So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


New member
Feb 17, 2010
That seems slightly silly. Actually upon thinking about it, it is rather offensive for teachers to summarize a student like that on paper, its rather discriminatory in the end as well. I don't like it, you ought to talk to the counsler about that, there is no reason to have a secret list like that floating around. It would be terrible to go into a high goverment job and have that pop up on a background check.

Off Topic:
On the Atheism thing, I know how you feel, I don't identify Atheist at all but sometimes am put into that catagory. One day within an hour two good friends called me "A really mean Atheist" and the other said "You are really religious arn't you." It is sort of annoying.


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
Start screwing with the teacher's heads, you can use this information to pull some of the best pranks ever.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Biggest question I have is; how do they know what music you like? Do they stalk your facebook or something?

Looking at those requirements I guess my school was lucky I didn't shoot it up. I listen to metal(using this as a reason would be super ironic as half my metal is by christian bands), am agnostic, and play video games. That's like the trifecta.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I find that absolutely disgusting. I'm probably on my school "Potential shooter list." This would probably be me-
Grades- Average to great
Interests- Violent video games <---- There's the killer
Music Choice- Metal
Religion- Lutheran

Also I hate high school. Not in the sense that I don't like being there, but in the sense that I hate so many people there! If I could hack I would see if my school has this file.


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
Haha, wow. You totally should have messed with them and left a note in there or something :p


New member
Jun 30, 2008
open trap said:
Similer in 8th grade for me. Our family consumer science teacher would watch my class on the last block of the day because my homeroom teacher worked in the studio at my school. She said i had changed from last year (I lost weight, grew out my hair, wear black band shirts and jeans, and am less inclined to blindly fallow what a teacher says) and that apparently i was scary. A friend of mine would say in that class that if i shot up the school he'd make it because i like him. I also happened to know of every one involved in drug trafficing and would casually talk about it. She would listen into all of these conversations on a daily basis. She was espically disturbed by an act i put on for a few friends where i would pretend to have an alternate personality and change my voice, though it was an obvious act as i did this on command. Any way one day near the end of the year i was called to guidence to talk about high school. They told me they did the same with every student, which was false because i asked around. Halfway through the conversation she mentions my FCS teacher and that she said i was an interesting person to talk to. The last part of the conversation turned to weather or not i was a violent person. I knew from the very beging that my FCS teacher told them to talk to me because she thought i was crazy and that just confirmed my suspicions. OH well whats a guy to do.
Firstly, perhaps a little more blind faith in your English teacher wouldn't hurt. Secondly, I'm all for distasteful jokes, believe me, but laughing about school shootings while in school is up there with making bomb jokes while on a plane. Have a little common sense.

Secondly, what in the world is going on your avatar and what does it have to do with TSHF?


New member
May 19, 2010
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
Kind of weird there, I would hate to see what my "file" says. On the positive side, now I know why teachers are so nice to me....actually maybe that isn't good.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
That is fucking messed up.

I especially like the Religion thing. Being an athiest means you lack morals. What a load of fucking bullcrap.

How do they figure you have an 'interest in death' by the way? Is it based solely on things like "occasionally wears black" and "listens to music deemed to be displeaaing to the faculty"?

You know what you should do? Get all the schools athiests together, (the majority, if not all of them, will listen to some degree of metal,) and get them to demand to be put on the Shooting Watch List as a show of what a crock of shit the whole thing is.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Whenever I read one of these threads, I am beyond glad I don't go to a school that's overly paranoid about these kind of things. Considering the fact that I have sketched highly detailed drawings of guns in class during downtime and that I have an unusable .357 Magnum round on my keychain, I would be on one of these lists in no time (and I'm not a violent person by any means).

My advice to the OP: Complain. Make your parents complain. Make your friends complain. Make your friends parents complain. Enough complaints and they're bound to reconsider such paranoia-filled policies. If that doesn't work, I also hear the media loves stories like this...


New member
Aug 13, 2009
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder. It was a report about my "school shooting potential". At my school, apparently, the SSP is based on grades, interests, music choice, and religion. It said this (from what I can recall, I skimmed it)

"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."

Which is weird, because I don't have any interest in goth subculture or a death fascination. I do like metal, but so? Also the part about me being an atheist is ridiculous (the school is in a Protestant/Catholic town).

Anyone else think this is a bit weird?

Seriously - ' Jeez Sir, these grades just make me feel like I could go postal and give the school a 9am shotgun wake up call....if only these grades were higher......'


