So Dawnguard is out and its pretty much broken.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Ok, lets just settle this:
1. The DLC works perfectly. You just need to be at least level 10 to start it.
2. Becoming a Vampire Lord is different than a Vampire. You do not get it from a disease, you get it from a dialogue choice a short way into the story. If you are a werewolf when you become a Vampire Lord you will cease to be a werewolf but you can become a werewolf again at a later time.
3. 360 gamers: Stop being smug just because you got the DLC first.
4. Everyone else: Stop being bigoted. None of the systems is definitively better than any other. 360 gamers are not being the "Beta Testers" for this DLC, the DLC works fine and you need to get over it.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Meh, looks like it is a simple loading problem. Nothing to worry about.

Istronen said:
It appears your head is too spectacular to behave in an adult manner in forums. That's okay, we can't all be wise :) As to your remark about choosing gaming platforms, I could laugh myself to death. PC is the supreme gaming platform because it's flexible and allows many things of convenience and improvement. You on the other hand are stuck with your cheesy console and it's not going to change in any way. Sure PC gaming eats money but for the serious and ambitious lifestyle gamer, it's the only sensible choice. Take this comment how you please, I don't really care. The record needed to be set straight and that's what I did, more or less. Now have a good day everybody :)
Get educated:

Listen from 01:20:00 Console preferences.

The whole "my platform is better" part of the gaming community needs to just disappear, there isn't a point to it.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
this is why i love it when the 360 gets DLC for TES or fallout first, free betatesting. thanks guys.


New member
Sep 17, 2008
Adultism said:
Yeah I went where the tunnel is sposto be for the quest and its not there so the game didn't load the DLC and I can't get it to work.

I'm very upset that I paid money for this.
Teaches you to buy it at release, should have waited to see if bugs and glitches were bad enough to warrant not buying it.


New member
May 9, 2012
SpectacularWebHead said:
This may not have been clear, I'm not a fanboy to any specific console. I'm a fanboy to many things, chiefly DC comics
Ehh? Spectacular Webhead is a fan of DC? That's like DarkKnightBatman being into Marvel! You... confuse... my... brrrraaaaaiiinnsss

OT: PS3 User, I'll see y'all in a Month when we can play it.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
SpectacularWebHead said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Enjoy being beta testers Xbox users! Thank Microsoft for giving PS3 and PC more time to fix the kinks out.
You do realise that
A) This is bethesda, if they find bugs they aren't going to change them.
B) PC versions of any game, especially something as big as skyrim are terrible at even starting, IDK about ps3.
and C) We got it before you. Be as douchey as you like, you still have to wait for the exact same product because you made a bad decision when you choose your gaming platform.

Shush Slackbladder, let the knowledgeable do talking.
(See, I did a flashheart reference, cuz he's cool and so is rik mayall.)
um the PC version normally only sucks if the port did (lazy dev's) or the PC it self is a peice of shit (really hard with a modern machine).

as to you saying i chose a bad platform i respond... MODS, lots and lots of mods (basically free DLC)


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I'm a little confused as to why there haven't been many reviews for it yet.
I'm kind of on the fence about buying it- really liked Skyrim, but what I've heard about Dawnguard so far hasn't really impressed me.
Apr 5, 2008
SpectacularWebHead said:
(And I swear to god if I get more mail about this topic, I will not respond the living fuck out of it) PC games have awkward controls, Lag, Glitches, low resolution for the most part, and slow loading times that you just don't encounter on most consoles.
Errr, do you actually know what a PC is, or the difference between it and a console? Low resolution? Dude, we have graphics cards that are more powerful than the combined processing power of 20 XBoxes. We have hard drives of immense size and speed that load games up significantly faster than any console's optical drive, or even if you do an HDD install. We have access to the file system for mods, cheats, developer console, ini/config editing/tweaking and no resitrictions on users who can load up the same game files (consoles now lock things to profiles/tags). Not to mention that the mouse and keyboard are superior to controller for almost all games (not including driving or fighting games which are superior on controller). The keyboard alone has more keys for keybinds than 4 players on an XBox have combined. PCs also have DX11, quad and even 8 core processors and can further be used for downloading, the web, multitasking, burning discs and the rest.

I have a 360 myself, and love it for many things, but it doesn't even come close to the experience of gaming on a PC.

Loved the appropriate captcha: hands down


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2011
Lol foolish Xbox user, not being able to play their little expansion to Skyrim. Sadness...

James Crook

New member
Jul 15, 2011
This went from being a complaint thread about how the DLC -- made by Bethesda, just mind you -- was glitchy/buggy at launch, to a seemingly peaceful "type as you play/share your experiences/give info to those still waiting" thread, then broke out as an all-out PC-console fanboy war.
My reaction. Be civil people, there's no point to arguing even if you you are in the right or believe so.

teebeeohh said:
this is why i love it when the 360 gets DLC for TES or fallout first, free betatesting. thanks guys.
Isn't beta-testing free to begin with?


New member
Aug 30, 2011
KingsGambit said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
(And I swear to god if I get more mail about this topic, I will not respond the living fuck out of it) PC games have awkward controls, Lag, Glitches, low resolution for the most part, and slow loading times that you just don't encounter on most consoles.
Errr, do you actually know what a PC is, or the difference between it and a console? Low resolution? Dude, we have graphics cards that are more powerful than the combined processing power of 20 XBoxes. We have hard drives of immense size and speed that load games up significantly faster than any console's optical drive, or even if you do an HDD install.
Don't forget Solid State Drives that have slightly larger capacity than a console's HDD, but run so fast that loading times are basically reduced to what we had in the good old cartridge days.

