Hm. So folks dismissed the theory that Anonymous was behind PSN going down, and yet now we discover that, in fact, hackers did take down PSN. And this is happening not long after panty-waist Geohot gave in to Sony like a chump. Hmmm... oh gosh, could these hackers be the Anonymous guys!? You know? The same guys who raised a hissy fit over Geohot in the first place? The same guys who think they're the interwebz arbiters of JUSTICE? Could it be them!?!?
Earlier in another thread I guessed that the attack was Anonymous's fault, but they just didn't have the balls to admit it because this time they weren't just hurting Sony, they were hurting innocent Playstation gamers. I'm starting to think I'm right.
Oh, and before you say something stupid like, "Anonymous is everyone," spare me. *I'm* not in Anonymous, as is almost, well, everyone. So, when you say "Anonymous is everyone" what you really mean is "Anonymous is a large group of guys interested in computing topics and who often share goals/ideals. Also, they break things simply because they can." And anyway, if these guys don't want to be collectively perceived as a bunch of internet thugs then they need to stop committing attacks in the name of "Anonymous."