Spawn Camping Marathon Gets Black Ops Players Banned

Light 086

New member
Feb 10, 2011
They should fix the game first. Or at least make those who spawn immortal for a few secs, that will solve this easily.

I know it sucks (being spawn killed), but Treyarch made it possible. It seems that they should have copied Infinity Ward better, because I don't recall this happening in MW2 as the spawn points change constantly.


Notably Neutral
Jan 12, 2010
1. Design shitty mechanics for spawning in an FPS
2. Notice players taking advantage of said shitty mechanics
3. Temp ban players from your game that they bought and LEARNED the shitty mechanics of as well as remove the ranking they earned through the use of YOUR shitty mechanics
4. ????????

I don't even play this shit and know that most other games either design the environment to PREVENT spawn camping OR spawns are random enough that spawn camping isn't something to worry about.

So, to Treyarch? Get with the fucking times already and design a properly working system. If other developers can do it, guess what?



New member
Jun 30, 2010
They shouldn't punish people for exploiting their mistakes. and if I was on a team like that I sure as hell wouldn't disconnect and I would return the disc if I were to get banned for it.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Light 086 said:
I know it sucks (being spawn killed), but Treyarch made it possible. It seems that they should have copied Infinity Ward better, because I don't recall this happening in MW2 as the spawn points change constantly.
i believe painkiller did this, and as far as i know people HATED IT. also this only happens in that one game mode and thats becase of the type of objection game, yes it can be explioted but it's not like this is always happening all over the game.

also these people are boosters and all 12 of them were working together to boost.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I think it was extremely unfair of the developers to ban someone from a game in this manner. First off, nowhere does anything say during online play that cheating is illegal. Yes, the players were playing the game to an unfair advantage. However, did they use profanity a lot and harass the other players? I don't know, didn't watch the video.

I find Treyarch to be a bad game company in general. They merely ride the hype train that COD4 invented. I, personally, skip the treyarch games in the series and wait for the ones not made by them. I find their versions of CoD to be lacking when compared to the others. The only good thing to come from a Treyarch CoD is zombies. If they just made a survival horror game slathered with humor instead of Black Ops or World at War.

EDIT: Imagine for a second this. Your playing Mario and you perform the infinite lives cheat. Next thing you know, Miyamoto walks in and says, "Your banned for a while because you exploited our system."

Anyone else see the amount of wrong in this picture?!?!?!?

I think the gamers have a lawsuit on their hands.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
SinisterGehe said:
-Samurai- said:
Hey, way to punish players for exposing the flaws in your game, Treyarch.
The fact that you can doesn't mean you should.
You can kill your mother, but would you?
I can kill you in real life, but should I?
You can kill me in real life, but would you?
You can cheat in a game, but would you?
You can find and exploit, but you don't need to exploit it!

Get some common sense man...
Right, because murder and using bad programming and bad design(which is the developers fault) to your advantage are exactly the same thing.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
I don't know if I could love Treyarch any more than I already do...first they got rid of quickscoping, now they're bringing down the banhammer on these cheating pricks.

Treyarch, I think I speak for casual gamers everywhere when I say...well, you could have me, if you wanted.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
tjcross said:
-Samurai- said:
Kenko said:
-Samurai- said:
Hey, way to punish players for exposing the flaws in your game, Treyarch.

Maybe the people getting beat were in league with the spawn campers, or maybe they're like me and refuse to quit no matter how badly they're getting beat.
There's exposing a flaw and then theres exploiting it to get an unfair advantage over others.
And while that's completely true, horrible spawns aren't exactly a new problem. It's Treyarchs fault that there is something in their game to exploit.
so you expect perfection in a game no matter how hard any group of mortals try there will always be flaws and by extension exploitable flaws camping is one of those flaws that can never be fixed give them a bit of invincibility when they respawn and the campers will wait 5 seconds away or in a sniping position. so even if the system is horrible the only way to stop spawn camping would be to remove spawning and you know how well that would turn out to the average fps player
No matter how you look at it, forcing every player on the team to spawn in the exact same spot was lazy, and a horrible design decision. Had they spawned in at least 3 different spots, this would have not been possible. One of the 3 would have broken the cycle and killed the spawn camper(s). Those few extra possible spawn points would have gone a long way.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Lavitz105 said:
I think it was extremely unfair of the developers to ban someone from a game in this manner. First off, nowhere does anything say during online play that cheating is illegal. Yes, the players were playing the game to an unfair advantage. However, did they use profanity a lot and harass the other players? I don't know, didn't watch the video.

