SOPA hearing yesterday: There are not enough /facepalms in the world


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Maclennan said:
Did the one who said the internet was "like a series of tubes" there, or is he dead now?

The world needs to start mass producing face palms to meet current demand
SOPA = Severe Over Palming Act?
It's probably why I have an enormous hand shaped red mark covering my face now.........

I just like the way the opposition managed to derail the biased discussion. Particularly switching the discussion to the matter of the adult entertainment industry allowing Polis to get the lyrics for The Internet Is For Porn into a congressional debate record......


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Aug 20, 2009
teqrevisited said:
Great. This means I only have four days to download the entire internet so that it can be reinstated atop Westminster in a small black box.

I wish politicians weren't so stupid. If this doesn't get stopped I would expect government networks to be under heavy fire from hackers the world over. They'd deserve it, too.
technically it,s already cracked the software is the same as they use in China and N Korea and it doesn't do anything against the sites they should block (like anti government sites or porn sites)


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Qitz said:
Well according to the email I just got from Reddits petition, they cancelled their vote and disbanded for the year.

BREAKING NEWS: Because of immense public pressure, the House Judiciary Committee cancelled their vote on the bill that would kill Internet innovation and free speech -- and adjourned for the rest of the year!

Over the last 36 hours, over 97,000 people like you signed our joint petition with reddit against this bill, and thousands more called their representatives. The Internet fought back to protect the Internet -- and we won, for now.

We now need to assemble our Internet army for next year, when this bill will come up again. Can you help us reach 100,000 signers on the petition?

Click here to spread the VICTORY! news and share the grassroots petition on Facebook.

(Then, pass this email on to friends so they can sign the petition here.)

Our petition got a ton of attention in Washington, DC. Here's what some leading news outlets reported yesterday:

Washington Post: "The Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Reddit have been pushing a campaign arguing that SOPA, as written, would harm future innovation."

Roll Call: "A flurry of liberal and conservative groups issued last-minute pleas in the hours before the House Judiciary Committee prepared to vote on its latest version of a controversial intellectual property bill, known as the Stop Online Piracy Act.

'Join @reddit and PCCC (@BoldProgressive) in saving the Internet!' the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a liberal advocacy group, tweeted urging followers to sign an online petition opposing the bill. The missive was paired with a letter signed by the founders of Twitter, YouTube and other tech giants."

But the fight is far from over -- big corporations are still pushing hard for this bill. We won the battle with today's delay, but we still have to win the war against Internet censorship.

Click here to spread today's VICTORY news and share the petition with your friends on Facebook.

(Then, pass this email on to friends so they can sign the petition here.)

Thanks for taking action. Our action together made a big difference!

-- Jason Rosenbaum, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (J-Ro on reddit) and Erik Martin, reddit General Manager
So the battle was won but the war may have to wage on.
That's actually kind of awesome. I guess that the combined effort of many individuals can make a difference. Funny how the government is being bullied by the "ordinary people" for a change. Now let's put their heads in toilets and start flushing :)


New member
Apr 6, 2010
CODE-D said:
The internet runs on hamsters running on wheels stationed in omaha right?
No, but I think a fair portion of the internet is populated by hamsters, or people with the brain functions of hamsters.
I wish I was just being a cynical asshole, but I could most likely provide sufficient proof if requested.(chances are it would be a link to 4chan)
OT: Out of all of the things people should be dealing with right now, shouldn't the internet be really far down on the list? If we lived in a blissful, happy world where only minor and trivial issues caused conflict, then that could slightly justify why the hell these people are whining about the internet.
I'm not even going to mention how none of these people have any idea what they're talking about.
I guess we'll just have to cross our fingers...
Captcha was "awfular House". Does anyone else think that Awfular House would be a good villain name?


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Metaphysic said:
Rainforce said:
Maclennan said:
The world needs to start mass producing face palms to meet current demand
so that's how they want to secure more jobs, I see :O
it all makes sense now.

still, the world doesn't need any more china ripoffs. Why are governments of big countries so focused on stagnation? everyone will die from that : /
Governments want control and higher-ups want to stay higher-up. Stagnation allows them to do that.
I know THAT much. But it doesn't answer the "OH GOD DAMN WHY ARE YOU SO RETARDED AND SUICIDAL" question to my satisfaction.
Better god of a self inflicted dying world then living a day longer in a working country, huh.
Oh wait, isn't that kinda the thing terrorists do o_O


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Dammit America. Every time I try to take their country seriously and not laugh at it or make fun of it, they go and do something like this.

I really hope this doesn't pass, but well.........America.......I don't have much hope.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Many people are saying that young people should get involved in politics, but saying it isn't going to make it happen. You have to get involved yourself if you're that interested. I'm probably not the best person to say this though, because I have no interest in politics whatsoever and I don't even live in the US. Regardless, I hope this bill never passes.

By the way, did they really decide that pizza is a vegetable? If so, then that is the most baffling thing I've ever heard and will ever hear.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I'm not sure what the fix is, but I'm pretty sure the solution will never happen, getting smart people to make important decisions.

This is the reason why climate change is still mocked, and people still think homeopathy cures cancer, and why a certain large group thinks condoms increase pregnancy and AIDS.

