So Dawnguard is out and its pretty much broken.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
"My game didn't run immediately. All others must also be broken and nobody is speaking up. I MUST INFORM THE WORLD."


New member
Aug 18, 2010
NoneOfYourBusiness said:
OT: i thought this was supposed to be a whole new expansion with a whole new area, i know there is the soul cairn and the castles but is there more? like a big area? if not i will say i expected more.
There is another large area (or set of large areas), but it's not like a civilised place or anything. It's more of a really, really big and wide-open dungeon crawl that only partially takes place underground in dungeons (this is in the vampire side to the DLC by the way, though I assume the hunter side will take you there too). Personally I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of content added, but don't expect new cities or anything like that that. Other than the castles for the two factions, it's all combat/questing areas as far as I can tell.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
SpectacularWebHead said:
Your only benefit is mods. Pc has literally nothing else going for it. I'm not having this argument with you, because it's... fucking stupid, to be honest, neither of us is going to get anywhere.
Istronen said:
It's a good thing that you recognise that the whole thing is stupid. What you fail to recognise is that you're still using that same shitty console which will never improve and which has limited possibilities regarding even games.
So... I've sad the argument is shit and I'm not having it, which is good, but on the other hand, PC IS SO MUCH BETTER ZOMG!

Istronen said:
Just admit that you're a fanboy and keep at least a tiny bit of integrity if you have any.
This may not have been clear, I'm not a fanboy to any specific console. I'm a fanboy to many things, chiefly DC comics, but no specific console. I use an x-box 360, but I prefer console gaming. Because...It's better to play on something specifically designed to play videogames on.

Istronen said:
PC is a computer, one can do a lot of things with it and things evolve constantly. I fully admit that system requirements get bigger as time passes and that can be a problem but that is the fault of the coders who choose not to optimize their code and just release games that may be buggy. At least the major titles get patches and those are easy to obtain.
It's not anyones fault, it's just a fact that these things will happen as a side effect of pc gaming being, essentially, one of the bajillions of things you CAN do with a computer.

Istronen said:
Doesn't seem to me like the PC has nothing else going for it. Feels quite the opposite and the perfect example of this is The Witcher series. Brilliant games which are well made, interesting and the publisher respects their clients. Kudos to CD Project Red!
Just because it's exclusive doesn't mean that it's good, and bringing it up to convince me of PC gaming superiority is a crap point to make. It's like If I referenced the crap out of Halo or Uncharted (See, multiple consoles, Just don't like PC's). My thoughts are this (And I swear to god if I get more mail about this topic, I will not respond the living fuck out of it) PC games have awkward controls, Lag, Glitches, low resolution for the most part, and slow loading times that you just don't encounter on most consoles. This is not the fault of a developer or company, it is purely so because PC's are capable of doing many things, and gaming is one of them. However it is not the main function of a PC, thus you get unavoidable problems that you will not face on consoles. Now please let me leave this argument.


New member
Jun 26, 2011
Just a quick response to Webhead, you have a lot of valid points there and they're all true which means you can leave the argument now with flying colours :) You made me think about consoles and the benefits they bring to gaming, I must admit that I was a bit harsh on my criticism but thankfully you provided enough info and personal experiences. Respectably written, I appreciate it.

To imahobbit, I'm sensing some sarcasm on that remark and leave it for what it is. Perhaps I deserved it so that I can see the other points of view clearer. My intention is not to be a PC nazi but now that you mention it that way, I'm thinking I could've put my words better. Time to learn from the mistakes and be wiser in the future. Thanks for bringing that thing up and in that way making me see my flaws :)


New member
Sep 9, 2009
I can't even start a new game I think it may be connected to the Dawn guard dlc because after downloading it I can't start a new game passed the execution. When my character goes to the block the black dragon (I don't know how to spell his name) won't land on that little building so I can't advance. I have tried a ton of new characters, loading the auto save and making new saves just before the block and on it but it keeps happening. I would like to know has this happened to anyone else? or any suggestions so this problem.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
You see? You console players are simply little test hamsters for us. By time this is out on PC the issues will be fixed!

PS. This is a joke, don't start quoting me with rage comments.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I dunno bout you, Webhead, but MY PC is designed specifically for gaming...

My 8gb of RAM beats out your 512mb any day.

Sorry your walmart computer can't run more than one app at a time, lol.

SpectacularWebHead said:
Just because it's exclusive doesn't mean that it's good, and bringing it up to convince me of PC gaming superiority is a crap point to make. It's like If I referenced the crap out of Halo or Uncharted (See, multiple consoles, Just don't like PC's). My thoughts are this (And I swear to god if I get more mail about this topic, I will not respond the living fuck out of it) PC games have awkward controls, Lag, Glitches, low resolution for the most part, and slow loading times that you just don't encounter on most consoles. This is not the fault of a developer or company, it is purely so because PC's are capable of doing many things, and gaming is one of them. However it is not the main function of a PC, thus you get unavoidable problems that you will not face on consoles. Now please let me leave this argument.
Glitches? No more than consoles.. Lag.. lol see RAM. low resolution? wat is this, I don't even... slow loading times? o lawd, you really have no clue what you're talking about do you?