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I think the worst part of this is the totally inept "profiling" going on in the report.

"Uh durr, listening to heavy metal means you are interested in death!
And not believing in Jebus!?! Lack of feeling and morals, obviously!"

Obviously no professionals were involved in the making of this list...

metal mustache

New member
Oct 29, 2009
i like how all those factors are completely irrevelant to why most students go on killing sprees, bullying and social alienation.

edit: you totally should of stole and sold it to the media!


New member
Mar 9, 2010
Jon Shannow said:
Wait so because i'm an Atheist i'm more likely to shoot people?
Yeah, because no god means no divine punishment.
Tim Cr810 said:
when it comes right down to it Atheist have as much reason to be empathetic and be a contributing member of society as Christians do, maybe more because they don't have this God Person to clean up their messes
we just have different reasons for it, while Christians do so because if they don't they'll be smited by their god or any passing paladins Atheists do it because they know that natural selection in Primates favors the team players, if you have three men in a village, a man who is a good person and helps out his community, a man who acts like a little kid, and a man who spends his time on the outskirts of the village being antisocial... who gets to pass on his genes to the next generation?

aka who gets laid?

hell that's a reason for Christians to avoid being a good person because apparently God hates in when people have sex
I seriously hope you're trying to be sarcastic or something here because the level of misconception is almost painful.
Try informing yourself about something before making statements about it like that. People will call you out and you will end up looking silly.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder.
Let's see. You both got up an left the office, but you presumably mumbled an excuse that you forgot something or some such, and found the files still lying on the desk.

I'm a little suspicious. Your Guidance Councillor heard the bell and like Fred Flintstone yelled Yabba-Dabba-Doo and flew right out the door leaving everything out in the open?

I'm finding it alittle hard to believe.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
sleeky01 said:
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder.
Let's see. You both got up an left the office, but you presumably mumbled an excuse that you forgot something or some such, and found the files still lying on the desk.

I'm a little suspicious. Your Guidance Councillor heard the bell and like Fred Flintstone yelled Yabba-Dabba-Doo and flew right out the door leaving everything out in the open?

I'm finding it alittle hard to believe.
maybe they both left for lunch, and he/she came back during lunch when they were out of the office?


New member
Mar 1, 2011
That's pretty weird... It doesn't even sound that legal to me but I'm no lawyer. I'd probably be on the same list considering how much glaring into space I do on the average school day. I'd just confront the counselor and demand to know why the hell the school keeps records like that.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
It is pretty messed up that they have such a file/list.

If my school has that type of list, I would probably be near the top of it because of my:
Playing shooter games
Liking metal music (not much)
Thinking that a lot of the people that go to my school are asses. (Hey, they asked for my loathe when they went out of their way just to make my life less pleasant)
Some (assumed) narcissistic tendencies. (But is it really narcissism if you actually are better than everyone else? ( This question is just a joke))
The suspicion of me ripping those tags off of my mattress (oh the humanity!!!)

@ravensheart18: I don't know, I would be a little suspicious of a file that is all about me just laying around. Especially if I was told that there was nothing important in it. If it really wasn't relavent to the topic of me, it probably wouldn't be out during my discussions with a guidance counselor.
I don't think that should make me be suspected of anything (except of maybe being a little paranoid or trying to apply the Law of Conservation of Details to reality).


New member
Jul 6, 2010
TheTrojanBadger said:
Imperator D said:
AetherWolf said:
What, is your school run by Jack Thompson?

Seriously though, I thought people were done with this generalizing based on the Columbine Shooting years ago.
No. It has only gotten worse. As time goes by and we have more and more instances of people snapping they will only refine it till they start issuing a psych-profile test as part of the standard battery of tests all students take. Answer one way and they put you in a padded classroom, answer another and you're spending the day chained to your chair hoping someone will come to you with a Baby Ruth.
I was given a wide birth after because I wore a trench coat and fedora; but all the teachers knew I wasn't a problem child, and my friends defended me when kids who didn't know me opened their judgmental mouths. I loved defying conventions and challenging prejudices.
Lol is that you, Alex?
(I know a guy named Alex who wears a trench and fedora)

I don't know if I'm on an official shooter list, but I do remember a time when my mom got a call from the school because on an assignment in which we wrote about the greatest invention of mankind, I wrote about the gun. I must have really freaked out the administrators, not to mention the teacher.
Wow. I ALSO know an Alex who wears a trench coat and a fedora. This will be quite a holy shit moment if he's the same person. Do you know someone named Paul? Plays the trombone?