So Dawnguard is out and its pretty much broken.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Ohhh, this is just sugary sweet. All the people who mocked and gloated against us PC-goers for getting it on PC and shoved the earlier releases into our faces, looks like you just found out why the PC's better.

Where you guys have to get stuck with an unstartable quest...

*SetStage *


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
SpectacularWebHead said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Enjoy being beta testers Xbox users! Thank Microsoft for giving PS3 and PC more time to fix the kinks out.
You do realise that
A) This is bethesda, if they find bugs they aren't going to change them.
B) PC versions of any game, especially something as big as skyrim are terrible at even starting, IDK about ps3.
and C) We got it before you. Be as douchey as you like, you still have to wait for the exact same product because you made a bad decision when you choose your gaming platform.

Shush Slackbladder, let the knowledgeable do talking.
(See, I did a flashheart reference, cuz he's cool and so is rik mayall.)
A) Bethesda does correct bugs and anything not exactly intuitive, off the top of my head I can tell you they've fixed the wonky dragon flying, the things with Paarthurnax where you can have a conversation while he's doing loopy dee loops in the sky and even moved a stone of Barenziah out of a place you can't get back into to a more accessible location. How do you... oh, do you not know about automatic updates and patches? Does Xbox not have that available to them?

B) I don't understand what you are saying here? Starting it up as in installing it? Because PSThree needs to do that too, and since he don't know about them I hazard a guess that you aren't talking about that. If you mean starting it up I double click the icon on my desktop, press play, watch the Bethesda screen thing, double tap enter, and wait a maximum of eight seconds for the game to load up. (Every subsequent loading takes about two seconds, so your later argument about slow loading times are stupid, also low res? Har har, very funny.)

C) Oh now I get why you said A), it's so you can try to assert that they won't change anything for the PC release.
Doesn't change the fact that A) is wrong thus making C) wrong too, you are taking a day one release where PC is more or less taking their time and waiting for a few patches before we buy it.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
I seriously had no trouble starting the quest. Some orc approached me about the Dawnguard on a new save when I wandered into Riverwood. Like immediately. Try waiting in towns for a while or go southeast of Riften to start it manually.


New member
Jun 26, 2011
Is there any information about when the PC release is coming? Not that there's any rush for me to get it since I've subscribed to a heap of nice mods which enhance the experience in just the right ways according to my tastes and needs. That isn't hassle free either ofcourse since many mods are "dirty" and will crash the game. Basically one should be very cautious about new houses, quest and anything that alters the main game since they will very likely just crash the game and render it completely unplayable.

It's the same as it was with Oblivion: Just playing the vanilla game seemed like a flawed experience but with careful modding it turned into more immersive and interesting journey :) Maybe this kind of remark should on a separate thread but since we've talked a bit about mods, I felt that it was relevant enough to be added here. Happy gaming everybody!


New member
Nov 21, 2010
The Unworthy Gentleman said:
No, as per my Bethesda game worked fine and so did the DLC. I experienced the same thing with Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3, though I bought them after all the patches were released, and Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim both worked fine, as did their DLC.

The actual amount of people affected by bugs in Bethesda games is blown out of proportion by the infamous vocal minority.

Now, if we can just get some DLC relating to the Thalmor before I leave for uni that'll be great.
Aye, I got Skyrim on release, and aside from the 2gb RAM issue, which wasn't a bug as such. I've had no problems with any of their games. Looking forward to Dawnguard on PC though.
Dec 14, 2009
How did this thread devolve into a platform war?

Goddamn people, you're better than this.

OT: Finished playing through the Vampire faction last night. Not a single bug, so either I'm just lucky or everything is being blown out of proportion.

Keep it classy guys.


New member
Jul 4, 2006
Dawnguard (as did Skyrim) works fine for me - minimal bugs...and nothing that hinders playing. I got the quest by just talking to a random guard in Dawnstar who said something about them.

I recommend getting it - it's basically more Skyrim with a couple of things added, but £15 odd for two new faction quests that last about 7 - 10 hours each? Definitely worth it.


