Spawn Camping Marathon Gets Black Ops Players Banned


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Jul 13, 2009
zehydra said:
Unless Treyarch says that this isn't allowed when you play online, then they were definitely NOT cheating.

I call bullshit.

Spawn camping's annoying, but it's not cheating usually...
ranger19 said:
I think I'm going to agree with the majority of people in here and say it's wrong to have banned them. Unless they can provide irrefutable proof that the other team was in on it, it's especially unfair to ban them. I've been in games where I've been doing terribly, but refused because of pride (or a sense of what's right) to finish the game and not disconnect. To ban people "because they did not disconnect and so therefore were in on it" is absolutely wrong.

I'm glad I haven't taken Black Ops MP seriously (and by that, I mean competitively). Reach is the pinnacle of competitive online FPS for me, and it's going to stay that way for a while.
Really? You guys are siding with the people who were helping the boosters? They were in fact, boosting.

Even I would know to aim and kill them BEFORE my team would get spawntrapped/ spawn camped. This was a boosting attempt that Treyarch Rightfully banned them for. I don't know why they put the video that did not show the other side of this, but they were in fact boosting, and the people were rightfully banned. I don't know why people are saying it's a broken game, these people did this for a publicity stunt, but in originality, they were actually boosting and pretending to play the game. See how in the beginning, they rush towards the middle and don't fire? If this was real, people would in fact, fire their weapons.

Change your mind when you see this:



New member
Dec 19, 2010
Grey_Focks said:
I feel like most of you guys didn't read much past the title....they weren't banned for camping, they were banned for BOOSTING, which is something entirely different, and should be punished on sight. usually with a healthy dose of bullets.
"Raise your hand if you got sucked in by the title!"

*raises hand*

"Become Literate!!!"

*weeps openly*

Got me. I read the article, but every time I respond to someone who quoted me, I look at the title, then continue to fail epically.


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Oct 5, 2010
Amphoteric said:
Veloxe said:
-Samurai- said:
Hey, way to punish players for exposing the flaws in your game, Treyarch.
There is a big difference between exposing flaws, and exploiting flaws.

OT: Hope no one on the other team got caught up in all that and ended up getting banned for just trying to beat the campers as opposed to just disconnecting.
It brought attention to the flaw. If nobody did this and shoved it in the treyarch developers I doubt it would get fixed.
Yes but that's the difference between exposing the flaw and exploiting the flaw. Should they have found it and showed everyone to go "Hey, look at this shit! They need to fix this! Look how broken it is, what the hell Treyarch!?" I'd be totally behind that and be on the "what the hell Treyarch?!" bandwagon with them. But that's not what they did. They exploited the flaw for their own gain (and for the lulz probably) and someone thought it would be a good idea to uploaded it to youtube to show off, not to shove it in Trey's face to get them to fix it.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
Hear that? Spawn camping is a form of boosting. Half the noobs in the CoD series are getting banned as we speak right?

Naw...FPS games were never about skill anyways so why bother?


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Razgrizaces said:
zehydra said:
Unless Treyarch says that this isn't allowed when you play online, then they were definitely NOT cheating.

I call bullshit.

Spawn camping's annoying, but it's not cheating usually...
ranger19 said:
I think I'm going to agree with the majority of people in here and say it's wrong to have banned them. Unless they can provide irrefutable proof that the other team was in on it, it's especially unfair to ban them. I've been in games where I've been doing terribly, but refused because of pride (or a sense of what's right) to finish the game and not disconnect. To ban people "because they did not disconnect and so therefore were in on it" is absolutely wrong.

I'm glad I haven't taken Black Ops MP seriously (and by that, I mean competitively). Reach is the pinnacle of competitive online FPS for me, and it's going to stay that way for a while.
Really? You guys are siding with the people who were helping the boosters? They were in fact, boosting.

Even I would know to aim and kill them BEFORE my team would get spawntrapped/ spawn camped. This was a boosting attempt that Treyarch Rightfully banned them for. I don't know why they put the video that did not show the other side of this, but they were in fact boosting, and the people were rightfully banned. I don't know why people are saying it's a broken game, these people did this for a publicity stunt, but in originality, they were actually boosting and pretending to play the game. See how in the beginning, they rush towards the middle and don't fire? If this was real, people would in fact, fire their weapons.

