So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Tim Cr810 said:
when it comes right down to it Atheist have as much reason to be empathetic and be a contributing member of society as Christians do, maybe more because they don't have this God Person to clean up their messes
we just have different reasons for it, while Christians do so because if they don't they'll be smited by their god or any passing paladins Atheists do it because they know that natural selection in Primates favors the team players, if you have three men in a village, a man who is a good person and helps out his community, a man who acts like a little kid, and a man who spends his time on the outskirts of the village being antisocial... who gets to pass on his genes to the next generation?

aka who gets laid?

hell that's a reason for Christians to avoid being a good person because apparently God hates in when people have sex
You should read the Catechism before you say stuff like that.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Awesomeness said:
Trololo Punk said:
I find people saying atheists and other "non-believers" show less empathy,remorse, and are more "dangerous" quite insulting
For the whole shooting list thing, I didn't even know they existed, possibly cause they do not do those in Canada/the area that I live

i gotta agree with you on that one, especially considering nearly every war so far has been religiously based.
Not really, just most of the really popular and big ones, usually wars are mostly started because of search of wealth, land, power or some form of irrational hatred besides religion that people would kill over such as some extreme forms of Xenophobia, Racism and major cultural differences (including religion), and then there's also the time when rulers use the religion as a mere excuse rather than their actual reason...
And if you were to include wars between species that aren't Humans e.g. Ants v.s. Termites and such...


New member
May 14, 2008
I knew a friend who went to school wearing a suit and bowler hat and carried a briefcase.

Everyone assumed he was in the mafia and was going to kill them.


Farseer Lolotea

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Mar 11, 2010
Twilight_guy said:
I don't believe it for an instant. No councilor is stupid enough to risk letting a student paw thorough personal files. That could get her fired in an instant.
I'm afraid your faith in the school system is a bit misguided. Something like that getting past the radar wouldn't have been unheard of even back when I was in school. And from what I've heard, it's only gotten worse since.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
that is pretty damn weird just because you like Metal and are according to them are atheist (I don,t know what your religion is that doesn't matter) doesn't mean you have a high potential to start shooting (people with mental problems tend to that sort of stuff)


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Aug 11, 2009
"Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level"

Ha ha ha! What a bunch of pussies.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Wow... thats weird...

Now, I can understand the school wanting to keep its students safe, and avoid shootings, but that just seems... well, weird... You're and Atheist that listens to metal and they say you have an interest in death? Thats almost 20% of MY highschool. And I know almost 90%+ kids that went to my highschool not only had access to guns, but owned their own guns...

Caiti Voltaire

New member
Feb 10, 2010
Isn't religion one of the things for which one cannot be discriminated against in the States? I know it is in Canada.

Sexy Street

New member
Sep 15, 2009
This is one of the scariest things I have heard of. This is basically just someone sizing another person up and saying "Yup! They are so fucked up! Keep a close eye on him sparky, we got a trigger finger on our hands boy!". I wonder if this spreads any further? Like, do people in governmental jobs have their identities analyzed and checked to see if they will be a good worker and stuff? I know that sounds a bit ridiculous, but just seems weird...


New member
Mar 4, 2010
It's good that the teachers are concerned about helping their students live happier lives.

But, I hope the SSP wasn't as trite as "metal = I like death, derp!"


New member
Nov 28, 2010
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder. It was a report about my "school shooting potential". At my school, apparently, the SSP is based on grades, interests, music choice, and religion. It said this (from what I can recall, I skimmed it)

"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."

Which is weird, because I don't have any interest in goth subculture or a death fascination. I do like metal, but so? Also the part about me being an atheist is ridiculous (the school is in a Protestant/Catholic town).

Anyone else think this is a bit weird?
Note to everyone here, if it documentation on you from a school or business you have rights to access it, if denied you may take legal procedures to get access.

OT: wow that's really nuts that they do that, it shows they are trying but whomever is getting the info isn't doing a good job of it. And be name shouldn't they just I dunno, be fair to all?

Caiti Voltaire said:
Isn't religion one of the things for which one cannot be discriminated against in the States? I know it is in Canada.
"lack of religion" isn't covered under that sadly. Sheiks, Muslims and such can have beards at my workplace, I'm agnostic can I have one? no.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
FeralCentaur said:
Awesomeness said:
Trololo Punk said:
I find people saying atheists and other "non-believers" show less empathy,remorse, and are more "dangerous" quite insulting
For the whole shooting list thing, I didn't even know they existed, possibly cause they do not do those in Canada/the area that I live