All that elitist ranting aside, (I can't help myself when someone blatantly makes an idiot of themselves, even if it makes me an idiot too, sorry) I play my PS3 more than I do my PC due to trophies. Stupid reason? Yes. But, but.. OCD...


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
You see? You console players are simply little test hamsters for us. By time this is out on PC the issues will be fixed!

PS. This is a joke, don't start quoting me with rage comments.
That's not an evil laugh. Go to 2:49 on this song. Now THAT is an evil laugh.


New member
Dec 9, 2010
SpectacularWebHead said:
Yeah, DLC takes the piss occasionally. Like, well, Dawnguard. A game addition that costs 1600 MS points. There are whole games you can buy that are cheaper than that.
Minecraft, Bastion, From Dust, the list goes on. And tbh, I'm not too fussed about mods. They seem glitchy, and the ones that really take talent usually stop something else working properly.

Go here and click on the spoiler tags to see how many bugs the Unofficial Skyrim Patch currently fixes.

I would of posted it, but one third of the fixes was too big to fit into spoiler tags.

Yeah Skyrim Mods are so broken >_>


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Sorry it's not on the ball for some, downloaded this morning (took most of yesterday to download the ME3 extended cut) went straight to whiterun to change a weapon and heard a guard talking about the dawnguard.

I'd be playing it now but some silly men are kicking a ball around and my hubby wants to watch it!


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Hey, PC and PS3 users. I'm sorry that Microsoft fucks stuff over so that we Xbox users get it first. That must be really irritating and I'm sure some of my fellow Xbox users don't make it too much easier. On the plus side, the DLC is pretty cool from what I've played so far. Glitch-free from my experience. Although that might just be due to my incredible luck of only ever encountering one glitch during my time in skyrim.

Crossbows take a little bit of time to get used to but that's probably because I don't have a very high archery level.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
imahobbit4062 said:
Kahunaburger said:
You're surprised a Bethesda thing is buggy?
This is what I thought. I love Bethesda's games but even I'm not stupid enough to expect them to be bug free day one.
Actually Skyrim 1.0 was relatively bug free, I was pretty disapointed. It wasn't until they rolled out the first update to try to fix the small things that dragons started flying backwards.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Stop with the Bethesda hate, at least they don't nerf every fun aspect of the game into the ground like Blizzard does now.

Its a HUGE game with a quirky engine, it has a few bugs from time to time, usually they aren't serious anyway.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Kahunaburger said:
You're surprised a Bethesda thing is buggy?
I may not be surprised, but I do find it funny that Microsoft got the 30-60 day exclusivity and it doesn't work. If we're lucky, by the time they fix it, everyone else will have it.

Rule Britannia

New member
Apr 20, 2011
My issues with Dawnguard:

You are faced with a choice, which basically boils down to good or evil. THE QUESTS ARE ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME. I took the vampire side and my friend(s) took dawnguard and we talked about our progress in the main quest and it came down to "I just did exactly that, and that, and that...".

Of course the gameplay and the story is fucking fantastic, I just feel a little bit ripped off. I was expecting/hoping two different stories for the two different paths to take :'(

Couple of glitches with some of the quests (In the quest "Lost in the Ages" map markers wouldn't appear for some parts ((this may have been intentional though))

The DLC froze on me several times :'(

The DLC certainly looks up at (way up at) the Shivering Isles DLC for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, though this is still a fantastic DLC and I am very happy with the result :)


Dragonbone weapons :D
Crossbows :D
Vampire Lord (I took the evil route) :D
REALLLY nice light and heavy armours (more so light armour sets) :D
Several fun side quests (putting aside the glitches) :D


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Adultism said:
I've met at least 5 people who can't start the main quest. Figures Bethesda can't do anything right.

Anyone else having problems with the DLC? Because I have to start a new game to play it
As I'm sure you've seen by now, you have to be a certain level to start those quests.

However, let's put this into perspective, shall we?

> Bethesda
> Elder Scrolls
> first version of the DLC

And you're surprised it's buggy?! Come on, even if you're a fan (especially if you're a fan) you should expect this. This and the subsequent patches. (Bethesda's usually pretty good about patches)

Kahunaburger said:
You're surprised a Bethesda thing is buggy?
Like I said. Anyone's surprised?

Still, I've heard from a few friends (who've managed to get it to work) that it's a good addition to Skyrim. So kudos to Bethesda for actually making some premium DLC worth a damn. Something most devs fail to do now-a-days.


New member
May 3, 2011
In case you made a new character for it which a lot of people have you do have to be at least level 10 for it to pop but you can also just go to the map location and start it that way. But and bear in mind when you start the game if it doesn't say 'loading add-ons' at least on Xbox it hasn't loaded and won't work. I made a new guy and he isn't level ten yet and haven't tried it out on my old high level guys so I don't know if their's a problem beyond that.

And if you have done all this and it still doesn't work. I'm sorry I can't help you go check out the Bethesda forums and see if anyone has a fix, you might have to re-download/install the Add-on.