So let's play a little game with Metacritic


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Highest one is Half Life 2: 96 (PC)

Lowest is X-Men Origins: Wolverine :79 (PC). That game was fun save for those rock thingies

Captcha: "great unwashed".Hmm... Must be talking about the user reviews.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Highest critic review: GTA IV @ 98 (Very good game. Wouldn't call it the best though.)
Lowest critic review: Two Worlds @ 50 (I'm not sure why this game has such a low score)

Highest user score: Castle Crashers @ 9.2 (Again, very good game. Again, wouldn't call it the best.)
Lowest user score: Mass Effect 3 @ 5.0 (...lulz. How did I run into this before Bionic Commando???)

I own some DLC ranked lower than 5.0 on user score, the lowest of which is ME3's From Ashes @ 2.7.

For the record, all of these ratings were based off of the XBox360 ratings.

Jimmy T. Malice

New member
Dec 28, 2010
Highest metascore: GTA IV (98)
WTF!? That game is not worthy of a 4 out of 10. How did it get an average of 98?

Lowest metascore: Dead Island (71)

I can't be bothered to go through all the user scores.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
Sonic Heroes: 64
Baldur's Gate II: 95

And ironically, I haven't been able to get into Baldur's gate that much...


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Highest: Half-Life at 96
Lowest: Duke Nukem Forever at 54

Half Life's user score: 90
DNF's User Score: 5.7

I've enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever more than Half-Life. I certainly got more time out of it.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Top metascore: 96
Draw between Half-Life 2, Half-Life, The Orange Box, and Bioshock.

Lowest metascore: 50
Empire Earth 3, not sure where it is anymore though.

Top user score: 10 (Says 9.8 but looking at the actual score it's only got a 10)
Penumbra Collection

Lowest user score: 3.2
Empire Earth 3, again.

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
Eufloria 63. Maybe. Had to plow through so many pages that I might've skipped the lowest. I'm very surprised at the result. It's one of the best, if not the very best ambient game. Steam clock says I've spent 27 enjoyable hours with it. Mostly listening to music, just chilling, as you do with these kind of games. The written review pieces also seem to hold it at higher value than the accompanying scores. Although, there was a huge patch, maybe a year ago, that changed it drastically. And that actually destroyed the great calm atmosphere as well as it did balance some stuff.
I also thought that was a much better than the review scores would lead people to believe, way back when it was called Dyson and was just an IGF demo with a dozen levels or so. It's slowly changed over time to become more of a complete, balanced game, but in the process it's become less enjoyable of an experience. Kind of a shame.

As far as my own highest and lowest, it looks like Ocarina of Time at the top (followed by a bunch of other Nintendo and Valve games), so no surprise there. Painkiller: Redemption is bringing up the rear, with a well-deserved 43, with some strong competition from Rhythm Zone at 44. Garshasp is nearby at 49, although it's nowhere near as bad as those other two.


New member
Mar 1, 2012
Highest: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (96)
Lowest: E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy (61)

Just going by games of the most recent generation, I've got worse games on other, older systems.


Mar 28, 2009
Highest score: GTA IV, 98
Lowest score: GTA, 68

Well how 'bout that.


Slightly Sarcastic At All Times
Aug 12, 2010
Highest: Grand Theft Auto 4(360).
Lowest:Sonic the Hedgehog 2006(360).

I can't help but think that GTA4 kind of blindsided reviewers into getting that score. It's definitely not the best game I own, and has tons of flaws in retrospect, but if you're a reviewer with only two weeks to play? I can see it obtaining a grossly high score.

I think Sonic 2006 shows that I was damn stupid at 12.


