On one hand, I can understand Sony's concern, and it is valid. Lets face it, even the most "honest" of people will take advantage to get something for "free" if the opportunity lands in their lap. You make it available, and a crap load of people are going to steal like stealing is some sort of holy duty.
On the other hand, I'm about sick of these sorts of draconian methods that businesses employ, bringing down their full weight and power on a person with NO chance of fighting back, and winning court cases solely on the fact that they have more money to throw around.
Because from what I can understand, that is what it seems things came down to. The judge didn't sound like their ruling was exactly "unbiased." Rather they sounded like "well I can't really agree with this, but I'm going to side with Sony because they have better lawyers and I'll just make up something to help it sound good."
I personally believe however that whatever product I PURCHASE with MY money is MINE. IF I want to modify the PS3 to flush my toilet when I poop, that's my prerogative. In all honesty, they should be more concerned with fixing the issues they do have or investing in better quality developers. Faffing around with some anti-hero isn't going to increase sales. How about lowering your freaking prices? Uncharted 1 should NOT still be sitting at damn near $40 used.
Ever since its launch, I've had a parade of little issues with Sony starting to stack up, and I'm pretty much adding my voice to those who wont be buying Sony again until Sony decides that improving its product's QUALITY before worrying about some minority of looters whose detriment is hard to quantify let alone prove with any hard evidence in numbers. Maybe a game didn't sell because it sucked, not because people pirated it.