So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Holy crap, that sounds more than a little seedy to me. I suggest bringing it up with your school and hearing them attempt to justify it, for shits and giggles if anything else.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder. It was a report about my "school shooting potential". At my school, apparently, the SSP is based on grades, interests, music choice, and religion. It said this (from what I can recall, I skimmed it)

"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."

Which is weird, because I don't have any interest in goth subculture or a death fascination. I do like metal, but so? Also the part about me being an atheist is ridiculous (the school is in a Protestant/Catholic town).

Anyone else think this is a bit weird?
OP, I think you're making it up. Your guidance counselor had a "possible mass murderer" file on you and kept it, not locked away, but in plain sight for you to peruse once she'd left? Excuse me, I believe that's my leg you're pulling...


New member
Aug 17, 2008
How times change lol, back in 6th grade (some 17 years or so ago) I wrote a rather disturbing short story from the perspective of a deranged stalker and his hunting and misguided 'love'(read: murder) of a woman.

My teacher thought it extremely well crafted and quite evocative, I got an A.


Two horses in a man costume
Apr 20, 2009
i think you need to go slap some arrogant pissants in the face... only solution as far as i can see


New member
Jan 18, 2011
I still find it funny that school shootings cause such fear, think about how many dangerous kids there are that are likely to stab you outside of school for simple dominance. I understand that many kids in America are hospitalised by American Football.

I find that the quiet loner is probably the most harmless kid in school, it's the socialable kids you need to watch out for, as they're the ones who will often start fights(Where I live anyway) when hanging around in a group. There might be 2-3 school shootings in a single year(At the most) yet think about how many adolesants are killed by simple stabbings on the street every year.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
In one class in high school I was unanimously voted to be the person responsible for defending the classroom from gun-toting madmen.
That sounds like a total reversal of the topic, except that everyone, teacher included, voiced this "contingency" because of their total confidence in the fact that I was the only person who would, with no hesitation, fatally shoot the hypothetical attacker.

How they expected me to get his gun from him, they were less certain as to the specifics.

So, hey, being the kid that everyone thought would snap actually was positive, in one class at least.
Mar 30, 2010

Seriously that's messed up. The question you now face is: Do you confront them about it, or feign ignorance and start playing up to it? Just start talking about going out hunting on weekends and how satisfying it was to bring down quarry, start reading texts on embalming in the school library during lunchtime, stuff like that. And watch them all get more and more nervous...



New member
Jan 6, 2010
Why stop there, let's make a list of what games people play.
"You play Modern Warfare? Oh dear, let's have a nice talk..."

For me in Sweden this seem very odd, is that even legally right?


New member
Oct 20, 2009
wait I am an atheist. I have no sympathy? wtf?
that is ridiculous. they have no clue how to profile people!
I wonder if there was anything like that in my school.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.
Oh, for the love of fuck, please tell me you're joking. No, seriously, tell me you're making this up.

I would take this shit up with whoever is in charge because THAT is fucking offensive. Normally I'm pretty calm when I post but this really got up my nose. Atheism does not mean that you have a lack of empathy, it's hardwired into your system through millions of years of evolution from being in a social species like other primates. If anything it means that you have a far more grounded and honest care for other people because you're not caring for other people out of the fear of reprisal from some invisible man in the sky or just looking to suck up to his bastard child.

I mean, fuck, man. Take this shit up with them, tell them that if they actually took some time to get to know you instead of jumping to seriously biased and totally retarded assumptions based on the brainwashings of a nomadic sheep herder cult then they're the ones who should be kept an eye on for outbreaks of violence. Take a look at what they're reading, nothing but death, blood and violence along with a bunch of "home truths" which were around millenia before the Jews bastardized it and selected it from a bunch of nomadic folklore to put into their compendium of fallacies.

Hell, if they want to make this stupid assumption about you just because you don't believe in their invisible man then you could make a hell of a load of assumptions about them and the funny thing is, you've got centuries of history and thousands of documented cases to back up your claims, so at least your assumptions aren't baseless.

Pfff... I need to calm down. I'm going to head down to the atheist church of evolutionist Darwinism and pick up a baby sandwich.


