So apparently JonTron is a racist


New member
Oct 12, 2013
Zontar said:
PapaGreg096 said:
Where did you get that fact from
The FBI given the conviction rate based on race and cross-referenced with income. Unless there's a massive conspiracy that no one has been able to uncover the existence of, rich black young men are marginally more likely to commit a crime then poor white men are.
Give me an example of people displacing white Americans similar to white Americans displacing Native Americans.
Well first and foremost would be mass immigration. Hell in a move that makes the claim that the left is inherently educated have no basis in reality, when Ann Coulter and Cenk Uygur had their debate a few years back and one of them mentioned whites becoming a minority in the US if trends don't change, the mostly liberal crowed applauded because apparently the stereotype of the American who never looks beyond his country's boarders is true given the state of Brazil and South Africa.

Add to that the fact this colonisation is being done at our own expense no less, with the vast majority of those coming in through mass immigration being life long net drains on our welfare states, especially in places like Germany and Sweden, and you then on top of it all have progressives spend a few decades actively creating a white identity through the use of their identity politics, this all culminates in the only logical response you could imagine with these factors at play: native whites are (not incorrectly) perceiving this as colonisation of their lands at their own expense. This just happens to be the first time in history such an act is happening without a war having been lost.

The worst part of it all is, given how the Western world uses a democratic model, and people will vote in their self interest, the right wing swing we're seeing across the West is only going to continue until the problem is solved one way or another. With socialist parties choosing the peace in our time route, that terrifies me since I actually paid attention in history class.
Can I have a citation for that for the whole FBI data crossing Race and income

And mass immigration is really different from what the colonist did to the native americans, its not like they settled in land they were killing Native Americans


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
Zontar said:
Story said:
Appearently a lot of the fans are struggling with separating Jon's work with his political views because even if they aren't outright stated
I'd wait a week or two before taking anything on r/jontron as being from his fans. The place is currently being brigaded by people who are new, and I can't for the life of me believe that so many people who claim to have been lurkers are suddenly posting about the same general thing at the same time while never having posted before.
That still doesn't dissuade from my point about separating artist from art based on how much of those views actually show themselves in the work. though perhaps I shouldn't have said "a lot" maybe "some"?

Also...I appreciate the heads up, but I'm having a hard time believing at least the snippets that I read on there weren't from his real fans. For a few reasons: First you can't decide how dedicated someone is based off of post count. Heck I'd say I'm an Ecapist fan, I've been here from years and lurked even longer and don't even have 1k posts yet. I read Reddit daily but I don't have an account. Second, While people do often sign up just to troll a group. They usually don't open up half hearted concerned discussions like "I'm so conflicted about JonTron" or "Its hard to decided when to separate artist from art." Thirdly many people sign up to new forms during a conflict to discuss it espically of they feel passionate about it. I would sign up to my favorite YouTubers Reddit too if I felt it was a safer or meaningful place to debate something than in the YouTube comment section. And lastly I've seen fans on other sites discuss this with similar vibes, including The Escapist with at least one other person and the OP (I'm willing to bet) who aren't really happy about Jon at the moment or at least disappointed.

To be fair, the OP mentioned that many people were on his side with this, I've only been looking at one view. But I doubt his fandom would only have one side (his supporters).


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
PapaGreg096 said:
And mass immigration is really different from what the colonist did to the native americans, its not like they settled in land they were killing Native Americans
While they aren't perfectly analogous (there isn't a wave of early-contact diseases killing 98% of the population after all) the point remains that the demographics of Western nations are being changed with the formerly liberal democrat population being rapidly overtaken by a much faster growing foreign theocratic one. With the trends of the past 20 years, for example, Germany will in 3 generations be an islamic nation, something that has never in history ended well for the non-Muslim population of such a nation. One need only look at Lebanon for a recent example, but frankly every single majority islamic nation in history serves as an example.

The fact this settlement is being done at the cost of natives is also unusual since as I stated previously there was no war lost for such a situation to arise from in the first place. Not a conventional war anyway. While one could mention China's colonialism in Africa as being another example of peacetime settlement, at least they don't have locals flipping the bill for it all. Can't say the same here, where a breathtaking number of people are under the impression mass immigration and a strong welfare state are compatible instead of being in complete opposition to each other.