Edit: And yeah, this is coming from a proud 360 and PS3 owner.


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2011
Doclector said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
Hey, I haven't got it ye, but when I do...
If i am already a werewolf (Cuz of the companions) can I also be a vampire?
Don't think so, due to the "beast blood" ability that gives you 100% immunity against all diseases, including the vampire disease. Unless in dawnguard it's done differently, in which case, I should think the werewolf abilities would be cancelled out.

If it's not done differently, you'll need to find a cure to being a werewolf before you try to become a vampire. I know there's some way to get it cured, but I don't know how, look it up on the wikis, but I do know that once it's cured, there's no way to become a werewolf again on that character.

In all cases, you've got a choice to make; Fur or fang?
Unless you're on PC and use console commands. Or so I've been told.

The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
Shocksplicer said:
Ok, lets just settle this:
1. The DLC works perfectly. You just need to be at least level 10 to start it.
2. Becoming a Vampire Lord is different than a Vampire. You do not get it from a disease, you get it from a dialogue choice a short way into the story. If you are a werewolf when you become a Vampire Lord you will cease to be a werewolf but you can become a werewolf again at a later time.
3. 360 gamers: Stop being smug just because you got the DLC first.
4. Everyone else: Stop being bigoted. None of the systems is definitively better than any other. 360 gamers are not being the "Beta Testers" for this DLC, the DLC works fine and you need to get over it.
You probably shouldn't be on this thread. You're being way too level-headed.

On topic, I've played through it, and I had a blast. It was really fun. I think this is one of the first DLCs that Bethesda has beta tested, and it shows.[footnote]Your Mileage May Vary[/footnote] Aside from a bit of slow down, I had no other problems.

Also, huskies. Awesome. :D


New member
Oct 7, 2010
The Pinray said:
Shocksplicer said:
Ok, lets just settle this:
1. The DLC works perfectly. You just need to be at least level 10 to start it.
2. Becoming a Vampire Lord is different than a Vampire. You do not get it from a disease, you get it from a dialogue choice a short way into the story. If you are a werewolf when you become a Vampire Lord you will cease to be a werewolf but you can become a werewolf again at a later time.
3. 360 gamers: Stop being smug just because you got the DLC first.
4. Everyone else: Stop being bigoted. None of the systems is definitively better than any other. 360 gamers are not being the "Beta Testers" for this DLC, the DLC works fine and you need to get over it.
You probably shouldn't be on this thread. You're being way too level-headed.

On topic, I've played through it, and I had a blast. It was really fun. I think this is one of the first DLCs that Bethesda has beta tested, and it shows.[footnote]Your Mileage May Vary[/footnote] Aside from a bit of slow down, I had no other problems.

Also, huskies. Awesome. :D
bethsda... beta... testing? whats the world coming to.

i do find it odd that they ran the beta on the 360 though, thats becuase dice released the figures for every patch for BF3. its around 20,000 USD per patch and since betas should be patched as they go along...


New member
Jun 26, 2011
I didn't read through all of the comments since my last post so the following should be considered in the light of that.

Webhead expressed very clearly that he wants out of the discussion and we should let him do that. Many of you have valid points in the issue but some are just behaving nastily. There doesn't need to be a war or anything like that between PC and console gamers. We can try to be civil and share experienced to benefit us all. I even admitted my own faults and flawed thinking and try to learn from that.

I'm not going to respond to Sonic Doctor in any way as that would be a waste of my time. If that's being smug then perhaps I am a bit but you were too late to start probing on a discussion that's already been closed. Others are ofcourse free to talk about the whole PC versus consoles -thing if they like but I'm getting off from that bus and so is Webhead :) Please appreciate our right to do so.

If I need to make further apologies to anyone to redeem myself, I will do so. From my experience however, playing games on computers has always been the case so I've grown into it. The whole thing started in 80's with Commodore 64 while some of my pals were playing with NES. One immediate convenience about consoles at least back in the day is that they were hassle free. Just insert cartridge and play. I can see the convenience in that and in the future I may purchase some console too if the games are enticing enough and I feel I can spare the cash for such a venture :)

Have fun playing everybody, that's what we all ultimately want to achieve: To be entertained and unwind and relax too


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Not really. The only problem I had was when you're supposed to attack the Moth Priest. He wouldn't un-agro. Just loading the previous save fixed it.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
DRes82 said:
Hmm. That's what you get for playing a PC game on a console. mad about the staggered release. Damned consoles ruining everything.

Also, if Bethesda "can't do anything right", why the hell do you continue to buy their products?

I'm of the opinion that they do quite a bit right, which is why I continue to consume every game that they release. Even if they tend to be a little buggy in the beginning.
Well, I'm glad the Xbots get to beta test the product for a month before the full release comes out on PC.
My god, it is like I time traveled back to 2007.


New member
Dec 11, 2011
The only bug I'm having right now is I can't walk between Whiterun hold and The Rift. (I think it's the Rift, near the place where the bandits have a toll road.) Whenever I walk across the bridge or river my game just freezes. Any one else having/had this problem?


New member
Apr 6, 2005
SpectacularWebHead said:
I don't really care if you respond or not, since I assume you'll at least read it, but your PC hate is as stupid as PC elitism. It basically seems like your PC experience has been on shitty PC's. When it comes to gaming, the console is cheaper. When it comes to overall use a PC has more uses as well as support for games. Consoles almost always run things well, while computers have the potential to run it better as well as get other additions to the game, aside from the things computers do anyway but this is about gaming. Neither has a major edge over the other due to various factors, so both sides hate is pointless and a waste.