Sony Patents a Way to Sabotage Used Game Market

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Yeah, if Sony is smart, they won't do it. I don't see people getting so pissed about not being able to buy used games. It would be more about the fact that you're stuck with a game for life. I mean, that's fine if the game rocks but what if you get tired of it? Or you just wanna get rid of them for whatever reason? Whether they like it or not, some crappy games are sold merely on that reason alone; they know that if the game sucks, they can always try to get rid of it somehow. But if a gamer knows buying a crappy game means they're stuck with it for life, they'll think twice before taking a risk. I know I would; I'd probably stick with the well-known, triple A games.

I know PC games do kind of the same thing already; they give you a code that you can only use once. That's the reason why Gamestop doesn't sell used PC games. But the way I see it, there are more console games available than PC games. They can't afford to isolate people like that. Not only that, but they would have to sell all games released ever forever. Try finding MGS4 brand new at your local store. Or The Orange Box. Or Assassin's Creed 1. Or Devil May Cry 4.

Personally, while I respect and thank the developers for their work, sometimes I'm forced to get games used. So if they wanna fix that problem, they should take a different approach.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
dragongit said:
I can see several flaws in this plan.

1)I predict that there is a chance that the system will not be fullproof to begin with. What if there was a glitch in the system, and the console you have suddenly reads that all of your games are unplaybable?

2) what if your console breaks down and you have to get a new one, will the new system be able to recognize all of the games you previously had, if at all?

3) Your basically stabbing the Retail gaming market in the eye. They don't make great sales off of new games, used games keep their stores open, so less retailers may not be so inclinded to hold their products.

4) You cannot garentee the quality of the games. People do not wish to be saddled with something they cannot get rid of. PC gamers get the luxery of their games usually being cheaper to begin with, with rediculous sales on retailers like Steam. Console games are almost always full price, with tax included. no one wants to invest 70 dollars on a lemon,without some form of compensation, even if it's the difference of 15 bucks.

So unless Sony can insure QUALITY games that will never suck, and Consoles that will never break, this is a horrible HORRIBLE idea for them. Even some PC games have limitations to how many times they can be activated, but they have more then just one at times. DRM is really pissing on the gaming industry as a whole.I garentee you that Sony will loose more sales, not to the used market, but to pirates who want a DRM free experience, and convenince.
You actually just reminded me of something important that Sony had happen to them last year.

The major high level hack threat they suffered was big enough to give them a dent not only to their system but to their credibility,userbase trust and not to mention money.

Could you imagine if they suffered another high level attack only this time all the RF tags are literally stolen/replaced with fake identifications or even wiped making their entire game system collapse onto itself if they were to use that patent for their next console that is.

I do strongly agree with what you've said so far but like many of us we hope Sony won't ever have to resort to using this as a means of control since it would end up causing them more trouble than it's entire worth in the first place.


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
BrotherRool said:
DoveAlexa said:
BrotherRool said:
By contrast Valve makes it awkward to log into a steam account on someone else computer. You need to send and reply to a confirmation email first, if your account is old and your email account has become inactive it's practically impossible
I put my account on another computer 2 days ago and in less than 5 minutes, with no sweat, tears or frustration. The email was already in my box when I got onto my hotmail and then I just typed in the code and it let me on through without anymore issue.

I can honestly say I appreciate this extra protection feature as it reduces the likelihood of people I piss off in games or forums being able to steal my account. It's come up.
Zipa said:
Valve don't make you at all, Steam guard is optional and is turned off by default.

Steam ----> settings ---> account tab -----> manage Steam guard account security -----> disable/enable steam guard.
I was trying to play a game in the same house as my brother that we have, on my laptop instead of the main PC. He never uses Steam his account was ages old, he struggled to remember the password or even what email address he would have used. I don't know why he would have turned steam guard on, he doesn't use steam and Empire is the only game he has on it, maybe there was some pop up that he just clicked yes to?

But that meant we were in danger of only being able to play a game we had a disk to, on one computer forever after. It was an unpleasant experience and so I can't give any favour to Steam for the DRM. At worst Sony's plan will work exactly the same, it locks it to an account, and you just sign in to an account on someones Playstation to play it. It's awful restrictive DRM but at its worst it's still equal to Steam DRM and they should be treated fairly equally. And at least with Sony it's hypothetical, they haven't actually put the system in place yet
The difference is Steam actually has a upside to it, things like cheaper games, free voice and text chat (doesn't work cross game without PSN +) ect. Sony are just taking the crap aspects of the idea.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Baldr said:
WouldYouKindly said:
Baldr said:
WouldYouKindly said:

If I sell anything else I own, the original creator doesn't expect to get anything at all out of it. I sell my car, that's all my money. I sell my TV, that's all my money. I sell my house, all my money.

In other words, of course you don't get anything from used sales, games industry. No industry does. What makes you so fucking special?
No other industry has to deal with retailers that market used items over new merchandise and undercut new sales.
The car industry does. Used car lots specifically undercut new sales and I'm pretty sure all the car companies would rather everyone have to buy new cars all the time.