Story said:
To be fair, the OP mentioned that many people were on his side with this, I've only been looking at one view. But I doubt his fandom would only have one side (his supporters).
To be blunt most of his fans will not care since he's never infused his politics in his work, which is actually why many of the social justice types thought he could be won over.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Zontar said:
PapaGreg096 said:
And mass immigration is really different from what the colonist did to the native americans, its not like they settled in land they were killing Native Americans
While they aren't perfectly analogous (there isn't a wave of early-contact diseases killing 98% of the population after all) the point remains that the demographics of Western nations are being changed with the formerly liberal democrat population being rapidly overtaken by a much faster growing foreign theocratic one. With the trends of the past 20 years, for example, Germany will in 3 generations be an islamic nation, something that has never in history ended well for the non-Muslim population of such a nation. One need only look at Lebanon for a recent example, but frankly every single majority islamic nation in history serves as an example.

The fact this settlement is being done at the cost of natives is also unusual since as I stated previously there was no war lost for such a situation to arise from in the first place. Not a conventional war anyway. While one could mention China's colonialism in Africa as being another example of peacetime settlement, at least they don't have locals flipping the bill for it all. Can't say the same here, where a breathtaking number of people are under the impression mass immigration and a strong welfare state are compatible instead of being in complete opposition to each other.
Let's replace "aren't perfectly analogous" with "doesn't work at all." Are there mass killings? Organized military operations? Human atrocities on the level of the trail of tears?

The utter trampling of a technologically inferior culture? Get those and then it can be compared. Not until then. The Native American population went from 10 million in the 15th century to around 300,000 in the 1900s.

And you honestly think Muslim immigration is in the same ballpark? Not even close to a hundredth close.

Also, three generations? Call me crazy, but I don't think the situations that are causing Muslims to immigrate are going to remain static for three generations. Also I'm a little skeptical about arguments about how Muslim majority countries are violent when very freaking similar claims were made against my ancestors, the Irish. Apparently we hated English civilization, religion, industry, and were a vicious people whose history was a cycle of bigotry and blood. We've been down this path before, and I'm in no hurry to see someone else walk it.

Let's not go back to No Irish Need Apply.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
erttheking said:
Let's replace "aren't perfectly analogous" with "doesn't work at all." Are there mass killings? Organized military operations? Human atrocities on the level of the trail of tears?
Well mass killings really depends on what you consider "mass", but then again for the first century of European settlement in America the answers are pretty much the same as the current situation.
The utter trampling of a technologically inferior culture? Get those and then it can be compared. Not until then. The Native American population went from 10 million in the 15th century to around 300,000 in the 1900s.
And it went from 100 million to 5 million in the initial decades after contact, with the real atrocities having begun only after colonies had been firmly established and the centuries long war had reached the point of no return.
And you honestly think Muslim immigration is in the same ballpark?
I could just list every single islamic nation to show that yes, it is, but then people love to forget the sheer unparalleled brutality with which that religion was spread, especially in India, making it remarkably violent and brutal even when taking into consideration how this sort of spreading is the norm in human history.
Also, three generations? Call me crazy, but I don't think the situations that are causing Muslims to immigrate are going to remain static for three generations.
The problem isn't sustained immigration at this point (though if Merkel remains in power it will still remain as the single largest driving force behind it), the problem is reproduction. Germans are having too few children and have for a long time, the population has been stagnant for decades now and in East Germany the population was already declining before unification.

The immigrant population on the other hand has a significantly higher then replacement level birth rate. Even if immigration stopped cold turkey, you'd need to have Germans change their family planning pattern for the younger of us here not to see it become an islamic nations.
Also I'm a little skeptical about arguments about how Muslim majority countries are violent,y when very freaking similar claims were made against my ancestors, the Irish.
So don't believe our lying eyes and the totality of Islamic history and its relation with every single non-Islamic entity from its inception until now?

Sorry, but the comparisons with Ireland are even worst then comparing the current settlement of the West with that of the Americas.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
undeadsuitor said:
I bet Arin and Danny are glad they dodged that bullet.
I was pretty much thinking just this as I was scrolling down... I hope they don't comment on it, they should just stay far away from the situation.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
erttheking said:
Also I'm a little skeptical about arguments about how Muslim majority countries are violent when very freaking similar claims were made against my ancestors, the Irish. Apparently we hated English civilization, religion, industry, and were a vicious people whose history was a cycle of bigotry and blood. We've been down this path before, and I'm in no hurry to see someone else walk it.
But...this time for real! We were wrong about the Irish, the Jews, the blacks, the Italians and the Spanish, but if we keep claiming it, sooner or later we'll be right, surely?

