Sony: PlayStation Move Better Than Mouse & Keyboard

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
I'm going to stay optimistic on this one. Who knows, it might work.

Though there's one thing I don't get: Why does the Move get so much coverage as opposed to the PS3 mouse controller?

That was both new and interesting, combining a console controller to a mouse, and many people say it's one of the best console controllers ever. Couldn't that have been improved upon and gained the massive media coverage Move got? Seems like something much more favorable for the PS3.


New member
Sep 17, 2009
>Better then Mouse & Keyboard

Hmm I think I missed a few words before that but I assume they invented brain activity to game technology, the only thing better then mouse+keyboard.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Jaranja said:

Mouse & Keyboard will always be better at first-person and... Second-person.[footnote]That's what an RTS is, right?[/footnote]
Nope.... its third person, omniscient, to be exact, you see the battlefield from the point of a god. And Mouse and Keyboard will not always be best for 1st person. It might for RTS's, but thats because of the sheer number up keys on a keyboard. But for a first person shooter?, no a gun replica or something might be better. I saw of a video of such a thing that made me double think the whole mouse and keyboard scheme. Actually, hell, with some fine tunning, motion controls MIGHT be better. Its all about how innovative you wanna go. You can always make something better, just the resources may not allow it at this moment in time.


New member
May 5, 2009
I think it's perfectly reasonable, and people saying it lacks the hotkeys from a keyboard are just pulling stuff out of their ass.

Move lollipop has 1 trigger and 5 buttons, numchuck has 2 triggers 4 buttons and 1 analog. 1 trigger being used to emulate right mouse click and the mid button to emulate left click, laves 2 modifier triggers and 8 buttons unused, allowing for a total of 24 actions. Pro players don't use more than 24 hotkeys on RTS'.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
What can you expect from a console making company. They don't have a clue about RTS games. They don't know about macros RTS players use which require a keyboard with hundreds of buttons and these days even RTS mice have a lot of buttons. Move is nothing more than a gimmick and every real gamer knows it. Only people who will buy this are kids and people who are not familiar with this stuff. They will get tricked into buying Move.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
This is hilarious. A mouse has pixel perfect accuracy, nothing can beat that. A keyboard has a ton of keys to use with macros and hotkeys, the move has like 4 buttons.

Also, with a mouse you can move the screen around fast. With an FPS you can do an instant 180 while still maintaining your accuracy. With motion controls like move to turn the screen around you have to aim the aimer at the sides of the screen, this creates slow awkward movements. It makes playing both RTS's and FPS's with motion controls terrible compared to a mouse and keyboard.

Motion controls will always be a gimmick.


New member
May 5, 2010
This coming from the company that thinks the glasses for 3D is a good thing.

Edit: and that Justin Timberlake is relevent to gamers


New member
May 15, 2008
Lol, this is going to end terribly bad.

Then again, I'm of the opinion that K+M is horribly awkward. But, Sony are trolling so PC fans, keep your pants on. I don't think that Sony realise that motion controls aren't very accurate.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Hmm... This is an interesting idea. The RTS would have be a lot more fluid to work properly. You'd also have to abuse the heck out of the few buttons you have. It'd be something like "Wave over the army holding B to select the builders. Then hit B again to select fortifications. Then hit B again while pointing to have them build forts. Or hold C while moving to draw out a line of wall." A certain number of buttons would be needed at each level of interaction for such basics as these.

Maybe things like squad selection or insta-switching to viewpoints could be done by holding the thing over your head or something so that then the game knows you want button D to select your southern army or have a look at the east bridge.

It's not something I'd care for, but it's doable with some creativity.