I find Treyarch to be a bad game company in general. They merely ride the hype train that COD4 invented. I, personally, skip the treyarch games in the series and wait for the ones not made by them. I find their versions of CoD to be lacking when compared to the others. The only good thing to come from a Treyarch CoD is zombies. If they just made a survival horror game slathered with humor instead of Black Ops or World at War.

EDIT: Imagine for a second this. Your playing Mario and you perform the infinite lives cheat. Next thing you know, Miyamoto walks in and says, "Your banned for a while because you exploited our system."

Anyone else see the amount of wrong in this picture?!?!?!?

I think the gamers have a lawsuit on their hands.

What you have to remember is, that this is Activision. Yeah, they're aren't any laws that says that cheating is illegal. However the developers recognize that exploiting the game's mechanics for personal gain can be detrimental to the gaming community. That same community that they want around to buy their $15 map packs. So Activision doesn't want boosters and hackers souring the experience for other player, and they want to appear to be doing something about it. And you can't stop them. IF you don't like it, Activision will take it's ball back and make you walk home. It's their game, they make up the rules and enforce them as they see fit. Don't like it? Go play something else, because they got your $60 already.

And good luck with CoDMW3. They way Infinity Ward has been butchered and gutted of it's core talent, I have little hope for the next game in the franchise. Likely Black Ops is as good as it's ever going to get again.

As for your Nintendo analogy. Would never happen, and it's a poor analogy. Unless this mysterious Mario game is some how a competitive multiplayer online game, you're point is mute. Regardless, player data for Black Ops is stored server side. So just as in the case of World of Warcraft, you down own your character, you just purchase the right to play them. So since all of your player data in Black Ops is stored server side, it's the same idea. You don't own your unlocks, you have just purchased access to them. Treyarch actually OWNS the server, and the data, and thus your CoD player profile. So they can, and will, reset your information if you've been naughty. Don't like it? Stop giving Activision your money...


New member
Oct 16, 2010
Baresark said:
Not that I'm a fan of this, but both teams were involved, so no one did anything wrong really. No one was cheated, it wasn't unfair because everyone was involved, no innocent bystanders were harmed in the creation of this travesty.

They just took advantage of a system inside a completely broken game. Good job. You give someone a car that can go 900 Mph, then you give them a speeding ticket, nice fuckin' job. Lots of games have permanent spawn points, but you're the only company incapable of designing a safe area for this to occur. Broken game, poor map design, crappy leveling mechanic. That isn't the players fault.
oh come on, that is the same faulty logic that some of the obese use in relation to junk food in order to rationalise not having any sense of self control

"Macdonalds made me fat" no, just no. you gorging yourself on macdonalds made you fat

same with the car analogy, the car can't go over 200mph on its own, it needs someone driving it to make that concious choice to go over the speed limit

yes the design of black ops multiplayer less than stellar, but that does NOT absolve the people who exploit those flaws, it takes two to tango after all

they broke the rules, they got caught, and they were punished, its pretty open and shut really. must say though, attitudes like the ones here (where its always the developers fault for some reason, not the person who actually did something wrong) are one of the reasons why the gaming community is seen as lacking in maturity and therefore themedium is not to be taken seriously

accepting personal responsibility, how does that sound?

EvolutionKills said:
As for your Nintendo analogy. Would never happen, and it's a poor analogy. Unless this mysterious Mario game is some how a competitive multiplayer online game, you're point is mute. Regardless, player data for Black Ops is stored server side. So just as in the case of World of Warcraft, you down own your character, you just purchase the right to play them. So since all of your player data in Black Ops is stored server side, it's the same idea. You don't own your unlocks, you have just purchased access to them. Treyarch actually OWNS the server, and the data, and thus your CoD player profile. So they can, and will, reset your information if you've been naughty.
this, you know it never ceases to amaze how so many people get butthurt over company decisions yet they never bother to read the software licence agreement properly


New member
Jun 24, 2010
danpascooch said:
all that was based on ur theory that shooters have to be tactical based.

the way i see it, the more tactical u make a game, the less FUN it becomes, therefore the less people will play it.

look at games like, GRAW and rainbow six and OF: dragon rising, all tactical games and yet no where near as popular as CoD, good games yes, but fun, NO.

people these days like to show off how rambo they can be (excuse the cliche).

even other games with multiplayer that arent shooters, like AC: brotherhood, people run around like idiots instead of playing the waiting game, its just more fun.

just to let u know, i agree with most of what you said, but saying CoD isnt fun is just sore loser talk.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Razgrizaces said:
Really? You guys are siding with the people who were helping the boosters? They were in fact, boosting.

