Sony Patents a Way to Sabotage Used Game Market


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
IF DRM ends up on the next wave of gaming consoles...
I'm out.


The Talking Dead
May 18, 2012
Practices like this are why I am slowly transitioning into PC gaming on a laptop. Recently played through Assassin's Creed and didn't even notice a difference in my overall entertainment experience. What I did notice is not having to deal with a ton of firmware updates and waiting for the game to install additional data before I could play it.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
04whim said:
But on topic, I can see this work, if and only if, they bring down the price of new games quite drastically. If they had sold Assassin's Creed 3 for new, for a reasonable price I would have bought it new. It's not the used game market hurting their income, it's their own overcharging greed.
The Extra Credits guys did something on this once. Basically a game shouldn't be sold as a fully priced unit, instead it would be made up of a cheaper core, with the rest as unlockable extras.

For example take Black Ops 2. It has 3 parts - campaign, zombies, multiplayer.

Most people don't play all 3, they usually only play 1 or 2. So release a game with only a small part unlocked and allow players to pay to unlock the rest of the content already on the disc.

So lets say you sell a disk for $20 that has the first half of the campaign, a 10 game multiplayer demo and a 30 minute zombie trial unlocked. After that you can pay:

$15 for the rest of the campaign (and maybe unlock extra features like the weapon loadout customisation option)
$15 for unlimited multiplayer
$10 for unlimited zombies

Game still costs $60 for the whole package but only if you want it all so it's a better deal for players.

It also has the advantage of the developers getting more money. A physical copy sold in a store means developers only get around 50% (according to EC) as the store gets a cut, so they only get $30 out of each game. If they now sell $20 games and tell players to go buy unlock codes directly from their website they get all of the money from those code sales. So if a player buys all the unlocks the company has got $50 dollars out of the game instead of $30.

They can also use this to reward players, if you unlock all three you get a new bonus mission, a new multiplayer weapon/skin/badge or a new zombie map (maybe let the player choose). Little incentives to encourage a player to pay 'full' price for the game out of choice rather than necessity.

Only problem is it could discourage stores from selling games as they're making less off their cut of the sales, meaning they have to rely on preowned copies, which are now worth less as well as they have to go below a much lower threshold to stop players just buying new and reducing how much of a share they get.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Nicolaus99 said:
Entitled said:
Movie publishers can sue you if you play music with too many people around, say, in your cafeteria. I think that's on the same level.

Microsoft already patented a Kinect feature that would block too many strangers from watching the same movie together with you.

The other analogies are faulty, since they are governed by property rights, that are quite a lot more clear-cut than IP rights. It is only the copyright industry that is constantly trying to come up with more and more rights for themselves, while also pretending that it's a matter of protecting "artists' property", so liberalization is out of question.
Top EU court upholds right to resell downloaded software -

There's something outsiders can strongly envy about the EU. Now if only we can force that through the corporate prostitute congress here on the US side of the pond. One more step towards telling those jackals where they can stick their EULA's.

So the real question here is the definition of Property Rights and whether your "copy" of X software is in fact your legal property.
Also whether "right to resell" is a theoretical excercise, and measures like this are technically legal, as they still recognise your right to resell the product - they merely made it physically impossible.
The EU still hasn't forced Digital Download services as Steam and Origin to implement the possibility for resale, so this new tech might not be initially struck down.

They might be forced to disable it if somebody brings it to court, but that's quite a way off.


New member
Dec 24, 2012
This is why people do illegal shit to get games. In what way does this benefit people that buy a PS4?


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Well I'll just take the money I was going to use for the PS4, and start buying those expensive PS1 classics. Fun fact, Intelligent Qube costs a cool $80 used last I checked.


New member
Aug 26, 2012
its properly gonna just replace online pass codes and the like. if it can tell if the game is preowned it will disable the multiplayer, if this is the case its a good thing. people are acting like they know it of fact when it isn't so.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Wow, gee Sony maybe you should call this "The pirate station 4" Because no one is going to legitimately buy games for your system if you go through with this.
Jan 22, 2011
This was in the rumor mill for along time people, I've known about for months since some did leak from the inside of Sony. Now that it actually a fact or confirmed that this software/hardware is panted exist, I'm really looking forward to the next gen of gaming.


New member
Sep 16, 2008
I have the same problem with this that comes with the code activation. What if I just want to rent the damn game to try it out? See if I like it enough to keep playing the online? But nope. I can't even try out the full game because of these restrictions and now they are saying I can't even try it at all besides a demo that gives me a very small portion of the game? How is this fair?! I hate the way that console gaming is going all together. If they want better sales then they shouldn't make us pay $60 bucks a game and then charge us $40 bucks extra for the full thing with all the DLC they release for games.

