So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
Kopikatsu said:
Gxas said:
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder. It was a report about my "school shooting potential". At my school, apparently, the SSP is based on grades, interests, music choice, and religion. It said this (from what I can recall, I skimmed it)

"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."

Which is weird, because I don't have any interest in goth subculture or a death fascination. I do like metal, but so? Also the part about me being an atheist is ridiculous (the school is in a Protestant/Catholic town).

Anyone else think this is a bit weird?
I think that you should bring this to public attention somehow. Get newspeople on it (if they'll believe you) and try to get them to make that information public. In my eyes, that shit is not right at all. If anything new happens with this, I'd like to know about it. I'm very interested in this story now.
Because they're trying to prevent the school from being 'shot up'?

Not saying the OP would do that, but every couple of days, there seems to be another school shooting in the US or Mexico. It seems to be the 'cool' thing to do nowadays.
So you should be judged and profiled because others think you *might* do something? Seriously?! Fuck off. This shit disgusts me. I dig methods to keep guns out of schools, that's okay, but this is kind of ridiculous. Go public, burn this school to the ground, and maybe this will shed some light on other schools doing this kind of shit.

All the reasons listed in that file are utter bullshit. Honestly, I wouldn't confront them yourself, I'd get your parent or guardian to do it. If they're scared of you or something, they might call the cops. Unless you want that to happen, then a juicy media story gets even juicier.

The schools are fucking horrible. What worked years ago doesn't work today.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
That quite possibly the most fucked up thing I have ever heard. This suggests that if a douchebag teacher does think that a student is major risk, that they will try to enforce some kind of action to be taken. Imagine if an unqualified teacher could simply decide that your mentally unstable.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I got in trouble at school once for posing a hypothetical school shooting scenario with maximized mortality rates. In my opinion i was merely pointing out a glaring flaw in school security


New member
Dec 6, 2008
To be honest, if I found I'd been profiled like that, I'd be furious. It's demeaning and shows an utter lack of respect or understanding for people of different beliefs or cultures. So long as you're not actively causing problems/threatening people, I'd be storming into the office of whoever's in charge...


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Kalezian said:
of course, I would of never shot up my old school, I wouldn't of given them the satisfaction.
You wouldn't give them the satisfaction of getting shot to death? You are a strange little man.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder. It was a report about my "school shooting potential". At my school, apparently, the SSP is based on grades, interests, music choice, and religion. It said this (from what I can recall, I skimmed it)

"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."

Which is weird, because I don't have any interest in goth subculture or a death fascination. I do like metal, but so? Also the part about me being an atheist is ridiculous (the school is in a Protestant/Catholic town).

Anyone else think this is a bit weird?
when i was in high school everyone thought i was gonna shoot up the school because i was quiet, had long hair, and always wore black. people are weird. oh and my school gave the students laptops to take home, with remote activated webcams so the school could spy on kids while they were at home...your school seem slightly less fucked up now?


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."
Wow, that is really stupid. How does a music taste and lack of religious belief equate to you being a murderer?
It's even more ironic that you can buy guns freely over there, and they profile you because of your taste in music. The athiest comment is pretty insulting to atheists, too.

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
I find this thread more surprising that everyone here is quick to believe the story and jump on the bandwagon. Has the internet taught you all nothing over it's nearly 20 years of entertainment?

Sure, I wouldn't be surprised if schools are doing this, and I do have a serious issue with it. But my biggest issue right now for you, The Escapist, is that every time someone puts up a controversial or flame-worthy topic, we are to blindly jump in without a second though. Can we not forget the dozens of times someone posts half a new story about how an officer of the law is being a "horrible person," and everyone bashing him, only to find out later that the cop was acting in self defense for his life? Or any other situations? Sure, this story does not compare to that, but the fact remains:

Demand, search, and find out for yourself the whole story. Especially when no evidence is given to back up that story, however likely to the truth the story may be.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
I don't know how it works in the US. But here in the UK we have the "data protection act". If someone holds data about you all you have to do is write to them, cite the act, pay a modest fee to cover the expense of copying all of your files and they are legally obliged to send you everything they have.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Kalezian said:
I mean, I can understand trying to make a profile of potential threats, but they should of looked at kids at home also.
Why? Nanny-state lunacy is far more dangerous than the tiny risk of a kid shooting up the place.

Kalezian said:
for instance, the straight A honor student? What if he is severely pressured at home by abusive parents to always be the best and nothing below that is acceptable?
And what if the F student has abusive parents who scare him so much he can't think straight? And what if the B- student has abusive parents whose corrosive relationship is causing him not to live up to his full potential? A kid's grades do not correlate with whether or not he's abused.

Kalezian said:
There is a reason a saying like "Its always the ones you least expect" was coined, after all.
There's also one about your keys always being in the last place you look, and the reasoning is equally specious. Put simply: Is there ever a school shooting where people say "Oh, I was expecting him to come into school and shoot the place up for weeks now. Surprised he didn't do it sooner."