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Nalgas D. Lemur said:
Eufloria 63. Maybe. Had to plow through so many pages that I might've skipped the lowest. I'm very surprised at the result. It's one of the best, if not the very best ambient game. Steam clock says I've spent 27 enjoyable hours with it. Mostly listening to music, just chilling, as you do with these kind of games. The written review pieces also seem to hold it at higher value than the accompanying scores. Although, there was a huge patch, maybe a year ago, that changed it drastically. And that actually destroyed the great calm atmosphere as well as it did balance some stuff.
I also thought that was a much better than the review scores would lead people to believe, way back when it was called Dyson and was just an IGF demo with a dozen levels or so. It's slowly changed over time to become more of a complete, balanced game, but in the process it's become less enjoyable of an experience. Kind of a shame.

As far as my own highest and lowest, it looks like Ocarina of Time at the top (followed by a bunch of other Nintendo and Valve games), so no surprise there. Painkiller: Redemption is bringing up the rear, with a well-deserved 43, with some strong competition from Rhythm Zone at 44. Garshasp is nearby at 49, although it's nowhere near as bad as those other two.
Heh, I've actually got Rhythm Zone. Even spent 8 hours playing, or melting my eyes with it. So it's my worst.

I don't know what's wrong with the people who make music games. Maybe they're trying to find out who has epilepsy. Such a cool idea, but the visuals are always at least a bit annoying and distracting, and even more often they're unbearable.

They really screwed up with Eufloria, although changing the name from a vacuum cleaner manufacturer wasn't a bad move. The big patch pumped up the pace and made it a completely different game. From a soothing ambient game to something more arcade-like. It's not like there's not enough games already for people with five-second attention spans.


New member
Aug 20, 2011
Highest: Skyrim [94]/ Age Of Empires II Gold Edition [9.8]

Lowest: Commandos Strike Force [62]/ Minecraft [6.8]

Suprised about Minecraft, I guess the hype somehow turned to a bit of resentment.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Highest: Technically it's Super Mario Galaxy at 97, but my disc doesn't work anymore, so I don't know if I should count it.. Next one down is Half-Life 2, at 96. Not too shabby, still.

Lowest: As far as I can tell, it's Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly for PS2. That game was pretty damn mediocre, with a metascore of 56.

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
They really screwed up with Eufloria, although changing the name from a vacuum cleaner manufacturer wasn't a bad move.
At least the idea/meaning behind the original name was well-intentioned. It was based on the Dyson tree, which is a hypothetical genetically engineered plant that could grow on comets, thought up by Freeman Dyson, the same guy behind the Dyson sphere. Of course, a lot more people have heard of the vacuums, so...


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Nalgas D. Lemur said:
They really screwed up with Eufloria, although changing the name from a vacuum cleaner manufacturer wasn't a bad move.
At least the idea/meaning behind the original name was well-intentioned. It was based on the Dyson tree, which is a hypothetical genetically engineered plant that could grow on comets, thought up by Freeman Dyson, the same guy behind the Dyson sphere. Of course, a lot more people have heard of the vacuums, so...
Dyson Trees, or something like that might've been better than just Dyson, but anywho, bygones. Cheers for pointing that out though. I didn't know anything about the context.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Well, I started doing this, but gave up after typing in 5 or 6 games, and having to remember what games I had purchased and what the highest/lowest score was. Is there supposed to be an easier way, or do most of you already have a database of all the games you have ever bought?


New member
Jun 3, 2011
Elmoth said:
Clearing the Eye said:
Elmoth said:
Clearing the Eye said:
Elmoth said:
We're just not very good at making games.
Minecraft and Amnesia: The Dark Descent are both pretty cool, in my opinion.
Those were made in the Netherlands?
Yeah, both of them were.

They're both swedish. Those damn sweeds! "We're so great, with our bagette's and our eiffel tower!"
france has the eiffel tower. and the bagettes.

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
Highest: Grand Theft Auto IV (98), good but really overrated in my opinion.
Second Highest: Super Mario Galaxy/Super Mario Galaxy 2 (97), I included this because I love these games.

Lowest: Harm's Way (65), kind of fun for a bit and well worth the $0 price tag.
Lowest I paid money for: Metroid: Other M (79), decent game and I thought Samus' characterization was actually pretty accurate (I always thought of her as an introspective lady driven by an honest desire to help others).