New member
Jun 30, 2012
Elementary - Dear Watson said:
I can see this is already turning into one of those 'type as you play/discover' events you see in other forums... I guess that means the problem is resolved and the thread is now nullified, right? Before we add any spoilers accidentally!?
The only thing I get from this thread is Adultism is a lazy b&^(% who would rather whine and find someone else to solve his game issues then do 2 mins of research to solve his own problems.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Jynthor said:
I think this forum is ready for a lesson about its and it's.
*Looks silently at Jynthor*

Well? I'm waiting. Please start the Lessson! Don't be an info tease.
...I'm not kidding. Do it!

As for Dawngaurd, hope it's as good to play as it looks!
(If I used "it's" wrong, it is your fault!)


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
FelixG said:
Radoh said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
Shush Slackbladder, let the knowledgeable do talking.
(See, I did a flashheart reference, cuz he's cool and so is rik mayall.)
A) Bethesda does correct bugs and anything not exactly intuitive, off the top of my head I can tell you they've fixed the wonky dragon flying, the things with Paarthurnax where you can have a conversation while he's doing loopy dee loops in the sky and even moved a stone of Barenziah out of a place you can't get back into to a more accessible location. How do you... oh, do you not know about automatic updates and patches? Does Xbox not have that available to them?

B) I don't understand what you are saying here? Starting it up as in installing it? Because PSThree needs to do that too, and since he don't know about them I hazard a guess that you aren't talking about that. If you mean starting it up I double click the icon on my desktop, press play, watch the Bethesda screen thing, double tap enter, and wait a maximum of eight seconds for the game to load up. (Every subsequent loading takes about two seconds, so your later argument about slow loading times are stupid, also low res? Har har, very funny.)

C) Oh now I get why you said A), it's so you can try to assert that they won't change anything for the PC release.
Doesn't change the fact that A) is wrong thus making C) wrong too, you are taking a day one release where PC is more or less taking their time and waiting for a few patches before we buy it.
Isnt it always so cute when the uninformed kiddos try to act like they know what they are talking about?

I just wanna pat em on the head, give em a bit of candy and go "Aww its so sweet, you actually think you have a clue! Go on ya lil scamp, go back to your legos."
Aw man, you know what's totally awesome? Legos. I'ma go build some sweet something with them RIGHT NOW.

Captcha: Make my day.
Oh, I plan on it Captcha, legos are afoot.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Adultism said:
I've met at least 5 people who can't start the main quest. Figures Bethesda can't do anything right.

Anyone else having problems with the DLC? Because I have to start a new game to play it
I had trouble myself. To start it there is a tiny little cave you need to go into, it's slightly off a road heading east from Riften. I've started it on 6 characters with no trouble since I learned how to get to the cave, you just have to be level 10.

It's really difficult to spot, the compass indicator kinda points the wrong way, and no one tells you where it is.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Kroxile said:
I dunno bout you, Webhead, but MY PC is designed specifically for gaming...

My 8gb of RAM beats out your 512mb any day.

Sorry your walmart computer can't run more than one app at a time, lol.

SpectacularWebHead said:
Just because it's exclusive doesn't mean that it's good, and bringing it up to convince me of PC gaming superiority is a crap point to make. It's like If I referenced the crap out of Halo or Uncharted (See, multiple consoles, Just don't like PC's). My thoughts are this (And I swear to god if I get more mail about this topic, I will not respond the living fuck out of it) PC games have awkward controls, Lag, Glitches, low resolution for the most part, and slow loading times that you just don't encounter on most consoles. This is not the fault of a developer or company, it is purely so because PC's are capable of doing many things, and gaming is one of them. However it is not the main function of a PC, thus you get unavoidable problems that you will not face on consoles. Now please let me leave this argument.
Glitches? No more than consoles.. Lag.. lol see RAM. low resolution? wat is this, I don't even... slow loading times? o lawd, you really have no clue what you're talking about do you?

All that elitist ranting aside, (I can't help myself when someone blatantly makes an idiot of themselves, even if it makes me an idiot too, sorry) I play my PS3 more than I do my PC due to trophies. Stupid reason? Yes. But, but.. OCD...
Yeeah, but... Not all pc are designed for gaming are they? Most of them aren't, in fact. Like 90% of them, actually. Just because you are part of the ten percent doesn't actually mean you're right, it just means that...You're part of the ten percent of people who enjoy sitting on a laptop more than playing on a console.
As for resoulution, yeah, you have a pc designed for gaming, most people don't and they end up with whatever theirs can run, which isn't always high.
Umm...Lag doesn't really have anything to do with the console, it's actually to do with your internet connection which works outside of the console, and slow loading times aren't really a thing on most games and it can be effected by multiple factors, most of which can't be applied to consoles. Most people who that game largely on pc and aren't elitist tools get these problems regularly (Yahtzee, dude). And for the record, we don't have walmart in england.

To be honest, your experience with pc gaming is irrelevant to most of the pc gaming community, because you're using a method of pc gaming that a lot of people aren't. So most of the stuff you say isn't representative, and your entire argument is flawed. So...Think, before you try to claim other people are being stupid.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
CaptainMarvelous said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
This may not have been clear, I'm not a fanboy to any specific console. I'm a fanboy to many things, chiefly DC comics
Ehh? Spectacular Webhead is a fan of DC? That's like DarkKnightBatman being into Marvel! You... confuse... my... brrrraaaaaiiinnsss

OT: PS3 User, I'll see y'all in a Month when we can play it.
I like ultimate spiderman lots :D


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
I have it, but the only thing I've done with the DLC is stop 2 different vampire attacks in town so obviously I haven't found any glitches yet. I did hear from a friend that the DLC prevents an upgrade for Breezehome to appear.
Sep 14, 2009
Radoh said:
FelixG said:
Radoh said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
Shush Slackbladder, let the knowledgeable do talking.
(See, I did a flashheart reference, cuz he's cool and so is rik mayall.)
A) Bethesda does correct bugs and anything not exactly intuitive, off the top of my head I can tell you they've fixed the wonky dragon flying, the things with Paarthurnax where you can have a conversation while he's doing loopy dee loops in the sky and even moved a stone of Barenziah out of a place you can't get back into to a more accessible location. How do you... oh, do you not know about automatic updates and patches? Does Xbox not have that available to them?

B) I don't understand what you are saying here? Starting it up as in installing it? Because PSThree needs to do that too, and since he don't know about them I hazard a guess that you aren't talking about that. If you mean starting it up I double click the icon on my desktop, press play, watch the Bethesda screen thing, double tap enter, and wait a maximum of eight seconds for the game to load up. (Every subsequent loading takes about two seconds, so your later argument about slow loading times are stupid, also low res? Har har, very funny.)

C) Oh now I get why you said A), it's so you can try to assert that they won't change anything for the PC release.
Doesn't change the fact that A) is wrong thus making C) wrong too, you are taking a day one release where PC is more or less taking their time and waiting for a few patches before we buy it.
Isnt it always so cute when the uninformed kiddos try to act like they know what they are talking about?

I just wanna pat em on the head, give em a bit of candy and go "Aww its so sweet, you actually think you have a clue! Go on ya lil scamp, go back to your legos."
Aw man, you know what's totally awesome? Legos. I'ma go build some sweet something with them RIGHT NOW.

Captcha: Make my day.
Oh, I plan on it Captcha, legos are afoot.
just want to let you know, before the politically correct brigade come in and pound you to a pulp, the plural form of lego is "lego",

Personally I think that sounds wrong and is stupid, especially when actually talking about them, or when asking for I just say legos as well, not giving an ounce of fuck what the PC crowd thinks (pc as in politically correct, not pc as in pc gaming)

SpectacularWebHead said:
Yeeah, but... Not all pc are designed for gaming are they? Most of them aren't, in fact. Like 90% of them, actually. Just because you are part of the ten percent doesn't actually mean you're right, it just means that...You're part of the ten percent of people who enjoy sitting on a laptop more than playing on a console.
As for resoulution, yeah, you have a pc designed for gaming, most people don't and they end up with whatever theirs can run, which isn't always high.
Umm...Lag doesn't really have anything to do with the console, it's actually to do with your internet connection which works outside of the console, and slow loading times aren't really a thing on most games and it can be effected by multiple factors, most of which can't be applied to consoles. Most people who that game largely on pc and aren't elitist tools get these problems regularly (Yahtzee, dude). And for the record, we don't have walmart in england.

To be honest, your experience with pc gaming is irrelevant to most of the pc gaming community, because you're using a method of pc gaming that a lot of people aren't. So most of the stuff you say isn't representative, and your entire argument is flawed. So...Think, before you try to claim other people are being stupid.

where the hell are you getting that 90% from? Please, tell me. Then you change to laptop RIGHT after that, not to mention you don't HAVE to sit at your chair with most PC games, Hell when I'm playing a game that I'd rather use a controller for, I have my HDMI cable shooting to my tv so I can play it in 47" 10080p godliness rather than my computer screen. Can't run stuff that is always high? Right now is OPTIMAL timing for PC gaming, if you (edit for some reason it posted before I was done?) look at any pc build thread, most of them cost 500 dollars which plays next to any game out right now on medium-high, are you really going to try to use that old beaten argument?

Slow loading times affect console too, especially multiplatform ram hungry games, I guarantee my skyrim loads faster than yours any day of the week, and I have it installed on my slowest hard drive.

irrelevant to most of the PC gaming community? Since when did you speak for the community with such horrible generalizations?

So...Think, before you try to claim other people are being stupid.

if you aren't a troll, then god have mercy on you for being so ignorant and not fact checking.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Sure as hell isn't borken for me or any of my other Skyrim playing friends that have gotten it and completed it :)

It's awesome and worth the money I spent on it.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Adultism said:
Yeah I went where the tunnel is sposto be for the quest and its not there so the game didn't load the DLC and I can't get it to work.

I'm very upset that I paid money for this.
I can only imagine how Bethesda makes games.

Dev 1: "Alright, lets make this new Game. So the starter town will be here, YOU go work on this."
Dev 2: "YES SIR!"
[small]-Some time later, Dev 2 returns with the finished town.-[/small]
Dev 2: "Here you go sir, heres the town all made."
Dev 1: "Well alright, this must be 100% flawless."
Dev 2: "But... Sir we haven't even alpha tested it yet, or beta-tested it?"
Dev 1: "What are those? Some type of new witch-craft, just ship it, it'll be fine. Or funny, or both."
Dev 2: "Ok sir...."

[small]-game releases-[/small]

Gamer 2: "Oh its a Bethesda game, its OK, they get a reputation for this."
Gamer 1: "Yet they make millions."
Gamer 2: "Well yeah, did you see that trailer? It totally had a sheep in it."
[small]-Later they both rate it 10/10 stars, meaning its perfect on meta-critic.-[/small]

If you couldn't get it from the painfully unfunny part above, Bethesda has earned a reputation on their bugs and, in my mind only sells things based purely off of the endless marketing and hype they make. Any lacking quality is quickly dismissed by their obsessive fans.

SpectacularWebHead said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Enjoy being beta testers Xbox users! Thank Microsoft for giving PS3 and PC more time to fix the kinks out.
You do realise that
A) This is bethesda, if they find bugs they aren't going to change them.
B) PC versions of any game, especially something as big as skyrim are terrible at even starting, IDK about ps3.
and C) We got it before you. Be as douchey as you like, you still have to wait for the exact same product because you made a bad decision when you choose your gaming platform.

Shush Slackbladder, let the knowledgeable do talking.
(See, I did a flashheart reference, cuz he's cool and so is rik mayall.)
Hold on, I can totally put what you said into better words.

"Because this DLC is big, Bethesda is excused from ever beta-testing it. Also, Xbox is better and this DLC came out first to stroke Xbox fan's ego."

Also Microsoft's Xbox 360 got it first because they shoved a bigger suitcase of money in front of Bethesda then Sony did. Its called Exclusivity contracts. Its to make their console seem like a better choice then their competitors because it has stuff no one else does. For right now its Dawnguard, on the Sony side its the Joker Challenge Missions in Batman: Arkham Asylum.



Buggy DLC gets perfect meta score because the company that made it has a reputation for buggy games. Its unacceptable that there are all these bugs in it, but thats what happens when people don't mind them. One day they'll release a completely broken game and get millions, not that fair when games that were really good got critically smashed because of one bug.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
gmaverick019 said:
Radoh said:
FelixG said:
Radoh said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
Shush Slackbladder, let the knowledgeable do talking.
(See, I did a flashheart reference, cuz he's cool and so is rik mayall.)
A) Bethesda does correct bugs and anything not exactly intuitive, off the top of my head I can tell you they've fixed the wonky dragon flying, the things with Paarthurnax where you can have a conversation while he's doing loopy dee loops in the sky and even moved a stone of Barenziah out of a place you can't get back into to a more accessible location. How do you... oh, do you not know about automatic updates and patches? Does Xbox not have that available to them?