Little Gray

New member
Sep 18, 2012
Nicolaus99 said:
Top EU court upholds right to resell downloaded software -

There's something outsiders can strongly envy about the EU. Now if only we can force that through the corporate prostitute congress here on the US side of the pond. One more step towards telling those jackals where they can stick their EULA's.

So the real question here is the definition of Property Rights and whether your "copy" of X software is in fact your legal property.
While that is true it does not mean that companies have to give you the option to resell downloaded software. they can perfectly and legally make it so you cant resell that product.

They can do this with disk based games as well and there is nothing the courts can do about it because its not against any laws.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Baldr said:
WouldYouKindly said:

If I sell anything else I own, the original creator doesn't expect to get anything at all out of it. I sell my car, that's all my money. I sell my TV, that's all my money. I sell my house, all my money.

In other words, of course you don't get anything from used sales, games industry. No industry does. What makes you so fucking special?
No other industry has to deal with retailers that market used items over new merchandise and undercut new sales.
The car industry does. Used car lots specifically undercut new sales and I'm pretty sure all the car companies would rather everyone have to buy new cars all the time.

If they want to cripple the used market, then go for a cheaper and more convenient digital distribution service. There's a reason why people use Steam so much, it's just easier than going to a store.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
DoveAlexa said:
BrotherRool said:
By contrast Valve makes it awkward to log into a steam account on someone else computer. You need to send and reply to a confirmation email first, if your account is old and your email account has become inactive it's practically impossible
I put my account on another computer 2 days ago and in less than 5 minutes, with no sweat, tears or frustration. The email was already in my box when I got onto my hotmail and then I just typed in the code and it let me on through without anymore issue.

I can honestly say I appreciate this extra protection feature as it reduces the likelihood of people I piss off in games or forums being able to steal my account. It's come up.
Zipa said:
Valve don't make you at all, Steam guard is optional and is turned off by default.

Steam ----> settings ---> account tab -----> manage Steam guard account security -----> disable/enable steam guard.
I was trying to play a game in the same house as my brother that we have, on my laptop instead of the main PC. He never uses Steam his account was ages old, he struggled to remember the password or even what email address he would have used. I don't know why he would have turned steam guard on, he doesn't use steam and Empire is the only game he has on it, maybe there was some pop up that he just clicked yes to?

But that meant we were in danger of only being able to play a game we had a disk to, on one computer forever after. It was an unpleasant experience and so I can't give any favour to Steam for the DRM. At worst Sony's plan will work exactly the same, it locks it to an account, and you just sign in to an account on someones Playstation to play it. It's awful restrictive DRM but at its worst it's still equal to Steam DRM and they should be treated fairly equally. And at least with Sony it's hypothetical, they haven't actually put the system in place yet


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Hmm, the future is looking a little too Shadowrun-y to me. Time to grab my detagger.....


New member
Jan 20, 2011
this sounds suspiciously like it won't stop the thing it's designed to, and will cause problems for the ones it purportedly accepts.

Just like on computers.
Jan 22, 2011
gibboss28 said:
uncanny474 said:
Entitled said:
As a PC gamer, I hope this will be used. (Because I would love to see more people come over here, and buy PC games instead of this, so there would be more games designed for the PC.)
At the risk of going off-topic, it's not like PC gaming doesn't have it's own heinous problems (*cough*Windows8*cough).
Windows 8 isn't a problem for pc gaming in the slightest though
I just don't see a point in using new windows os two to three years later unless it was on laptop/tablet computer.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
WouldYouKindly said:
Baldr said:
WouldYouKindly said:

If I sell anything else I own, the original creator doesn't expect to get anything at all out of it. I sell my car, that's all my money. I sell my TV, that's all my money. I sell my house, all my money.

In other words, of course you don't get anything from used sales, games industry. No industry does. What makes you so fucking special?
No other industry has to deal with retailers that market used items over new merchandise and undercut new sales.
The car industry does. Used car lots specifically undercut new sales and I'm pretty sure all the car companies would rather everyone have to buy new cars all the time.

If they want to cripple the used market, then go for a cheaper and more convenient digital distribution service. There's a reason why people use Steam so much, it's just easier than going to a store.
No they don't. You don't see Ford, Toyota, or any of the other major car brands putting used cars on the lots out in front. The used cars are usually in the back or in a separate lot.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Wow, just when I thought Sony had run out of ways to make me hate them.

Someone please remind me, why do people give these putrid cocks their money?

captcha: hey brother