In an unsuspicious cabin
Jul 22, 2009
I once broke a guitar in my school... I am now worried they have a psychological profile on me.

Anyway, the whole "You can't have empathy if you're not Christian" thing is stupid. I don't consider myself a Christian and I'm studying to be a doctor. There's an entire subject about how we need empathy.

Marik Bentusi

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
That's really... fucked up. Good thing I know my teachers would definitely be too lazy to have such files. That's a lot of pressure on the teachers tho, expected to psychologically profile every one of their students and, apparently, draw conclusions. Of course they aren't qualified for that, pedagogical skills or not, and they can't possibly achieve in a few minutes without a direct talk what a professional psychologist wouldn't dare to do after 1-2 full meeting sessions.

Can't say who is to blame tho, this system seems idiotic, but it's idiocy with the noble goal of protecting the other pupils. Not to say it shouldn't be changed because of that, I just can't be angry at these guys or something.

Anyway, hope you don't get into trouble just because you don't beam smiles 24/7. Nobody should change their behavior like that and because of such petty reasons.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
dogstile said:
I would have confronted them about it. I wouldn't be happy with them putting me on a shooting watch list, or associating me with death and "goth culture".

Psychological profiles on people can be dangerous because people have a remarkable ability to judge you wrongly.
Indeed. If you are not interested in the things they suggest you are then that in itself is evidence that they are not equipped to psychologically judge or analyse their students.

CommanderKirov said:
What the hell is a Death culture?
Shows and interest in death, and goth culture.

Lack of grammar, he wasn't implying there was such a thing as death culture.

Daveman said:
There are more Christians in prison than atheists I guarantee you that.
That depends on your definition of a Christian. Claiming to be one and actually being one is not the same thing. Some of my friends are "Christians" and by that I mean they were baptised when they were babies, they would also write that they are Christian when asked their religion. None of them practice the religion, or go to church, and I am not even certain any of them actually believe in God. In Britain you tend to say you are whatever religion you were "born into", regardless of what your actual beliefs are.

Which is largely why we had a recent census, because people frequently call themselves Christians when they really aren't.

People in prison are very rarely going to be real Christians, because to be there they would have had to go against their own beliefs.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Socks and Shoes said:
To hell with the reasonable and logical answers!

Scare the living shit out of them.

Pretend to develop a twitch, and give your teachers long, angry looks at complete random.

No, not really. Would be hilarious, though.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
If this is really true, then I will be very disappointed if you don't use this to mess with people's heads. A lot of people before me have said pretty much the same thing, and I really, really think you should do something. If you then reveal it was a joke, and mention how you saw this file then it is them who might get in trouble over it, not you.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Seeing shit like this makes me irritated. I had anger issues when I was a teenager, and was a seriously dark, messed-up kid... but you know what? Most of my classmates were too. I bet you any money if my first high school had a "shooting watch" list, I'd have been public enemy number one without doing anything.

It sounds like the OP is far less immediately angsty and more well-balanced, and he still got put on this list? That's freaky. Why does the school even have something like that? What kind of psycho-building platform do they think they're running? Keep the pseudo-psychological shit out of the classroom. School officials live in their own world, and are some of the most judgmental people I've ever met. I do NOT want them psychologically-profiling me, or anyone!


Nov 8, 2008
Eh don't sweat it. I was put on the watch list as well. I even had to get a Psych Test which came out A-OK (completely balanced etc. etc.). Now I've changed to a better school and I'm going to Medical School come September. It really isn't that important. Heck, teachers being nice to you: Good thing ain't it?


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I find it reather stupid. Religon, music choice, and an interest in death proves almost nothing.

Here's another example that could be even more dangerous: Zealous Christian, likes reading aggressive pro-choice pamphlets and 2012 doomsday books, poor grades, likes listening to movie soundtracks from horror movies.

But, hey, I'm pretty sure i was on my school watchlist, too. It's nothing to be upset over. Just ignore it, be yourself, don't shoot up the school, and you're golden. Let the teachers quake in their boots over this crap. It's not your problem.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.
A folder for one document containing a 5 line document? My, my, my, you are special.

I call "Hogswash!" on the whole thing; so many aspects of this little tale dont ring true Im afraid.