SOPA hearing yesterday: There are not enough /facepalms in the world


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Is there a way to summon Anonymous from the bowels of hell? I tried reading some ancient documents but all they had was furry porn and the word ''umad?''.


New member
Dec 17, 2011
So the fate of the internet is in the hands of a bunch of 60 something plus congressmen with no idea of what an internet is?


/sigh... Although I doubt this will pass, it's still a scary thought.

Oh, and first post! :D

Fugitive Panda

New member
Jan 21, 2011
At this point I'm looking forward to the bill passing, just to see how badly it fucks up the economy before people realize how big a mistake it was and gets pulled again.


New member
Sep 9, 2011
Valagetti said:
Don't worry their old people, hopefully they'll die soon.
I think it won't pass cause it'll breach the 1st amendment.
NOT FUCKING SOON ENOUGH!! i mean this goes beyond anything funny, not even tragicomic. Is there a way to kill all this waste of a world that doesnt care to do the research?? How many years of prision will someone gets if they murder all the senators even if its for the good of mankind??

A Satanic Panda

New member
Nov 5, 2009
If it passes I think Amazon will see a huge search spike in "Bats" and "Gas Masks." Anypony remember the ACTA they tried to pass last year?
I think SOPA will just be old news by next year; just like the ACTA was.

IngloriousPony89 said:
Oh, and first post! :D
Aww yeah! You know what this calls for?

[sub]hint: a PARTY[/sub]


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Maclennan said:
Did the one who said the internet was "like a series of tubes" there, or is he dead now?

The world needs to start mass producing face palms to meet current demand
Ted Stevens said that a few years back. He died in a plane crash last year.

although I'm sure if someone stated the internet is a series of tubes at the SOPA hearing it would probably be regarded as fact.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
We have no one to blame but ourselves. "Those who would sacrifice essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither." And we are about to get exactly that. "but truth be told, if you are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror"
We have allowed them to strip us of our rights piece by piece, and now we are finally paying the price for it.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
henritje said:
it,s like watching a bunch of mentally challenged people trying to operate a highly complicated nuclear power plant.
Homer Simpson?

Qitz said:
Well according to the email I just got from Reddits petition, they cancelled their vote and disbanded for the year.

BREAKING NEWS: Because of immense public pressure, the House Judiciary Committee cancelled their vote on the bill that would kill Internet innovation and free speech -- and adjourned for the rest of the year!
So the battle was won but the war may have to wage on.
Hey! Wait a minute! The rest of the year is only 2 weeks!! And those 2 weeks are normally taken as leave in the public sector anyway...!!!


New member
Dec 17, 2011
A Satanic Panda said:
If it passes I think Amazon will see a huge search spike in "Bats" and "Gas Masks." Anypony remember the ACTA they tried to pass last year?
I think SOPA will just be old news by next year; just like the ACTA was.

IngloriousPony89 said:
Oh, and first post! :D
Aww yeah! You know what this calls for?

[sub]hint: a PARTY[/sub]
A party pinkie-pie style?
Apr 28, 2008
Tom Artingstall said:
I am intensely disturbed that the US Government has this much power over a worldwide network. Most of the sites I use daily are US-based, which means that hey presto poof, my daily source of information, be it global, local or personal, goes down the drains like so much half-eaten soup.

Hang on, you guys voted a DEMOCRAT into power. Aren't they meant to be "the good guys" in these things? Power to the people, freedom of speech, liberalism, etc etc?
Democrat as president, yes. The House, Senate, and Congress are all a mishmash of democrats and republicans. I believe Republicans have the majority in the House. Not sure about the Senate. Either way, they're the ones behind it, though quite a few democrats have supported them, for some reason. My guess is that they just don't understand and were mislead by the media companies. Both democrats and republicans. Both don't seem to understand the internet.

Honestly, I don't like either party. Democrats seem to be the lesser evil, but if a new party entered the ring, and if they're not as insane as the Tea Party people (think Republicans, but super-insane), then I'd love to vote for 'em.

But I doubt that'll happen. Seems you need to be part of one of the parties to begin to be taken seriously by anyone.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Just glad I can hide up here in Canada until this blows up. Or spreads. Like an all consuming fog that will shroud the internet and force us all outside.

A Satanic Panda

New member
Nov 5, 2009
spartan231490 said:
We have no one to blame but ourselves. "Those who would sacrifice essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither."
"And lose both" Maybe If it does pass and they threaten YouTube, the people who hold advertisements there will buck up and say "No." Not the channel owners but the companies that pay for their ads on YouTube. If we can't persuade Congress with our petition, then the Ad holders can use their wallets. It's sad that it may actually come to that...

IngloriousPony89 said:
Snippy Pie
A Satanic Panda said:
Snippy Pie

A party pinkie-pie style?
The only superduperfantasiclyawesomerainbow way to party!


New member
Feb 17, 2010
People with no understanding of the Internet should not have opinions about it and just be quiet.

Let alone pass law-Bills on the subject.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Irridium said:
Democrat as president, yes. The House, Senate, and Congress are all a mishmash of democrats and republicans. I believe Republicans have the majority in the House. Or was it Congress... either way, they're the ones behind this bill. As well as a few democrats, but mostly republicans.
Let me clear this up. Congress makes up both the House and the Senate. The House is controlled by Republicans and the Senate is controlled by Democrats.

Also, what's irritating is that this bill actually has quite a bit of support from Democrats. Even otherwise smart Democrats like Al Frankin.

(sigh) Politicians...


New member
Apr 25, 2010
Dear United States Congress,

You cannot possibly be this fucking dense.
We hope.

The Internet

OT: I can forgive fat old guys for not understanding the internet. However, there is absolutely no excuse for not listening to people who do. What, do you think the engineers are lying? Or maybe you have ulterior motives. Or maybe you're just stupid. Please, dear god, don't be stupid. I'm seriously worried you might be stupid.