Personally, I'm thinking it might be the New Zealanders.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Zontar said:
That's not saying a lot in your favor, considering the killing was being done by small isolated colonies without a dedicated infrastructure in uncharted territory. If the killings done by tiny groups are comparable to the killings done by millions of immigrants, I'm really struggling to see how the Muslims immigrants could possibly step up their game.

Your point? It happening later doesn't stop it from being part of the way colonials treated the Native Americans. And thank you for bringing that other statistic up. How is the current situation comparable to a situation where populations dropped by 95%? Where's the white population that dropped by 95% across an entire continent?

Immigration. Read my words. We are talking about the countries those people immigrated to, not the ones they came from. I'm sorry, but I have a hard time imagining a total Muslim takeover of Germany. Might have something to do with the fact that it sounds like something Eric Cartman would warn us about. (That and I'm really straining my imagination to figure out how they would all get to the top of political and economic institutions, considering the elitism that tends to go with them.)

Your argument hinged entirely on the fact that these statistics are going to remain static for the better part of a century. Something I find hard to swallow. Doubly so when birth rates among immigrants tend to drop from the first generation to the second. And even more so if they get access to good education.

More like I have a hard time swallowing that an entire people is irredeemable and cannot leave peacefully alongside others. But what do I know? I'm " wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious".

Yeah, it really isn't. It was viewed as morally acceptable to not hire us based on race, as well as riot and beat us up, but that shit doesn't fly anymore. Thank Christ for that.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
erttheking said:
That's not saying a lot in your favor, considering the killing was being done by small isolated colonies without a dedicated infrastructure in uncharted territory. If the killings done by tiny groups are comparable to the killings done by millions of immigrants, I'm really struggling to see how the Muslims immigrants could possibly step up their game.
Well they found a way in the previously Christian Lebanon, as well as every other country they are now the majority in. I have my doubts we'd find the first ever exception to the rule here.
Your point? It happening later doesn't stop it from being part of the way colonials treated the Native Americans. And thank you for bringing that other statistic up. How is the current situation comparable to a situation where populations dropped by 95%? Where's the white population that dropped by 95% across an entire continent?
My point remains the early part of settlement, when alliances with different native tribes against other native tribes was the norm as a part of politics, has quite a few parallels with what's happening now (right down to the political theatre), with the largest differences being the lack of diseases ravishing the place (making it more in line with African colonialism then American one) and the fact the native groups in the current situation are the ones financing their own settlement.
Immigration. Read my words. We are talking about the countries those people immigrated to, not the ones they came from. I'm sorry, but I have a hard time imagining a total Muslim takeover of Germany. Might have something to do with the fact that it sounds like something Eric Cartman would warn us about. (That and I'm really straining my imagination to figure out how they would all get to the top of political and economic institutions, considering the elitism that tends to go with them.)
Just because maths is hard doesn't mean anyone has a justification for not understanding how one group facing negative growth and a smaller group facing explosive growth will inevitably lead to the smaller group overtaking the other. The previously smaller group doesn't even need to take over institutions, it just needs to get larger given the democratic system at play. We already have mainstream political parties capitulating to their unreasonable demands and they're still supposedly a fringe minority.
Your argument hinged entirely on the fact that these statistics are going to remain static for the better part of a century. Something I find hard to swallow. Doubly so when birth rates among immigrants tend to drop from one generation to the next. And even more so if they get access to good education.
Well on the German side of things the birth rate has remained fairly consistent for decades now, so there's no reason to suspect that'll change any time soon. As for that of the immigrants, while it's true non-Islamic immigrants tend to have their birth rate normalise with that of the general population after the first generation, second and third generation Turks and Pakistanis in Germany and the UK have not followed this trend, so expecting it to change is also unreasonable.
More like I have a hard time swallowing that an entire people is irredeemable and cannot leave peacefully alongside others.
Well if true that makes you a rare exception amongst the modern left given its open views on the white working class. Not that I'm complaining, that's assured a populist takeover of Europe as not only a matter of when but of how quickly it'll happen.
Yeah, it really isn't. It was viewed as morally acceptable to not hire us based on race, as well as riot and beat us up, but that shit doesn't fly anymore. Thank Christ for that.
So the Irish then where worst off then any demographic is today unless far left fascists like Antifa accuse them of being like them but the wrong shade of fascist.

