen a point missed so hard. He wasn't referring to the player getting food... at all. Reread the guy's post properly.
was about to make a long-winded retort but I like this better. Was referring to the average being in skyrim (I don't like the term NPC)

Though in hindsight I don't understand the features of elves in the courts and if the player is an elf.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Kurai Angelo said:
I like how you continually insist that Elves have to look Human, when in fact most if not all High Fantasy worlds often adhere to the idea that Elves have been around a lot longer than Humans. So from the perspective of TES universe, Elves do not infact look Human, Humans look like Elves.
Well, yeah, except for the fact that elves aren't real. ;)

Why is it he should get a free pass in reinventing creatures and races as he saw fit but when people do it since they're wrong?
Because I'm old and change frightens me.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Kakashi on crack said:
lacktheknack said:
Elamdri said:
Kakashi on crack said:
Wow. I've never seen a point missed so hard. He wasn't referring to the player getting food... at all. Reread the guy's post properly.
was about to make a long-winded retort but I like this better. Was referring to the average being in skyrim (I don't like the term NPC)

Though in hindsight I don't understand the features of elves in the courts and if the player is an elf.
I get that. I do. I think people are taking me a might bit too seriously. I just personally don't like the way the elves look. I don't care if anyone else likes them or not, it's no skin off my back if someone disagrees with me.

I just thought your post about how difficult it is to cultivate food in Skyrim was funny in the context of the mechanics in the game where food is abundant and easy to come buy because of bugs in the game and just the overall lack of any attempt by the NPCs to stop you from stealing their food. I wasn't saying you were wrong, I was just poking fun by lampooning the game.

Kurai Angelo

New member
Oct 12, 2009
Elamdri said:
Well, yeah, except for the fact that elves aren't real. ;)
Sarcasm aside, if you're going to use that as a retort then your whole rant was moot in the first place.

Elamdri said:
Because I'm old and change frightens me.
Well, tough shit old timer. The world changes everyday, live with it or go lock yourself in a cupboard and ride it out untill 2012.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Elamdri said:
lacktheknack said:
Elamdri said:
This is hyperbole, but if Bethesda made elves three feet tall, with 7 arms, red skin, and horns, then they can call them elves all they want, but they're not elves.
Ironically enough, this would be CLOSER to classic elves. They were tiny devilish troublemakers before the likes of Tolkien came in and rewrote them.
Sure, but here's the deal. TES is a classic, high fantasy game. Tolkien's elves have been the accepted norm for elves for about 60 years now. Now if you wanna make some deviation from the high fantasy Genre, fine, but when we're talking about TES, there are some expectations I think, and what they've put out don't meet those expectations in my opinion.

Tolkien WON. Elves LOOK like human beings. They may not have to look like supermodels, but they're general appearance should be human. Especially in a game series that bleeds as much Tolkien and D&D as TES.
if that's what you think, don't play morrowind, you might get an aneurysm.

they look like elder scrolls elves. not much left to say.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Midnight Crossroads said:
I find the Elder Scrolls in general suffers from poor aesthetics. It's been a major hurdle to my enjoyment ever since Morrowind.

You'll either have to get used to it or wait until mods come out.
You know, I have to agree somewhat. Really, the only races I like in the Elder Scrolls are the Khajit, the Argonians, and the Orcs because quite frankly they're exactly what I expect.

I mean, I've said too much on the elves already, and if I keep going someone is going to threaten to burn my house down for having a minority opinion and being vocal and adversarial about it.

That being said, the Bretons, Nords, and Imperials are none too impressive either. Especially the women. I remember last year that someone from Bethesda said they would do a better job on the women in Skyrim and frankly, I feel lied to.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
The only thing that really bothers me about the elves, is the eyes. But I don't personally mind the way they did elves. It's not like you have to follow presets or anything - make an elf that YOU like. I think just about all elves in Skyrim are ugly, but I made an Altmer that I thought was actually semi-pretty, if a little manly around the mouth, but I couldn't figure out how to make that more feminine. Elves aren't human. Elvenkind doesn't look like Humankind, and Bethesda has only come to support that. So +1 for Bethesda.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Kurai Angelo said:
Elamdri said:
Well, yeah, except for the fact that elves aren't real. ;)
Sarcasm aside, if you're going to use that as a retort then your whole rant was moot in the first place.

Elamdri said:
Because I'm old and change frightens me.
Well, tough shit old timer. The world changes everyday, live with it or go lock yourself in a cupboard and ride it out untill 2012.
You do realize I'm not being that serious right?


New member
Oct 22, 2011
Elamdri said:
why the giants can send you flying 5000 feet into the air, why a viking asked me after purchasing my home if I wanted to see the viking home decorating guide, why vikings have a home decorating guide,
I'm sorry, I'm having trouble understanding you. You mention these two points as if they're bad and not awesome.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
TheCowman said:
Elamdri said:
why the giants can send you flying 5000 feet into the air, why a viking asked me after purchasing my home if I wanted to see the viking home decorating guide, why vikings have a home decorating guide,
I'm sorry, I'm having trouble understanding you. You mention these two points as if they're bad and not awesome.
Ok, the Giants admittedly are kinda cool.



Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Elamdri said:
What the hell was Bethesda thinking? The elves in Skyrim look absolutely HIDEOUS.
Could you give us some specific examples of exactly what it is you find hideous about them? I think they look fine. They look like... well... elves.

Who cares if they aren't good looking to humans? Unless you're a disappointed elf fetishist or something. Which is fine with me, whatever you're into.


New member
Dec 8, 2007
Elamdri (isn't that the name of some elf from something or other?) hasn't really set up an intelligent, meaningful debate here. He's blowing off steam and having a laugh. He doesn't like the look of the elves. I don't like them either, but it doesn't bother me as much. Some people do like them, to varying degrees. There's not much more for any of us to say about it, so yeah: kind of a pointless thread. But we all chose to chime in, so there's no reason for anyone to get offended. Dude wants to riff on Skyrim, making fun of not-so-scarce food, baskets-on-heads, and weird-looking elves, among other things.. and so far, it's been somewhat entertaining. Let's all calm down. I think some more funny pictures of elves are in order.

Kurai Angelo

New member
Oct 12, 2009
Elamdri said:
Kurai Angelo said:
Elamdri said:
Well, yeah, except for the fact that elves aren't real. ;)
Sarcasm aside, if you're going to use that as a retort then your whole rant was moot in the first place.

Elamdri said:
Because I'm old and change frightens me.
Well, tough shit old timer. The world changes everyday, live with it or go lock yourself in a cupboard and ride it out untill 2012.
You do realize I'm not being that serious right?
The world changes everyday, live with it or go lock yourself in a cupboard and ride it out untill 2012.

Ride it out untill 2012.

untill 2012.

You do realise I'm not being that serious either right?

Really though, don't make an apparent big deal about something (whether you mean't to or not is beside the point, I'm sure everyone will agree you've come across quite forcefull in your opinions) and then say "Well, yeah, except for the fact that elves aren't real." I'm sure that would have annoyed you if someone had told you to stop complaining because Elves aren't real because you obviously feel quite strongly about all this.