Change your mind when you see this:

I don't see anything wrong with this. If Treyarch wants to make it against the rules, they should do so a little more explicitly.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Spawn Camping Marathon Gets Black Ops Players Banned

You don't necessarily have to hack anything to cheat at Call of Duty.

A group of Call of Duty: Black Ops [ ] player earned themselves a temporary ban and a rank reset after Treyarch became aware of their efforts to cheat the system and rack up hundreds of kills through spawn camping.

The camping marathon took place during a Demolition game on the Havana map. Demolition features fixed spawns for both teams, making it a rather popular game mode with spawn campers.

As you can see in the video, the camper in question made a beeline for one of the spawn points and proceeded to knife people in the back as they appeared, and once he had amassed enough kills, he used the helicopter gunship to spray the spawn point with lead. By the end of the match, he had died eight times, but had killed 501 people. What's more his team mates had also been camping and had similarly high scores.

Unfortunately - for the campers at least - one of the players filmed the match and put it up on YouTube, where Treyarch's community manager Josh Olin saw it and gave everyone involved a temporary ban and reset their rank to zero. According to Olin's Twitter replies [!/JD_2020/status/42404003358846976], the opposing team was in cahoots with the campers, which is why they didn't just disconnect, so they earned bans as well. Olin said that spawn camping was a form of boosting, and wouldn't be tolerated in Black Ops.

Source: Game Culture []

there's a youtube video that shows that they weren't banned because of spawn camping, but rather because they were boosting. the players on the other team were just running into gunfire


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Wow, Treyarch. Just wow.
This isn't the players' fault. It's yours. YOU made the broken-ass system, now YOU need to fix it or else the entire multiplayer community will soon look just like these guys.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Rensenhito said:
Wow, Treyarch. Just wow.
This isn't the players' fault. It's yours. YOU made the broken-ass system, now YOU need to fix it or else the entire multiplayer community will soon look just like these guys.
Is everybody ignoring my own post? The Escapists' posts are AGAINST Treyarch and the game, they did NOT show the video where they were proven WRONG because this was a boost, and not just any normal gameplay. It had to be, otherwise there's something messed up about it.

Here's another video that proves it. Skip to about 5:00.



New member
May 19, 2009
Rensenhito said:
Wow, Treyarch. Just wow.
This isn't the players' fault. It's yours. YOU made the broken-ass system, now YOU need to fix it or else the entire multiplayer community will soon look just like these guys.
Boosting, however, is the players' fault. They weren't banned for spawn camping, they were banned because all the players involved were in cahoots to boost the scores of the team with the high numbers of kills.

Seriously, how many people here are too stupid to actually read the article and realise that this wasn't a ban for exploiting the broken system, but for boosting, which has long been a punishable offence in competitive online games?

I thought the Escapist community was better than that.


Jan 15, 2009
It's TREYARCHS fault this happened they shouldn't ban somebody for playing how they are ENCOURAGED TO PLAY.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Anyone need more proof that CoD Black Ops is not a well made game. Campaign was Ok, Zombies is Awesome And multi player is just ridiculous. And the CoD points system just put more pressure to do well(camp) because you have to otherwise you don't get enough points and then you can't buy any new guns or equipment. At least with EXP ruling everything you eventually got new weapons.

Oh and why is it that I get top 3 almost every match on CoD 4, World at War, and Modern Warfare 2 but the minute I try Black Ops, I get bottom of my team? (This really doesn't have anything to do with the article, I'm just wondering if anyone had some ideas.)


New member
Jul 13, 2009
chuckman1 said:
It's TREYARCHS fault this happened they shouldn't ban somebody for playing how they are ENCOURAGED TO PLAY.
That's why they were banned for playing a "normal game?"

Could you please look at the posts above you, and watch the actual Youtube video where they show the opposite side of the story?


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Jan 14, 2011
danpascooch said:
The core mechanics of CoD online are so broken, I just find this funny.