I don't really see how that changes the fact that a large number of people who hold views that are fundamentally incompatible with those of a Western nation have been let into Europe without vetting, who will never be net contributors to European society, who have created a social crisis not seen since the interwar period and has seen the response by the traditional left and right leaning parties been so criminally incompetent the populist takeover of Europe through the ballot box is now nothing more then a formality and the EU is already dead.

I honestly hope that things get cleared up sooner rather then later because the longer it takes the more violent it will be. White people, for all you can say about us, are very destructive when we get pushed too far. One need only look at the last time whites had a race riot, nothing the black supremacists fuelled riots of the past decade can compare to that one, hundreds dead, a town flattened, and civilian aircraft used as bombers.

Terrifying stuff.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
jon no...

Ok so...Im a huge Jontron fan, so I want this to not be true. Now, I have watched alot of Game Grumps, and rewatch his era often, and well, one he tends towards left-wing views, and two...he SUCKS at articulating his views. I dont want to pull a Trump move and say "He doesnt mean anything he says" but I have listened to too many debates he had with Arin where he was totally right, but argued and explained his side absolutely terribly.

I am going to have to watch this whole thing myself before I determine whatever though, cause I dont really trust other's to filter this for me. It is gonna really bum me out though if he said some straight up racist shit.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Mk, well maybe I'll take a look at it, but from what's I read here and what reactions I've gathered in context, I just can't get a feel for whether Jon Tron is possibly justified or not. So until I steel my brain for cringe and exasperation, just answer;

Jon Tron is a Trump supporter? Yes or no?

Because "yes" would make things pretty fucking conclusive real fast.

Edit: Son of a *****, 2 hours of that? I dunno.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
This is some thread you got here. When Saelune gets to be the voice of reason i think people are really trying to hunt for demons that dont exist. I have not seen the debate (nor i have interest in doing so, i dont follow his content) but the quotes given in OP are not racist, they are either a factual observation (such as crimerate) or his opinion, such as him not remmebering Trump saying anything racist. He may simply not remmeber the mexican judge incident and in this case what he siad is correct - he does not remmeber anything trump said thats racist. Shit, you people got me to defend trump again. fucking hell.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Strazdas said:
This is some thread you got here. When Saelune gets to be the voice of reason i think people are really trying to hunt for demons that dont exist. I have not seen the debate (nor i have interest in doing so, i dont follow his content) but the quotes given in OP are not racist, they are either a factual observation (such as crimerate) or his opinion, such as him not remmebering Trump saying anything racist. He may simply not remmeber the mexican judge incident and in this case what he siad is correct - he does not remmeber anything trump said thats racist. Shit, you people got me to defend trump again. fucking hell.
Dont backhand compliment me just yet. I am a fan who wants to believe Jon is a good person and that there is no way this is true. I am biased in favor of Jon, where as if this was someone I did not care for, it would be easier for me to presume they really are racist and move on without more context.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
MHR said:
Jon Tron is a Trump supporter? Yes or no?

Because "yes" would make things pretty fucking conclusive real fast.
Not sure how that's relevant, but in a stream he did with Sargon last month he stated he voted for Obama twice but couldn't bring himself to support Clinton.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Strazdas said:
Shit, you people got me to defend trump again. fucking hell.
That's what happens when fake news and the democrats try to paint him as literally Hitler without a hint of irony, then have to deal with the fact that no matter how much he does, good or bad, there's no realistic way Trump can fuck up so badly that he looks anywhere near as bad as they pretend he is.

I mean just look at how much of a big deal Maddow made of releasing his tax forms from 2005, which showed he paid 25% of his income to Federal Income Tax, which was more then Obama, Sander or COMCAST for that year, making them all look bad in the process, and on top of that killed the idea he doesn't pay taxes.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Well I should probably look at it, but I know Jontron is a smart person. Almost everything about his comedy is on point. A dumb guy just couldn't write that himself, I don't care who you are. I don't know any Trump supporters that are that smart, so if Jontron likes Trump, this forces me to rethink things a bit.

Edit: I don't at all buy that Trump is "literally Hitler," but he's just everything that's wrong in a leader that doesn't involve having already been a politician before. Almost every thing about him is fake, or a lie, or gross incompetence.

Edit2: And lots of people couldn't drag themselves to openly support Clinton, so that doesn't tell us much.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Zontar said:
Still waiting on the millions of dead people to make this comparison anyway near relevant. Also, Lebanon is kind of a developing country. Not really comparable to the economic juggernaut of Germany.

The Native American tribes regularly went to war with each other, something the colonials actively played up. I don't recall Muslim immigrants ever manipulating first world countries into going to war with each other. This comparison does not work. Mainly due to balances of power. Colonials were backed by economic and militaristic juggernauts, where as Muslim immigrants are not unified in anyway and lack the backing of world powers. This comparison was dead on arrival.

Zontar, you have to bring in actual numbers before you can snarkily mock me for not being good at math. Zontar, I have a hard time swallowing western democracies signing off on the things that make Islamic states to horrible to live in, just because they've passed some laws you disagree with (that's what I have to assume because you're being vague with what these unreasonable demands are.) Also, this shows how the comparison doesn't really work. Colonials didn't infiltrate Native American culture and rig their elections.

Gonna need a citation on that one.

Please tell me how you think the left views the working class, because I have a nagging feeling it's not 100% accurate.

Kindly take those fucking words out of my mouth. If you can't argue with me without pulling a strawman argument, don't fucking bother. The only point I was making was that open discrimination doesn't fly in the western world anymore.

And I don't see how this is comparable to colonials and Native Americans. They will never be net contributors...based on the source of "because I say so." That's a classic anti-immigration tactic BTW. The idea that immigrants can't ever amount to anything. It's never really held water and I don't see it holding water here. A social crisis not seen since the interwar period? You know what I find rather amusing? People constantly talking about what a hellhole Germany has become, followed up by Germans saying "Huh, news to me. Must be another Germany." I've seen it quite a bit across the web. "The EU is dead." Last time I checked the organization was still around and Scotland was chomping at the bit to get back in, so let's put the hyperbole away please.

...I really don't see how you talking about how violent white people can be helps your argument at all. Kind of hurts it actually.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Strazdas said:
the quotes given in OP are not racist, they are either a factual observation (such as crimerate)
Still waiting on a source for that crime rate. No one has produced it yet.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
This is what makes listening to this audio really fucking hard for me. 10 minutes in and I already know where everything is heading because I've seen it before. Destiny and a lot of the left takes overly reductionist logic to try and nail in a narrative of base ill-intention by anyone they want to paint as racist or possibly so. Pragmatism has no room to breathe in their narrative. If a study gives out results stating one demographic is different than another in a negative way, it's explained away or ignored. The simple idea that police more heavily patrol minority neighborhoods is actually institutional racism to the far left, despite that being where more crime generally occurs.

I don't know how much of the troubles in Europe as a by-product of immigration are actually true. However many liberals would dismiss any action out of hand that they could interpreted as targeting someone who's "oppressed," and are far too willing, I think, to keep giving bad people the benefit of the doubt. I don't care to research it because I just can't be bothered.

The majority of the right on the other hand is just stupid, and often willfully misinformed. I have seen time and again that many conservatives readily believe ridiculous conspiracy theories that prove their biases, or grossly hyperbolize a cherry-picked fact. There's no point in trying to debate someone staunchly conservative, because often by their own admission, how they "feel" is more important that how facts are presented. It's a hopeless waste of time to try and debate feelings.

Ill try my very best to get through this video.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
MHR said:
I don't know any Trump supporters that are that smart, so if Jontron likes Trump, this forces me to rethink things a bit.
It should be remembered that Trump won the higher educated white vote over Clinton, and both did pretty close on all levels of education, so there's no correlation between one's stance on the election and one's level of intellect.

erttheking said:
Lebanon is kind of a developing country. Not really comparable to the economic juggernaut of Germany.
Lebanon was also once about the equivalent of the Baltics and South Korea today: the fine line between industrialised and developing. Then they had the same problem Iran had in terms of an Islamic theocratic take over, though unlike in Iran many Lebanese fought back leading to a decades long war.