Even I would know to aim and kill them BEFORE my team would get spawntrapped/ spawn camped. This was a boosting attempt that Treyarch Rightfully banned them for. I don't know why they put the video that did not show the other side of this, but they were in fact boosting, and the people were rightfully banned. I don't know why people are saying it's a broken game, these people did this for a publicity stunt, but in originality, they were actually boosting and pretending to play the game. See how in the beginning, they rush towards the middle and don't fire? If this was real, people would in fact, fire their weapons.

Change your mind when you see this:

So you make a good point. I watched the video in the article in which it was sped up, and you couldn't tell that there was any foul play on side of the team that was losing. When I skimmed the comments section and saw people posting a video I had (perhaps rashly) assumed it was the same one from the article. And I guess I had certain predispositions about the game (even though I own it) that the article presented in a way easy for me to accept.

So yeah, this looks like boosting, which is perfectly okay in my books to ban for. Thanks for showing me the light!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
while I think it's good the players got punished, I still feel Treyarch should feel a bit ashamed too

now spawns in CoD have always been notoriously bad but...still


New member
Jul 13, 2009
ranger19 said:
Razgrizaces said:
Really? You guys are siding with the people who were helping the boosters? They were in fact, boosting.

Even I would know to aim and kill them BEFORE my team would get spawntrapped/ spawn camped. This was a boosting attempt that Treyarch Rightfully banned them for. I don't know why they put the video that did not show the other side of this, but they were in fact boosting, and the people were rightfully banned. I don't know why people are saying it's a broken game, these people did this for a publicity stunt, but in originality, they were actually boosting and pretending to play the game. See how in the beginning, they rush towards the middle and don't fire? If this was real, people would in fact, fire their weapons.

Change your mind when you see this:

So you make a good point. I watched the video in the article in which it was sped up, and you couldn't tell that there was any foul play on side of the team that was losing. When I skimmed the comments section and saw people posting a video I had (perhaps rashly) assumed it was the same one from the article. And I guess I had certain predispositions about the game (even though I own it) that the article presented in a way easy for me to accept.

So yeah, this looks like boosting, which is perfectly okay in my books to ban for. Thanks for showing me the light!
Which is what I was talking about. Like I said, there's no way they could have over 500 kills and still be legit.

If you still don't think that they're not legit, please watch either this video, or the other video.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Yeah pretty sad lol. I do think the guys deserved a temp ban or something thats fine but treyarch also needs to learn from people like this and at least attempt to fix these issues... wishfull thinking I know but oh well...

To the people asking for spawn protection, This would work in theory except when the slightly broken respawn locations respawn the dude you just killed in the room 3 feet away and give him in instakill...

Treyarch just needs to put in a lil time tweaking the spawns a bit....... plz

Light 086

New member
Feb 10, 2011
dystopiaINC said:
Light 086 said:
I know it sucks (being spawn killed), but Treyarch made it possible. It seems that they should have copied Infinity Ward better, because I don't recall this happening in MW2 as the spawn points change constantly.
i believe painkiller did this, and as far as i know people HATED IT. also this only happens in that one game mode and thats becase of the type of objection game, yes it can be explioted but it's not like this is always happening all over the game.

also these people are boosters and all 12 of them were working together to boost.
Well that's evidence without context for me, all I know about this particular issue is the video that was posted.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
blind_dead_mcjones said:
oh come on, that is the same faulty logic that some of the obese use in relation to junk food in order to rationalise not having any sense of self control

"Macdonalds made me fat" no, just no. you gorging yourself on macdonalds made you fat

same with the car analogy, the car can't go over 200mph on its own, it needs someone driving it to make that concious choice to go over the speed limit

yes the design of black ops multiplayer less than stellar, but that does NOT absolve the people who exploit those flaws, it takes two to tango after all

they broke the rules, they got caught, and they were punished, its pretty open and shut really. must say though, attitudes like the ones here (where its always the developers fault for some reason, not the person who actually did something wrong) are one of the reasons why the gaming community is seen as lacking in maturity and therefore themedium is not to be taken seriously

accepting personal responsibility, how does that sound?

