So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Confront her about it and tell her it's discrimination by way of profiling. Use "discrimination" willy-nilly. And you'll sue if they don't shred your file. I don't know if you actually can or not, but say you will anyway. Oh, but take photos of the file first.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
MAKE A FUSS!! I would have, anyways. Something like " How dare you say such things about me??". If they give you detention, throw an even BIGGER fit!


New member
Apr 9, 2009
killamanhunter said:
tell some guy in Anon about it, they'll tear that school district apart like the largest box under the Christmas tree. However if you do not plan to ask the most powerful beings on the internet just go into the counseling office and yell, "I HAVE A GUN IN MY POCKET!" and just walk out. Should get you both looks and laughs the rest of the day and week.
Most excellent!

open trap

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Sentox6 said:
open trap said:
Similer in 8th grade for me. Our family consumer science teacher would watch my class on the last block of the day because my homeroom teacher worked in the studio at my school. She said i had changed from last year (I lost weight, grew out my hair, wear black band shirts and jeans, and am less inclined to blindly fallow what a teacher says) and that apparently i was scary. A friend of mine would say in that class that if i shot up the school he'd make it because i like him. I also happened to know of every one involved in drug trafficing and would casually talk about it. She would listen into all of these conversations on a daily basis. She was espically disturbed by an act i put on for a few friends where i would pretend to have an alternate personality and change my voice, though it was an obvious act as i did this on command. Any way one day near the end of the year i was called to guidence to talk about high school. They told me they did the same with every student, which was false because i asked around. Halfway through the conversation she mentions my FCS teacher and that she said i was an interesting person to talk to. The last part of the conversation turned to weather or not i was a violent person. I knew from the very beging that my FCS teacher told them to talk to me because she thought i was crazy and that just confirmed my suspicions. OH well whats a guy to do.
Firstly, perhaps a little more blind faith in your English teacher wouldn't hurt. Secondly, I'm all for distasteful jokes, believe me, but laughing about school shootings while in school is up there with making bomb jokes while on a plane. Have a little common sense.

Secondly, what in the world is going on your avatar and what does it have to do with TSHF?
I wasn't making those jokes. He just yelled it out at randome. And second off my Family Consumer Science teacher is one who is full of bullshit, and i didn't oppose her much. The year before i was a kiss up, the next year i stopped caring and questioned some of the things she would say that were opinion in class. But i would take your second point as your strongest and i would like to state that once again i had nothing to do with the comment. I was talking to the teacher and he just came up and started talking about it. I dont even remember what we were talking about, i think it was creepy kids or something.
And my avatar is the spinning Metallica Logo over TSHF album cover. Its one of the best albums/artwork out there. Im both a Megadeth and Metallica fan (i just like Megadeth more)


New member
Jan 19, 2010
jigaboon said:
killamanhunter said:
tell some guy in Anon about it, they'll tear that school district apart like the largest box under the Christmas tree. However if you do not plan to ask the most powerful beings on the internet just go into the counseling office and yell, "I HAVE A GUN IN MY POCKET!" and just walk out. Should get you both looks and laughs the rest of the day and week.
Most excellent!
I think that would land him in prison. I have a hunch that this course of action would be counter-productive to his wishes.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
LOL they think your a psycho! XD....Sorry man, I'm just messing with you

Even with all those supposed "traits" you can't say that person is prone to school shootings!

Seriously, what is up with your school?


New member
Oct 22, 2009
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
(the school is in a Protestant/Catholic town).
There's your answer, sir. Religious people looking down on you and expecting you to lack empathy because you don't answer to a higher power. Bullshit of course.


New member
May 17, 2010
I'm a paranoid person so I'm going to throw out the theory that maybe the document was/is fake and the intention by leaving it in plain sight and provoking interest by allowing you to say it and then claim it's 'Nothing' while addressing all their other files with you to draw your attention to it. So could they be waiting to see your actions towards it? For example would you get curious and look at it and would you confront them about it.

After all you did go back just to find out what was in a random file.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Damn.. those people would be scared like hell if they ever went to Scandinavia (including Finland)


New member
Aug 21, 2010
im sure there must be better indicators for whether or not you will shoot up a school. like access to guns, threatening behaviour, bullying, being bullied, arguments with teachers etc. all of these seem better to music tastes or religion.

and according to the OP they seem to have gotten the info wrong, so where are they getting the info, from out of touch, outdated 50 year old teachers that think any music with an electic guitar is death metal and if you wear a black t shirt your a emo/goth on the edge of killing them selves?


New member
Apr 3, 2009
I see, so being atheistic means you lack empathy. I would have thought it would be the other way around


New member
Oct 11, 2009
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
Well it can't be that bad the assessment did tell them to be nicer to you. I knew a few people back in high school who would have milked that for all it was worth if they out something like that.

Still it is rather odd they would do this.