New member
Nov 1, 2009
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."
HA! you crazy man!! your school thinks your about three days away from peeling someones face off and using it as a costume ;-)

Daystar Clarion said:
Err, that's good. It's good that you like death.

It's very good.
this made me lol

OT. so? tbh schools in america need to keep lists like this becuase shootings are a risk. yeah they have a pretty fucked up reason to put you on it, (relgion) but if your on the internet and the escapist im willing to bet you are also a bit of a loner and can be deep/overly thoughtful. they would be looking for that as well.

don't worry about it. just shows your school cares, this won't affect your later life.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder. It was a report about my "school shooting potential". At my school, apparently, the SSP is based on grades, interests, music choice, and religion. It said this (from what I can recall, I skimmed it)

"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."

Which is weird, because I don't have any interest in goth subculture or a death fascination. I do like metal, but so? Also the part about me being an atheist is ridiculous (the school is in a Protestant/Catholic town).

Anyone else think this is a bit weird?
What kind of incompetent muppet do they hire to do these psychological profiles?

Metrics as shallow as that couldn't predict probability of anything.

I mean music, religion, fashion and grades.

What kind of idiot hasn't figured out that those combinations would apply to MILLIONS of students then there are only a dozen or so actual cases of shootings or attempted shootings.

And what does atheism have to do with this? If anything the delusion that there is life after death would encourage people to kill and take their own life. Look what it did for those extremists like the Jim Jones Cult or what I'd also call a Cult; Al Qaeda.

There IS however a much better warning sign:
-interest in other school shootings = School shootings in america have been following a pattern, once there were none then one seemed to spark "copycat" crimes. Of course key determining factor is gauging WHAT interest they have, is it concern and fear of it being repeated (reasonable)... or fascination and obsession not over the victims but the perpetrator and the chaos of it all.
-lack of engagement with rest of school/campus activities, socialising. If they are in a group of Goths THAT IS SOCIALISING, they don't have to be part of the establishment, just a group they can feel part of.
-Inappropriate use of firearms = not the mere use of firearms or proper use of firearms and also violent video games. I mean things like pointing guns unloaded at people, into cameras, shooting at animals for non-hunting reasons. Particular warning sign is indication they are trying to imitate the poses of other school shooters.

Any one of these should be quite benign but together they add up to something dangerous.

Firearms: means and capacity to use them
Detached: little personal incentive against murder
Copycat: they have a template to follow

But I think most important if you are going to have guns within 100 miles of your school (including adjacent jurisdictions) the best way to prevent school shootings is to have an armed police officer on duty to actively prevent all attacks that may not even be internal. The shooter may have been expelled months ago or it could be a parent or teacher who has become unstable and obsessed.

Schools are full of our most precious things, our children, a "No guns allowed" sign is absolutely no use without a cop on 24/7 patrol.


May 28, 2010
Trololo Punk said:
I find people saying atheists and other "non-believers" show less empathy,remorse, and are more "dangerous" quite insulting
For the whole shooting list thing, I didn't even know they existed, possibly cause they do not do those in Canada/the area that I live
Well he could be a nihilist. Still I find the whole idea of this amusing as hell. Actual profiling on the likelihood of going "postal". Seemingly based of horffic items of personality. A morbid nature or even being sociopathic harld means one would commit mass/spree murders or any crimes for that matter.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Custard_Angel said:
Here's an idea.

Smile more often.

It'll open many "non-shooting" doors.
Well I have to check my file now since this made my curious. Maybe I can find out how to make one of those things you plug into the keyboard and it emails me the passwords like a boss.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
iblis666 said:
if they are in the US take them to court for slander, after all these are official records which could be seen probably by any teacher and maybe even by perspective schools god knows what damage these lies may have done all ready
At best it would be libel, not slander - as it was written communication, and not publicly released. However, in order for something to be libel, whatever lies exist have to be insulting, or whatever result has to be intended to insult. Neither case is true, as the report was more of a (poor) psychological profile designed to show risk. Furthermore, unless universities and jobs suddenly start requesting school shooting risks when accepting applicants, that report will most likely never exist outside of the school.

While it's impossible to completely gauge such risks without an accurate psychological profile, saying someone is a risk of doing something bad isn't any type of defamation of character. On the other hand, if they say that they're going to, or want to - and they aren't or don't - that would be libel. But fitting a profile and being called a risk to do something isn't


New member
Aug 18, 2010
This is when you decide to scare the shit out of all of your teachers by coming to school with a sullen look on your face, followed by an angry face the next day, and then yell randomly at someone the day after.

After all that, should your guidance councilor call you in again to talk about the above three questions, say some bullshit about being angry about [reason x] and feeling like killing [person b], then, act totally normal for the entirety of your school life, and give your guidance councilor the one finger salute at graduation.