If they want to cripple the used market, then go for a cheaper and more convenient digital distribution service. There's a reason why people use Steam so much, it's just easier than going to a store.
No they don't. You don't see Ford, Toyota, or any of the other major car brands putting used cars on the lots out in front. The used cars are usually in the back or in a separate lot.
That's the big difference? The section isn't right in the front? So what if the store puts what makes them the most money right up front? That doesn't mean the producers of the product deserve to force everyone to buy new.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
The way Sony has been going, I'm surprised they don't already have something like this patented.
I don't care if they implement it or not (either way, I think it's a waste), I just miss the days when they spent their R&D on trying to make their games & consoles better rather than just trying to squeeze a few more pennies out of a consumer base that obviously can't/wont spend a lot.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Zipa said:
The difference is Steam actually has a upside to it, things like cheaper games, free voice and text chat (doesn't work cross game without PSN +) ect. Sony are just taking the crap aspects of the idea.
Thats not really true either. Or rather, I've played the Total War games for years and if I wanted voice chat when playing I would use Vent or the other voice services that we use (for free). Its just another thing I have to turn off not to be disturbed. And Steam fully has the capability to give me that service without adding the locked to one account thing and they're already getting benefits out of this arrangement by forcing people to download and use Steam just to play the game. If Steam was enhancing my gaming experience on Total War then developers would let them add it without the ridiculous Anti-Used game DRM.

And on another plus side for Sony (apart from the fact that they didn't do this for multiple years after valve started). Steam forces me to log in to it and load it up before I can even play my game. At least on the PSN you don't have to wait 5 seconds + to start up a game so the DRM can kick in.

Heck it's worse, I have to logout of my Steam and load up my brothers Steam every single time I want to play. I'm actually having to type in a password to play a game I own.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Tanis said:
IF DRM ends up on the next wave of gaming consoles...
I'm out.
I'll have a lawn chair and cooler waiting for ya, cause I'm going to ignore any and all Sony related happenings from here on out, they pretty clearly don't want me coming back as costumer


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
BrotherRool said:
Zipa said:
The difference is Steam actually has a upside to it, things like cheaper games, free voice and text chat (doesn't work cross game without PSN +) ect. Sony are just taking the crap aspects of the idea.
Thats not really true either. Or rather, I've played the Total War games for years and if I wanted voice chat when playing I would use Vent or the other voice services that we use (for free). Its just another thing I have to turn off not to be disturbed. And Steam fully has the capability to give me that service without adding the locked to one account thing and they're already getting benefits out of this arrangement by forcing people to download and use Steam just to play the game. If Steam was enhancing my gaming experience on Total War then developers would let them add it without the ridiculous Anti-Used game DRM.

And on another plus side for Sony (apart from the fact that they didn't do this for multiple years after valve started). Steam forces me to log in to it and load it up before I can even play my game. At least on the PSN you don't have to wait 5 seconds + to start up a game so the DRM can kick in.

Heck it's worse, I have to logout of my Steam and load up my brothers Steam every single time I want to play. I'm actually having to type in a password to play a game I own.
I can see your point about it being a inconvenience, Steam isnt perfect by any means but it at least does have a upside. Ventrilo/teamspeak are not free though. Someone somewhere is paying to rent the server. And again Steam voice is off by default, its on you to turn it on so its not really annoying. Some games have their own voice chat thats turned on by default (like most call of duty titles but that is nothing to do with Valve.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
Scars Unseen said:
This is a pretty blatant violation of first sale doctrine. I'm sure the US courts won't do anything about it because fuck consumer rights, but I imagine it won't fly to well over on the other side of the Atlantic.
No it isn't. Read the EULA some time. You don't buy videogames, you are merely renting them indefinitely for(usually) a one time fee. You can't rent a car and then sell it any more than you can a videogame. This does not however, apply to most old games from the early 90s and before, but anything from the past 10-15 years is not something you technically own.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
huh. I guess I'd care if my ps3 wasn't gathering dust while the 360 still sees use.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Y'know, I'd dismiss this as just an idea they filed a parent on in case they felt like using it later, and conclude that Sony would never, ever do something so actively hostile to their customers.

I would conclude that, if I had not seen them do something similarly user-hostile not that long ago, through their music wing. Anyone remember that lawsuit they lost over putting rootkits on music CDs? Because I do.

Closet Superhero

New member
May 24, 2009
I'm fine with this as a concept. Playing a game is unlike buying a physical good, it's an experience more akin to going to the cinemas, a concert, a theme park, etc. Films, television and books are also moving in this direction.

The problem lies in execution (i.e. being user-friendly) and appropriate pricing. Steam does this well. Sony's track record, however, does not bode well. If they were to implement this without dramatically improving their online service and reducing the prices of games, they could fall out of the console race completely.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Well I just won't buy a PS 4 than. That simple, 90% of the games I buy are new anyway but if they're going to be complete dicks I'll just take my business else where.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Mycroft Holmes said:
Scars Unseen said:
This is a pretty blatant violation of first sale doctrine. I'm sure the US courts won't do anything about it because fuck consumer rights, but I imagine it won't fly to well over on the other side of the Atlantic.
No it isn't. Read the EULA some time. You don't buy videogames, you are merely renting them indefinitely for(usually) a one time fee. You can't rent a car and then sell it any more than you can a videogame. This does not however, apply to most old games from the early 90s and before, but anything from the past 10-15 years is not something you technically own.
Actually I think you need to re-read those laws because yo got them half assed backwards, you OWN the disk and when you sell that disk you sell the license to use it as long as you can no longer use it.