To me there's something terribly wrong with the view of the informed being equal to that of the loon.

Maybe we need a new form of democracy, where you need to pass a simple multiple choice exam before you're given your ballot paper. Nothing complex, just a few simple questions on the basic concepts you'd be voting about. Hell, even have all the information right there in the voting area, so you can sit down for an hour, inform yourself, then make an informed vote.

Then you're not excluding anyone, but people have to actually have a fucking CLUE before they tick a box.

Someone of these people don't even know how many internets an epic win is worth, srsy!

I don't expect people to know or care what DNS or ISP or URL stands for, but I expect them to be able to pick a definition of the term from 4 multiple choice answers.

If they can't then I'm afraid it's quite simple enforced euthanasia they're not permitted to vote on that issue.

For the big one, the voting on a new president/prime minister, a simple show that they have some basic concept of current affairs would suffice.

Again, allow some authorised educational material at the location, so anyone who can't pass the test can take the time to read, if they feel that their vote is important enough.

Of course, one of the biggest problems is that the elderly generation vote FAR more than the younger ones, so of course we're going to get results like this, where of course all these new fangled things are bad, and I just needed a stick and a ball for entertainment when I was young!

I don't know how it would be done, but I think we really need to break the cloud of disillusion hanging over the youth and get them back to voting. Of course I could be wrong, and with the sheer numbers of people at protests this year, perhaps we'll see far better turnouts at the next elections.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Also, just a short addition, do they KNOW how much cash is generated in the US by America's incredibly huge porn industry? If I was in the porn industry, I'd get some figures and tell them how much tax revenue they're about to throw away.

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
Cowabungaa said:
This is why I fucking hate politics and even democracy in general, because it's all about the most popular people making decisions instead of the most knowledgeable.
Read the green book, it details these problems and others

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I still don't understand how they can legally censor the entire Internet... I live in England so America's censorships can fuck right off.

In fact the entire Internet is comprised of people from every possible nation therefore rendering this Act fucking pointless since you can't enforce an American law on someone who isn't in America, in closing, who thought up this bullshit?

Of course this is all on paper, they'll probably just blanket ban everything and hope that people don't have the money to take the entire American Congress to court...


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
...As if I needed more to worry about. Fuckin' government...

If this thing passes, I'm movin' to another country. Who's with me?


New member
Mar 12, 2009
i feel like captain blackbeard's out to get us all....or just me, i dunno. i should probably write a letter to my congressman explain my disappointment, and to make sure he takes me seriously, i'll blackmail him with fake nude tapes of his wife. those political bigot types hate it when you blackmail them with tapes of their wife.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
A mail mr spoony got from McCain:
"Dear Mr. Antwiler:

Thank you for contacting me regarding Internet anti-piracy legislation, specifically the PROTECT IP Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). I appreciate hearing your views about these important pieces of legislation.

As you know, online piracy is a major issue facing the American economy as more and more digital creations, such as music, movies, software, and books, are moved online. The Internet, which has delivered so many benefits to our economy, has unfortunately also allowed bad actors to steal and sell these stolen works. It is estimated that our economy loses more than $58 billion annually as a result of online piracy. As part of an effort to fight back against these losses, Congress has introduced two bills, the PROTECT IP Act in the Senate and SOPA in the House of Representatives, respectively.
These bills are designed to help the government more effectively utilize legal tools that are already at our disposal to fight against online piracy and protect American intellectual property. If enacted, the legislation would allow the Department of Justice to notify a website owner that the government intends to pursue a court order for alleged illegal activities. Next, the court would have to determine whether the website has a significant use other than the selling of counterfeited goods. These basic protections are designed to provide due process protections to ensure legitimate websites are not at risk for inadvertent violations.

The PROTECT IP Act was passed out of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary and SOPA has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary on October 26, 2011. Please rest assured that should these bills come to the Senate floor, I will keep your views in mind. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts on this important topic. Please feel free to contact me regarding this issue, or any other in the future.

John McCain
United States Senator

Why the fuck do you even vote for something you don't understand? Why are you even there if you don't understand the god damn bill?!

In a way I hope it pass so most tech companies relocate themselves outside US and they can just see how their already broken economy takes a deeper dive, idiots.


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Aug 20, 2009
SenseOfTumour said:
it,s called technocracy it makes more sense then democracy you might end up having people in charge nobody likes but at least they know what they are talking about.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
lunncal said:
Well, at first I was kind of terrified that this bill was actually even being considered.

Then I looked up the pro-SOPA ads I've heard people talking about, and now I just can't stop laughing. They're hilarious. Hilariously terrifying.
... Now I don't know what to feel.
Can you Link some here, I am curious but they are so hard to find around the anti-sopa adds.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Jinx_Dragon said:
lunncal said:
Well, at first I was kind of terrified that this bill was actually even being considered.

Then I looked up the pro-SOPA ads I've heard people talking about, and now I just can't stop laughing. They're hilarious. Hilariously terrifying.
... Now I don't know what to feel.
Can you Link some here, I am curious but they are so hard to find around the anti-sopa adds.
Will link some more if I find them.
Another one: