So who else isn't buying BF3 or MW3


New member
Jan 5, 2008
I think both games look pretty enjoyable, but I don't have the money to blow on titles I'm only slightly interested in. I'd much rather put money towards games like Skyrim, Arkham City, or Skyward Sword.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Kermi said:
I dislike your strawman that implies people only buy popular games due to peer pressure. Have you ever considered those games are popular for a reason?
FPSs? No.

"People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it"
Never bought a FPS.

Elijah Newton

New member
Sep 17, 2008
More than a bit bummed that the crowd I usually game with has jumped on the BF bandwagon but the disappointment isn't enough to get me to buy the game. I don't have enough game time to keep up with that group's learning curve. The same goes for playing with strangers. That's the big reason for not getting one of these games - if I can't play with friends, the online 'community' is actually a ridonkulously huge disincentive to play.

What would I like to see in FPS games, though? Oh man, easy answer - open the gameplay to a wider variety of skills. I don't mean skills as number crunching stats, ie, bigger guns, more dakka. I mean skills as ways to play the game and contribute to it meaningfully. FPS gameplay is about lining up a crosshairs and pulling a trigger, which is well and good and should stay the focus of these games. But man - I'd kill for a deep enough driving simulation so troop transport would be as entertaining as Forza under fire. Or, and I thought this was going to be way more common for games after Mirror's Edge, a lot more 'movement skills' to negotiate terrain in an entertaining fashion (I heard Brink had a bit of this but didn't do much with it).

Or a more robust commander role for people who don't mind being entirely out of the firefight, make it more of an RTS or Tower Defense kinda thing. With driving. And parkour.


ps - oh! And civilians. People on the battlefield who should not be killed but who can be hidden amongst, exploited, defended. In game penalties are fine, assymetrical rules of engagement would work really well. There's drama and moral choices there aplenty. Knowing that every moving person is a viable target in an FPS ratchets down the tension.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
Revolutionary said:
Ok, so it's equal season and half of my XBL and PSN friends list is playing BF3. I have no doubt that the other half will be playing MW3 when that's released. I just wanted to know who else isn't really that keen on either and simply refuses to bow to social pressure. While I like my FPS as much as the next guy/girl I'm just a little tired of the modern iteration.

For Further discussion value: What would you like to see added to/ Changed in FPS's
I've got nothing against modern FPS gameplay . . . it's the free military propaganda that keeps these types of shooters out of my house.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I'd get MW3. Used. Later. Much, much later. Too much awesomeness coming out for me to even be remotely interested. I like Call of Duty, but I'm not in any rush.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Modern shoot-em-up games just don't appeal to me anymore. There's barely any story, its the same old repetitive BS day in, day out, and I just don't see why I should spend fifty euro buying a game which plays the same way and has roughly the same visuals and storyline as 50 other games.
Timesplitters Future Perfect, and Bulletstorm. The only FPS games I now have. Why? Because they're fun! They're different from all those generic BOOM-HEADSHOT shovelware.

So as a massive F-YOU to FPS games, I'll be getting Uncharted 3, and Sonic Generations this week. :] Two of the best franchises from two of the best game developer companies in gaming.


New member
Dec 13, 2009
I'm just a little tired of the modern iteration.
Better than all of world war 2 over and over and over again


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'm not buying either. I'm not paying full price for a game that can be completed in an afternoon.
Jan 27, 2011
Not interested in either of those games. I have to much to play already.

I have the Deux Ex DLC to play, I need to get to the ME2 Arrival DLC, I need to borrow Persona 4 from a friend, I'm getting Sonic Generations this week or next week, I want to get around to Catherine and Alan Wake and other games my friend gave me along with his XBOX, I'm playing Sequence and minecraft and The Last remnant on-and-off, Skyward Sword is coming out soon, and I kind of feel like replaying Twilight princess too...Am I forgetting anything....Oh right, and the ICO collection, maybe the silent hill game I just got on the steam sale, I should really get back to Crono Cross........And this isn't counting the Left 4 dead 2 and borderlands that I want to continue playing with my friends.

...You get the picture. I have way too much shit to play. I have no time and no interest for either of those games.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I was considering not buying either because I don't like the gameplay style of BattleField games, and Call of Duty started to bore me a bit. Then I realised Black Ops actually started to bore me not Modern Warfare, so I will be getting MW3 to fill the gap that was left by MW2.

To me, MW games (and CoD in general) aren't that realistic, and they are crazy fun shooters, you just have to look away from it's fanbase and mute every little fucker with a mic plugged in, HA.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm not getting either, the story for mw3 just sounds bat shit crazy and its not one of those games I would specifically buy for the multi, despite the fact that I would probably spend most of my time there, plus not being able to play on dedicated servers and gain ranks is annoying. I was really looking forward to battlefield 3 until ea decided to fuck with the back end and I have no interest in having origin on my comp or dealing with a web browser to launch the game. Oh well, its not like there is any shortage of awesome games coming out this season.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
I'm saving for Skyrim.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with either game, I will probably pick one of them up eventually depending on which game most of my friends get. But that won't be for quite some time. Skyrim will consume my life for a very long time.

Commissar Sae

New member
Nov 13, 2009
Probably going to eventually pick up MW3 despite not being much of a fanboy of the series, but I know a lot of my friends and coworkers are picking it up so it will give us all something to play together. And I'm honestly a bit curious about what absolutely insane and nonsensical plot points they will come up with next.

Loki J

New member
Nov 12, 2009
I won't be buying either of them. Not interested in that particular genre. *returns to playing Arkham City*