The point I was really getting at is that both teams were involved. It didn't harm anyone in the game. No one suffered from their little stunt. Seems to me, if they cared that much about their stats, they wouldn't have done it. That would have raised flags no matter what, having 501 kills and all.

You're the second or third person to comment about my car analogy. The problem with my analogy is the same problem the other people had, you didn't read it. The same people that enable you to do something shouldn't be able to then turn around and penalize you for it. Car manufacturers make cars that can exceed the speed limit, but they don't ticket you or penalize you for it. The state does.

Also, no offense to your comment, it's not remotely the same thing as people blaming other people because they are fat. The poor design of the map enables activities like this. Though boosting is clearly stated as being against the rules. Sounds like someone just wanted to make a ridiculous Youtube video to me.

I should explain something though. I made an initial comment about the article. I don't expect anyone to embrace my view, and I love a good debate. But a few times, my comment was quoted and when I was coming back, I read the very misleading title of the article and then made comments based on the title. That is my own, apparently somewhat illiterate, fault, haha. No one else. I know they didn't get punished for spawn camping, but every time I don't think about the content of the actual article, I come back and think they got in trouble for spawn camping, which while annoying, isn't against the rules.
EvolutionKills said:
As for your Nintendo analogy. Would never happen, and it's a poor analogy. Unless this mysterious Mario game is some how a competitive multiplayer online game, you're point is mute. Regardless, player data for Black Ops is stored server side. So just as in the case of World of Warcraft, you down own your character, you just purchase the right to play them. So since all of your player data in Black Ops is stored server side, it's the same idea. You don't own your unlocks, you have just purchased access to them. Treyarch actually OWNS the server, and the data, and thus your CoD player profile. So they can, and will, reset your information if you've been naughty.
this, you know it never ceases to amaze how so many people get butthurt over company decisions yet they never bother to read the software licence agreement properly
The honest truth is, they should make people sign an EULA before they purchase a game. It's dirty politics to do otherwise. But they don't because it would hurt sales. Also, if I had to put money on it, I would bet you didn't read it either. No one even knows when they are doing something wrong half the time, till they get caught and penalized. It's ok if you didn't, I don't, no one does. They are intentionally made long and wordy with lots of crazy legalize in it. You aren't intended to read them, just sign them. Even though it's against the law to sign something that you didn't read. It just annoys me when people say that stuff, because less than .1%(this is a made up statistic, just a fun guess really) of all people who sign things actually read them.

Treyarch actually OWNS the server, and the data, and thus your CoD player profile.
Actually, there are Black Ops servers not owned by Treyarch, and we don't know if they were on a Treyarch server. I just don't like to take stuff like that for granted. People can run the their own server for relatively cheap. Not that it has a lot of bearing on this particular case, because Boosting is against the rules, and your profile is hosted on an Activision server. But we should turn this into a debate about IP, because it's not one. And those debates are utterly stupid because people talk without knowing shit about IP, and either how harmful or helpful they are, depending on your stance.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Speaking as an aspiring game designer, I'm sorry Treyarch, but if you don't want your game to be played a certain way, it is YOUR responsibility as the designer to ensure that it can't be played in that way. Don't want people spawn-camping? Find a way to prevent it (personally I prefer TF2's spawn rooms, but whatever works is fine). Rather than banning people because you were butthurt when they exposed some shoddy design in your game, why don't you FIX THE PROBLEM?

And banning? Really? It's not like they exploited an obviously accidental glitch, it's not like they were using aimbots or otherwise introducing new code into the game for personal gain. They were using nothing more than the standard, functioning game mechanics that are available to all players in a way they found efficient and effective. Perfectly legitimate. Don't like it? Well it's YOUR game, FIX IT. It is YOUR fault, NOT the players'.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
they need to ban everyone that doesn't go within a 5 inch radius of the objective in objective modes