I have to agree with that. There is very little teamwork or collaborating which is frustrating in a "team" based mission. Not only that, (ok, almost) every player has this lone wolf attitude which makes any squad tactics impossible. I know I sound like I'm just trolling but I'm serious. Which is why I prefer css over cod. More situations calling for multiple person tactics and better teamwork. They actually have strategies. Sorry if I offended any fanboys.


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Jan 28, 2009
JordanMillward_1 said:
Rensenhito said:
Wow, Treyarch. Just wow.
This isn't the players' fault. It's yours. YOU made the broken-ass system, now YOU need to fix it or else the entire multiplayer community will soon look just like these guys.
Boosting, however, is the players' fault. They weren't banned for spawn camping, they were banned because all the players involved were in cahoots to boost the scores of the team with the high numbers of kills.

Seriously, how many people here are too stupid to actually read the article and realise that this wasn't a ban for exploiting the broken system, but for boosting, which has long been a punishable offence in competitive online games?

I thought the Escapist community was better than that.
Ow, my feelings.
I'm just saying that if the system is this way to begin with and it's this easy to exploit the flaws, something's inherently wrong.
That's all.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Fappy said:
-Samurai- said:
Hey, way to punish players for exposing the flaws in your game, Treyarch.

Maybe the people getting beat were in league with the spawn campers, or maybe they're like me and refuse to quit no matter how badly they're getting beat.
Pretty much this. I have never understood why people can get in trouble for exploiting flaws in games and this goes for anything from Call of Duty to World of Warcraft. I'm sorry, but if the person in question isn't actively hacking the game and is just taking advantage of weaknesses in your programming that's your problem no matter how many players get adversely affected. I've never been guilty of this kind of behavior before, however I can't fathom why players can get punished for simply playing the game the way they want to.
both of these, and to treyarch saying that the opposing team was in on it, they are stupid from wat little experience i have had with the cod games people care about are K/D ratio to prove how bad ass they are.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Rensenhito said:
JordanMillward_1 said:
Rensenhito said:
Wow, Treyarch. Just wow.
This isn't the players' fault. It's yours. YOU made the broken-ass system, now YOU need to fix it or else the entire multiplayer community will soon look just like these guys.
Boosting, however, is the players' fault. They weren't banned for spawn camping, they were banned because all the players involved were in cahoots to boost the scores of the team with the high numbers of kills.

Seriously, how many people here are too stupid to actually read the article and realise that this wasn't a ban for exploiting the broken system, but for boosting, which has long been a punishable offence in competitive online games?

I thought the Escapist community was better than that.
Ow, my feelings.
I'm just saying that if the system is this way to begin with and it's this easy to exploit the flaws, something's inherently wrong.
That's all.
Wow, I'm not getting any attention at all. They were boosting, a form of a cheat where one side does absolutely nothing for the other person to kill them over and over again. Please refer to my videos. If they were seriously just spawn camping, I highly doubt somebody would even come CLOSE to 500 kills.

Redratson said:
Fappy said:
-Samurai- said:
Hey, way to punish players for exposing the flaws in your game, Treyarch.

Maybe the people getting beat were in league with the spawn campers, or maybe they're like me and refuse to quit no matter how badly they're getting beat.
Pretty much this. I have never understood why people can get in trouble for exploiting flaws in games and this goes for anything from Call of Duty to World of Warcraft. I'm sorry, but if the person in question isn't actively hacking the game and is just taking advantage of weaknesses in your programming that's your problem no matter how many players get adversely affected. I've never been guilty of this kind of behavior before, however I can't fathom why players can get punished for simply playing the game the way they want to.
both of these, and to treyarch saying that the opposing team was in on it, they are stupid from wat little experience i have had with the cod games people care about are K/D ratio to prove how bad ass they are.
First of all, the opposing team was in on it. They were in fact boosting. You only saw the video proving they were playing fairly. You didn't see the opposite side on it.

I will post this for people to see again.

Skip to about 5:00.

Wow. Look at the opposite side, and tell me they weren't just sitting around and getting killed over and over again. Sure, they killed the guy eight times, and some other people a few times. That doesn't make up for the fact that the opposing team just sat there and took a beating, they were obviously involved in it...