Sony: PlayStation Move Better Than Mouse & Keyboard


New member
Apr 16, 2009

Yeah, no. Sony, you're wrong. So, so terribly wrong.

Eagle Est1986

That One Guy
Nov 21, 2007
Black and White 3 on the PlayStation Move? That'd work perfectly, not that it's ever going to happen, but I can't think of a better game for Move or a better way of playing Black and White.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
ultimateownage said:
I'm betting you 90% of the games are cheap party games that make you do a stupid waggle. Even the ones which don't need you to do that are still a pointless gimmick in my eyes. There's nothing which can make this more effective than a keyboard.
Well not with your bias in the way, that's for sure.
And motion controls have nothing to do with cheap, crappy games.
Every system, regardless of method of control, sees a pile of crappy games every year.

Personally, I love the idea of playing an RTS with motion controls.
Every see Minority Report? I want that. That would be awesome.
But we won't get there if we don't experiment and try new things.

This is one thing that baffles me: Gamers love to ***** and moan about how uncreative developers and publishers and the 'big three' are, but when they try to make new things new, gamers ***** about how awful and stupid it is. We've barely scratched the paint of the potential of motion controls, and people are already writing it off.

You know what I'm reminded of? That scene in Back to the Future: Part 2 where Marty goes to play 'Wild Gunmen' in that diner in the future. He shows off how awesome he is, and some kid says "You have to use your hands? That's a baby's toy!". We aren't going to just leap into future technology. This isn't TV where we can throw in a montage and suddenly we've got holodecks and VR gaming. It takes time, experimentation, and exploration.

It also takes some willing, open-minded participation from people who aren't stubbornly clinging onto the past like some 80 year old politician campaigning for the "good 'ol days". Geez louise, people. At least try to step forward.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
RTS like shooters is about precision. I'm sure you'll able to command massive armies with Move. But it is laughable to think that even with added dimensions you can pick and control specific units in the grand mêlée.

Another good point is all the functionality the keyboard provides - unit commands, build orders, control groups, control points, global spells and hero units. Even simple things like controlling the dashboard to recruit units will take 3-4 steps with a controller, while you can do it with keyboard leaving the mouse to issue other commands.

I would have them try to port a turn based strategy (like Civilization) first, before making grand praises.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
As more reasonable people here have pointed out, an RTS can be rather inconvinient to play without hotkeys - though speaking from my own experience, they're not that neccesary for playing on "normal". So it's not gonna work better, but it surely will work adequately.

Now gimme an RTS about Lombaxes, and we'll talk.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
LOLOLOLOL that's so jokes. I'm fairly certain if it were true the Wii would of long beaten them to it. That's a silly selling point, but someone's gonna buy into it.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Of course they would have point of veiw..its an inhouse R&D department...its there job to make it look and sound shinny!


Apr 28, 2008
I think people are misreading the article. This guy thinks he can sort of re-define the RTS to not be limited to a 2D plane in order to use the move with a third dimension.

He believes in doing this it will be better than a mouse.
I believe he's wrong.

However, if they actually have a prototype simplified RTS running which doesn't require key bindings and fast clicking I could at least see it working.

There is no way you're ever going to get something on the competitive level of Starcraft working on the move.


New member
Nov 12, 2008
I find this very, very hard to believe. How do they implement shortcuts? Plus if the Move has the same accuracy as the Wiimote, then the buttons would have to be pretty big.

Overall I don't like the idea of having to hold my arms up in the air, that'd get pretty tiring with something that has less precision than a mouse.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Look I appreciate innovation and will happily give it a go if its in the right price range. I own a Wii and can honestly say I have a great amount of fun with the motion games (add booze and other ppl and you can make a night of it.) and usually play 1-2 times a week.

But what gets me is why try and muscle in on the RTS when innovation more easily lends itself to changing RTS. Sonny has a spiffy new interface and could easily use it to take an old idea and make it new.
I am not saying RTS needs to be changed. I am having a great time with SC2 and doubt it could be "improved" with any form of motion control short of a fully interactive touch control with a combination of voice command.
In the end through it would be worth a shot I doubt "Motion" can cover the wide range of commands required to play most RTS games. I am sure it would handle a 4x game well through. (GalCiv2 on PS3 would be good times.)

Corporal Bill

New member
Jun 23, 2010
Jaranja said:

Mouse & Keyboard will always be better at first-person and... Second-person.[footnote]That's what an RTS is, right?[/footnote]
Iv'e always wondered that too!


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
While pointing your armies around with a (small plastic with a coloured light bubble on end) Marshall staff might be a lot of fun, I severely doubt that Move could offer anything that could increase control efficiency in RTS's over Keyboard & Mouse. In fact, I remain most doubtful that it'll even be as efficient as this more traditional style.

Unsolicited and Over-optimistic marketing hype for now.


New member
Apr 13, 2008
Seeing how my hands shake naturally when I'm holding something, it's not gonna be better than putting my hand on top of a mouse.
Feb 19, 2010

sorry sony, youre just wrong.
mouse and keyboard is too accesible. i dont want to play with a wiimote with a big shiny bell end on it

sony and microsoft are getting fat headed