So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


New member
Jun 20, 2010
umm, congratz on excelling at science?

its a good thing they didnt do that at my school, i would have probably been imprisoned if they conducted that brief examination on me and from the sounds of it, they probably would have had a problem with me hating music, disliking all religious positions and maybe the whole hermit thing...


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Haha, the first answers in this thread is pretty damn funny. So I hope you dont mind me saying OP; I'm glad you were profiled :p

That said, this seems utterly retarded. Have many school shooters been goths?


New member
May 28, 2009
I'm fairly certain I'd be on that list. I was socially inept, and, well, part of the school shooting team. I was good too. Shot for England in competition and everything.

I'm guessing it's more of an insurance thing than any serious profile. It's probably something they're asked to submit for all students to the insurance companies, so they can work out prices.

It is a bit weird that they have some of your details wrong though. I'd helpfully offer to update and correct them, with a smile on your face. And maybe stop wearing anything black for a while. Some people are really stupid when it comes to making connections.

Seriously though, I was incredible at shooting. I could hit a target the size of your eye from over a mile away on the first shot. Very much a thinking man's past time.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
"Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level.", i say use that to your advantage, damn i wish my teachers were afraid of me when i went to high school, maybe my grades would have been better *I'm looking at you Russian language teacher*.
"Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death." I Wonder if you liked pop music what would it say.. "Music Choice: pop music, shows interest in being a shallow whore."
"Religion: Muslim, BURN IT WITH FIRE!" Seriously, this is beyond stupid, soon kids will be forced to undergo a cavity search when going to school.


New member
Mar 3, 2011

Goth subculture isn't responsible for any shootings, that's profiling. No respectable studies have ever linked Gothic subculture to violence.
It's bizarre that science is an indicator.
Heavy Metal, this is arguably the only one they could get away with (School shooters usually listen to heavy metal) but it would be very difficult for them to use it as an indicator.
For the last point, wow, Atheism is an indicator for violence. What the hell is their basis for that one?

"Association with world views and social behaviorsSociologist Phil Zuckerman analyzed previous social science research on secularity and non-belief, and concluded that societal well-being is positively correlated with irreligion. His findings relating specifically to atheism include:

Compared to religious people, "atheists and secular people" are less nationalistic, prejudiced, antisemitic, racist, dogmatic, ethnocentric, close-minded, and authoritarian.
In the US, in states with the highest percentages of atheists, the murder rate is lower than average. In the most religious US states, the murder rate is higher than average."


New member
May 18, 2009
I'm torn between shock and amusement here... For one thing it actually sounds like it's describing me. If Australia has them, which I find unlikely, I'm on there.
But really, listening to Heavy Metal is still a warning sign? I thought we cleared all this shit up waaay back last century with all those failed lawsuits. Hell, speaking personally I became a better person after I became a Metalhead.
And profiling based on religion? That ain't right. Why does atheism make you more inclined to go on a shooting spree? It's not like religion has a clean history or anything, even in recent times.

Some people are saying this is a common thing, so maybe it's not a huge deal. Still, I'd confront them was I you, if only to clear up some misconceptions, and it sounds amusing.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
The Red Spy said:
Profilling students? Is that even legal? Seems like a surefire way to affect someone's entry into college if they think you're going to go Rambo if your pencil lead breaks (heaven forbid you forget your homework!).

Whatever you do, don't tell them you're a gamer, they'll have SWAT on you in no time at all, asking what your demands are.
You sir, win a cookie for making me laugh!


New member
Nov 2, 2009
i would be angry at my school if they had wrote stuff like that on a folder
u should ask the school for an explaination as they owe you that much for naming you a potential killer
i know i would be taking them to court


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Holy craaaap that's so stupid it hurts. Seriously, you don't believe in god, so thus you lack empathy?


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Start wearing camo jackets for the lols. Ask your chemistry teacher what C4 is made of.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
ThisIsSnake said:
That is Brilliant

Okay I think I see what is meant by Death culture.

But really that just looks like some guy got a little angry at that grass...


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Wait let me get this of the traits that made them think you were "shooter" material is that you were an aetheist?

Seems really strange. I wasn't aware aethism encouraged the crusades or drove people to blow themselves up.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
Anyone else think this is a bit weird?
Take the folder, send a copy to a newspaper, for science.

Also, add a sheet to it of you own,
Addendum #1 Subject is (insert actual faith here, if atheist put that), subject does not have any interest in death, subject enjoys heavy metal rock music, which is seperate and not intrisically linked to 'Goth' culture,

Addendum #2 Subject does not lack empathy, had noticed school staff acting differently around him than other pupils, curiosity led to this folder,

Addendum #3 Subject finds Orwellian observation and profiling of self by staff deeply unsettling, now feels that school staff may have agendas beyond what they discuss with him and no longer feels trusted or valued as a pupil. Subject finds this deeply hurtful and would like to discuss it further with councillor,

See if anyone actually does anything about it. That is extremely an weird thing to find in a school folder and at the very least talk to your parents about it.

Also, re: the religious comment in the foler, be aware that some circles of the Catholic faith regard 'atheist' as anyone who isn't overtly catholic and attending church, I've fallen foul of that in the past, but then I'm a protestant so clearly not to be trusted.

Like Dara O'Brien says,
I'm a comedian, I married a doctor, don't celebrate religious holidays, don't do anything special on a sunday, don't go to church, I don't even believe in God to be honest...

...still Catholic though


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Define wierd, do I find it wierd that some school in a catholic school is acting stupid, ignorant and paranoid. No I don't find it wierd.
Besides if wierd is the oposite of normal, then a lot of stupid behaviour is normal and a lot of rational actions are wierd.
All I can say: Sucks for you, they are dumb, try to get over it, respect them less.
I wouldn't draw attention to it. Yeah again, they are stupid and completly incompotent at preventing a school-shooting, but it's rather mean to expose that. Just let it slight, and quietly laugh at them.
Besides I think that drawing attention to it, will also have negative effects for you. Depending on how the media plays it, you'll become the villain. So I wouldn't take the chance.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Ahh the(I'm going to assume American)education system is. Like one time my science teacher needed some help opening a box of folders and the crappy school scissors weren't cutting it so i reached into my holster and took out my swisarmy knife and opened it for day i got detention for "attacking" my teacher. Luckily he stood up for me and said that I was just helping him.

Tim Mazzola

New member
Dec 27, 2010
Honestly, while their criteria are rather messed, this practice is kind of acceptable in principle. Personally, I wouldn't be offended. It's being done for your protection, after all.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Pretty odd that they would make those kind of assumptions.

Believe me, I can relate. I remember that they put me through counselling in my first year of high school (I was pretty emotional back then, let's just say that I'd gone through alot in my primary school years) and I didn't like to think about what the counsellor was constantly writing down in our sessions. I guess it's true that nobody truly understands you better than yourself.

Hive Mind

New member
Apr 30, 2011
So you sneaked into an office to look at confidential information your teachers didn't want you to see and you're noted as demonstrating a lack of empathy?

I see...