B) I don't understand what you are saying here? Starting it up as in installing it? Because PSThree needs to do that too, and since he don't know about them I hazard a guess that you aren't talking about that. If you mean starting it up I double click the icon on my desktop, press play, watch the Bethesda screen thing, double tap enter, and wait a maximum of eight seconds for the game to load up. (Every subsequent loading takes about two seconds, so your later argument about slow loading times are stupid, also low res? Har har, very funny.)

C) Oh now I get why you said A), it's so you can try to assert that they won't change anything for the PC release.
Doesn't change the fact that A) is wrong thus making C) wrong too, you are taking a day one release where PC is more or less taking their time and waiting for a few patches before we buy it.
Isnt it always so cute when the uninformed kiddos try to act like they know what they are talking about?

I just wanna pat em on the head, give em a bit of candy and go "Aww its so sweet, you actually think you have a clue! Go on ya lil scamp, go back to your legos."
Aw man, you know what's totally awesome? Legos. I'ma go build some sweet something with them RIGHT NOW.

Captcha: Make my day.
Oh, I plan on it Captcha, legos are afoot.
just want to let you know, before the politically correct brigade come in and pound you to a pulp, the plural form of lego is "lego",

Personally I think that sounds wrong and is stupid, especially when actually talking about them, or when asking for I just say legos as well, not giving an ounce of fuck what the PC crowd thinks (pc as in politically correct, not pc as in pc gaming)

SpectacularWebHead said:
Yeeah, but... Not all pc are designed for gaming are they? Most of them aren't, in fact. Like 90% of them, actually. Just because you are part of the ten percent doesn't actually mean you're right, it just means that...You're part of the ten percent of people who enjoy sitting on a laptop more than playing on a console.
As for resoulution, yeah, you have a pc designed for gaming, most people don't and they end up with whatever theirs can run, which isn't always high.
Umm...Lag doesn't really have anything to do with the console, it's actually to do with your internet connection which works outside of the console, and slow loading times aren't really a thing on most games and it can be effected by multiple factors, most of which can't be applied to consoles. Most people who that game largely on pc and aren't elitist tools get these problems regularly (Yahtzee, dude). And for the record, we don't have walmart in england.

To be honest, your experience with pc gaming is irrelevant to most of the pc gaming community, because you're using a method of pc gaming that a lot of people aren't. So most of the stuff you say isn't representative, and your entire argument is flawed. So...Think, before you try to claim other people are being stupid.

where the hell are you getting that 90% from? Please, tell me. Then you change to laptop RIGHT after that, not to mention you don't HAVE to sit at your chair with most PC games, Hell when I'm playing a game that I'd rather use a controller for, I have my HDMI cable shooting to my tv so I can play it in 47" 10080p godliness rather than my computer screen. Can't run stuff that is always high? Right now is OPTIMAL timing for PC gaming, if you (edit for some reason it posted before I was done?) look at any pc build thread, most of them cost 500 dollars which plays next to any game out right now on medium-high, are you really going to try to use that old beaten argument?

Slow loading times affect console too, especially multiplatform ram hungry games, I guarantee my skyrim loads faster than yours any day of the week, and I have it installed on my slowest hard drive.

irrelevant to most of the PC gaming community? Since when did you speak for the community with such horrible generalizations?

So...Think, before you try to claim other people are being stupid.
if you aren't a troll, then god have mercy on you for being so ignorant and not fact checking.[/quote]

I did fact check, I'm also trying very hard to come up with reasons to care about this argument. Between that and remembering shit about the industry I'm going to lose a little momentum. Can we please leave it where I wanted to before the other moron contacted me, of I am a console gamer, this is why, now leave me alone? You friggin Pc elitists just can't fucking drop it when someone dares to question your superiority, please, all of you, leave me alone before my argument descends to 4chan levels of stupidity.