Skyrim physical copies have no data on the discs


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Well not taking this to be true as the games not yet released. However, if this does turn out to be true... then everyone who sat there defending companies and do so using terms like straw man and slippery slope, this will stand as the testament. Its not dwelling on worst case scenarios, things like this DO happen and will continue to happen until the people with the power (the people holding the money) step in and put a stop to these kinds of practices by withholding that money when they attempt garbage like this.

Kurt Kobain said:
Just because your paranoid, Don't mean there not after you.
However I am strongly doubting this is true anyway. Guess we find out for certain next week.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
lacktheknack said:
Caniroth said:
This is not true, I've got the Skyrim DVD as well, and it has data on it, it just won't let you install it untill 11-11-11 (it checks with Steam though, but you won't have to download it, well, maybe you'll have to download a patch :) ).
Oh, snap! OP should see this...
I did see it. Thanks to Caniroth for the info. so what data is on the disc then?

Danz D Man

New member
Jun 26, 2008
Wait...on Steam it says it is "available" on November 10, but I thought the release date was the 11th...what is this madness? I haven't bought a new release game on Steam yet, being recent to the PC gaming scene. Anyone care to enlighten me?


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Mr.Tea said:
neonsword13-ops said:
Console gaming for da win! BAD FORUMITE!

OT: But seriously, that sucks. The Steam servers are going to be very busy come 11/11/11.
No, the servers are busy right now because people can start pre-loading Skyrim as of about an hour ago.

Like I said in another thread: If Valve only unlocked the downloads for everyone at the same time at launch, they might as well be 'DDoS'ing themselves.
Are you sure? I pre-bought but it has started downloading yet. I have been expecting it to download but be locked but so far it just sits there.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?

EDIT- i bet the people who buy PC games from RL shops also have VHS players, a CRT monitor and music on cassettes.
You say the last part like owning those things would be bad.

I've got plenty of kick ass movies on VHS, a Sculpture I made out of old CRT monitors, and plenty of classics on cassette tapes. Why would I throw them away?

As much as I enjoy the convenience of downloading a PC game from Steam, my monthly bandwidth cap sometimes gets in the way. Therefore, I'd prefer to get a physical copy to avoid having to pay extra should I exceed the cap. It's just common sense.

I mean, unless you're the type that wouldn't mind paying extra money for no reason. Then again, I'm assuming you're living somewhere where you don't have to worry about limited Bandwidth. That's good for you, but the rest of us get the shaft in situations like these.

Why would they give the option of picking up the game at a physical store if the disk redirects to an online one? That's beyond stupid.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
zacman5001 said:
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?
I get most of my games from steam, But there's no way I'm downloading 5Gb+ games if I don't have to. Canadian ISP's have low download caps.
"Looks at catalogue of over 10 5Gig games acquired through Steam in the past few months."

"Checks map, sees that he lives in Canada."

"Remembers that these games only took an hour to download each."

5Gb+ games shouldn't really be an issue in Canada...

Me and most of my friends that use Steam don't even blink at 5Gb games.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Arluza said:
lacktheknack said:
Caniroth said:
This is not true, I've got the Skyrim DVD as well, and it has data on it, it just won't let you install it untill 11-11-11 (it checks with Steam though, but you won't have to download it, well, maybe you'll have to download a patch :) ).
Oh, snap! OP should see this...
I did see it. Thanks to Caniroth for the info. so what data is on the disc then?
Four big data packages, or well, around 5,1 GB worth of data. I guess you'll get the same packages if you preload from Steam :).


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Danz D Man said:
Wait...on Steam it says it is "available" on November 10, but I thought the release date was the 11th...what is this madness? I haven't bought a new release game on Steam yet, being recent to the PC gaming scene. Anyone care to enlighten me?
11/10/11 at 10 pm PST. Which is 11/11/11 at 1 am EST. So at least in the US with it will download on 11/10 or 11/11 is a mater of which timezone you happen to be in.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?

EDIT- i bet the people who buy PC games from RL shops also have VHS players, a CRT monitor and music on cassettes.
There was originally talk of a cloth map, which was revealed to be lie. That was the only reason I considered buying it from the store. But, lesson learned. I mean, the only reason I considered a source besides Steam was because it was a Steamworks title.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
Kitsuna10060 said:
Aris Khandr said:
Well frak. If true, this is really going to upset a friend of mine in NZ. They have a download cap, and Skyrim would chew hers up like a pack of wolves on a steak.
>.> have you TOLD her yet? cause i can already hear her raging at this
No. Because I refuse to get her upset any sooner than needed. If Friday comes and that is the case, she'll rage then. If not, no sense in getting her mad for three days over nothing.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Protip: buy it on steam asap and start preloading. That's what I did, and I will be able to play it as soon as it comes out.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Aris Khandr said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
Aris Khandr said:
Well frak. If true, this is really going to upset a friend of mine in NZ. They have a download cap, and Skyrim would chew hers up like a pack of wolves on a steak.
>.> have you TOLD her yet? cause i can already hear her raging at this
No. Because I refuse to get her upset any sooner than needed. If Friday comes and that is the case, she'll rage then. If not, no sense in getting her mad for three days over nothing.
*nods nods* for the best, x.x hope its not true for her sake, she's already to limited in what she can do DL wise :/ be a massive kick to the teeth if a game she wants screws her over to


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Well, if true, thank God I can't get it until January. By then we'll have switched to 200-500 GB a month from how much bandwidth the modem wants to give us a month.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
Baresark said:
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?

EDIT- i bet the people who buy PC games from RL shops also have VHS players, a CRT monitor and music on cassettes.
There was originally talk of a cloth map, which was revealed to be lie. you have a source that says the premium map is a lie? Because i have not been able to find one article, blog or announcement stating that it's a lie.

Bethesda has stated that the Premium map will be made of a similar material to Burlap


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Mr.Tea said:
jthwilliams said:
Mr.Tea said:
neonsword13-ops said:
Console gaming for da win! BAD FORUMITE!

OT: But seriously, that sucks. The Steam servers are going to be very busy come 11/11/11.
No, the servers are busy right now because people can start pre-loading Skyrim as of about an hour ago.

Like I said in another thread: If Valve only unlocked the downloads for everyone at the same time at launch, they might as well be 'DDoS'ing themselves.
Are you sure? I pre-bought but it has started downloading yet. I have been expecting it to download but be locked but so far it just sits there.
Yes I'm sure. [] However, I don't expect pre-loading to start everywhere at the same time, since the whole point of it is to spare the content servers that kind of traffic.

Or you might just be in a different time zone?
yeah, your are probably right. they may doing it in batches or by time zone


New member
Oct 31, 2008
....people have limited download's on their internet plan?

Wow. I Guess the 1990's sucked.
Jan 22, 2011
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?

EDIT- i bet the people who buy PC games from RL shops also have VHS players, a CRT monitor and music on cassettes.
I see what you did thar... I order pc games offline "again visual novels but that's not what's on topic here". I can understand why people are pissed off at this.. but what can you do?