i gotta agree with you on that one, especially considering nearly every war so far has been religiously based.
Not really, just most of the really popular and big ones, usually wars are mostly started because of search of wealth, land, power or some form of irrational hatred besides religion that people would kill over such as some extreme forms of Xenophobia, Racism and major cultural differences (including religion), and then there's also the time when rulers use the religion as a mere excuse rather than their actual reason...
And if you were to include wars between species that aren't Humans e.g. Ants v.s. Termites and such...
It is true that not every war is religiously based, but as you said the really "popular" and big ones are, but even in other's although they are mainly about other things there are some religious motivations behind them. For example afghanistan.
But it just seems wrong to say that an atheist is more likely to be emotionless, or less empathetic than some one who does follow a religious faith or belief, why do you think all the suicide bombers kill themeselves and everyone around them? Is it because they don't believe in a higher power? No, it's because they believe in their god so strongly that they have no empathy to any other religion.
But hey that's just me, as an atheist I am biased to my way of thinking just as religious people are biased to theirs and there will never be someone who can take a purely ojective look at all this. Except maybe them agnostics, bloody fence sitters.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
If I were you, I would do what many other people have suggested and confront the principal about this. Tell them to explain this amateurish profile and why exactly do they think that you might be at risk of commiting a school shooting.


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May 9, 2010
I have a problem with the fact that it was kept private. Think of all the goth girls you could've attracted!


New member
Mar 19, 2009
You clearly handled this better than I would have. If I'd have rummaged through my own personell file and found that, I would have gone on a school shooting rampage.

If you're going to pre-judge me before I've done anything to make myself even remotely guilty, then why shouldn't I live up to the expectations put before me?

Mavinchious Maximus

New member
Apr 13, 2011
I had A similar situation where my schools shooting list said...

watch out for this student, he is handicap (blind in left eye) possible psychopath (do to my political beliefs and world domination plan) I really dont understand our teaching system sometimes. Also I was one of the only catholics in the school.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Awesomeness said:
It is true that not every war is religiously based, but as you said the really "popular" and big ones are, but even in other's although they are mainly about other things there are some religious motivations behind them. For example afghanistan.
But it just seems wrong to say that an atheist is more likely to be emotionless, or less empathetic than some one who does follow a religious faith or belief, why do you think all the suicide bombers kill themeselves and everyone around them? Is it because they don't believe in a higher power? No, it's because they believe in their god so strongly that they have no empathy to any other religion.
But hey that's just me, as an atheist I am biased to my way of thinking just as religious people are biased to theirs and there will never be someone who can take a purely ojective look at all this. Except maybe them agnostics, bloody fence sitters.
I wasn't disagreeing with you on the some wars and violent incidents are caused by people's faith in their religion, and that assuming that just because someone is non religious is not empathetic is wrong, and I suppose you are right on the some wars being for multiple reasons including religion as one of them but!... I'm now midly upset because of what you said about Agnostics you meanie :-(
Just because were not 100% certain doesn't mean were on the fence!... It just means were not entirely on either side of the ground!.. Plenty of us are sort of hanging off the side!
Also, I'm pretty sure that the Afganistan one would count as a popular war as it's current and is often seen in the news...

...Wait, can I just claim that everything everyone else says about religion is biased and wrong because they're not Agnostic while everything I say is unbiased and true because I am Agnostic? Sweeeeet. MY OPINION IS THE ONLY VALID ONE NOW!


New member
Apr 7, 2010
This really makes me wonder if my school has one. Since we had a school shooting threat a couple years ago, I bet we did. I bet I was on it, too. Unstable home, suicidal and depressed, often antisocial, gamer. Well, I did have a mental hit list at one point, but I never intended to ever do anything. It was mainly a list of people I wish would just leave me alone.

Graduating high school was the best day of my life.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
FeralCentaur said:
Awesomeness said:
It is true that not every war is religiously based, but as you said the really "popular" and big ones are, but even in other's although they are mainly about other things there are some religious motivations behind them. For example afghanistan.
But it just seems wrong to say that an atheist is more likely to be emotionless, or less empathetic than some one who does follow a religious faith or belief, why do you think all the suicide bombers kill themeselves and everyone around them? Is it because they don't believe in a higher power? No, it's because they believe in their god so strongly that they have no empathy to any other religion.
But hey that's just me, as an atheist I am biased to my way of thinking just as religious people are biased to theirs and there will never be someone who can take a purely ojective look at all this. Except maybe them agnostics, bloody fence sitters.
I wasn't disagreeing with you on the some wars and violent incidents are caused by people's faith in their religion, and that assuming that just because someone is non religious is not empathetic is wrong, and I suppose you are right on the some wars being for multiple reasons including religion as one of them but!... I'm now midly upset because of what you said about Agnostics you meanie :-(
Just because were not 100% certain doesn't mean were on the fence!... It just means were not entirely on either side of the ground!.. Plenty of us are sort of hanging off the side!
Also, I'm pretty sure that the Afganistan one would count as a popular war as it's current and is often seen in the news...

...Wait, can I just claim that everything everyone else says about religion is biased and wrong because they're not Agnostic while everything I say is unbiased and true because I am Agnostic? Sweeeeet. MY OPINION IS THE ONLY VALID ONE NOW!
Haha, although i was saying that as a joke you have got me on that one. Besides i used to be agnostic for quite a while and i guess i still am in a way, i just think that until there is undeniable proof that a god exsists that the likelyhood is rather small.