The Native American tribes regularly went to war with each other, something the colonials actively played up. I don't recall Muslim immigrants ever manipulating first world countries into going to war with each other.
That wasn't the parallel I was drying, I was drawing a parallel between the fact that in peace time settlers took sides in native politics, many times when it didn't make much sense on the surface. We can see this with the same happening with national politics, where political parties that by their claimed ideologies could never rationally get support from Islamists are getting just that (of course a left leaning party that supports left leaning principles is rare these days so there's also that to deal with)

I have a hard time swallowing western democracies signing off on the things that make Islamic states to horrible to live in, just because they've passed some laws you disagree with
So you're saying that the march towards theocracy which is already well under way in places, such as my own nation which is rapidly killing freedom of speech, a founding pillar of Western society, is nothing to be afraid of, and the history of Islamic takeover of nations being repeated is something that should be ignored because for some reason despite the fact it happened in the Middle East, despite the fact it happened in North Africa, despite the fact it happened in Central Asia, despite the fact it happened in India, and despite the fact it happened in Europe once before already, it somehow can't happen here.

As someone who has studied history, I don't for a moment buy the claim that we are seeing the first time the cycle appears to be repeating itself without that actually being the case.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Please tell me how you think the left views the working class, because I have a nagging feeling it's not 100% accurate.
You mean apart from the Democrats and Labour openly holding them in contempt and advocating policies that harm them? Because as recently as the very stream that was complained about in the OP you had a democrat complaining that the slave labour illegal immigrant labour in California needs to be kept because despite the fact it's harmful to the working class it's somehow good for the economy as a whole.

Now I'm not a fan of class warfare, but between the betterment of the working class and the betterment of the better off, I think which side the liberal-in-name-only parties should be taking.
Kindly take those fucking words out of my mouth. If you can't argue with me without pulling a strawman argument, don't fucking bother. The only point I was making was that open discrimination doesn't fly in the western world anymore.
On the contrary, open discrimination does fly in the Western world, it just has to be against whites and Asians.

hey will never be net contributors...based on the source of "because I say so." That's a classic anti-immigration tactic BTW
Actually it's a simple acknowledgement of the fact that uneducated, unskilled labour that doesn't even speak the local language who have absolutely no demand for there presence in the workforce by the market, who are doomed to never find employment outside of a rare select few, will not be able to suddenly start being productive members of society. This isn't the strawman of "immigrants can't ever amount to anything", it's the objective statement of fact that THESE SPECIFIC immigrants will never be a net contribution to the countries they have settled in. You don't see me saying Chinese immigrants won't contribute to the countries they move to, you don't see me saying Indian immigrants won't contribute to the countries they move to, hell if you apply the right type of vetting even underdeveloped nations in Africa can have plenty of immigrants who are net contributors to their societies.

Those who entered Europe as part of this uncontrolled, unvetted Islamic immigration open door, however, will not, as a whole, ever reach the point of the resourced they've produced for society equalling those they've consumed. Because that's what happens when you let in a massive number of people who have no skills, no education, no ability to properly communicate with locals and have no means of properly being integrated to top it all off.

It's not immigrants who are inherently unable to contribute to society, it's just the group we've been discussing here from the very beginning. Of course, you knew that already.

A social crisis not seen since the interwar period?
Well okay, maybe the 60s or 70s had something that could be compared to it, but given how many (liberals, ironically) in Germany are complaining about the economic and social cost of the Migrant Crisis, and the fact it's basically pushing the Socialist and AfD into higher popularity, and the fact most Germans openly want an end to Islamic immigration (though to be fair this is true of pretty much all of Europe) it's pretty clear that something isn't right when the only examples of a German not complaining I've seen these past 3 years are second hand statements by non-Germans, while every German I've seen both online and in real life has been adamant that there's a problem that needs to be solved and like hell is Merkel the one who'll do it.

I've seen it quite a bit across the web. "The EU is dead." Last time I checked the organization was still around and Scotland was chomping at the bit to get back in, so let's put the hyperbole away please.
Yes for now the corps hasn't yet had its pulse stop, but the idea that it isn't doomed is at best naive given the fact its core members upon which it is completely reliant have all made clear they will leave in the near future. In 10 years it'll at best be a German economic bloc over Eastern Europe, and it's doubtful that an independent Scotland could manage to join before that happens even if we ignore the fact Spain would use its veto on it joining.

really don't see how you talking about how violent white people can be helps your argument at all. Kind of hurts it actually.
It's actually neutral to it since it doesn't relate to the subject at hand. My simple point with it is that I hope that a peaceful solution like repatriation of the Syrians once the war is over (as well as the illegals who are the bulk of the crisis being sent to their home nations as well) will be taken before it reaches the point of violence. I don't want Yugoslavia to be remembered as a sign of things to come.