Spawn Camping Marathon Gets Black Ops Players Banned


New member
Apr 14, 2008
-Samurai- said:
tjcross said:
-Samurai- said:
Kenko said:
-Samurai- said:
Hey, way to punish players for exposing the flaws in your game, Treyarch.

Maybe the people getting beat were in league with the spawn campers, or maybe they're like me and refuse to quit no matter how badly they're getting beat.
There's exposing a flaw and then theres exploiting it to get an unfair advantage over others.
And while that's completely true, horrible spawns aren't exactly a new problem. It's Treyarchs fault that there is something in their game to exploit.
so you expect perfection in a game no matter how hard any group of mortals try there will always be flaws and by extension exploitable flaws camping is one of those flaws that can never be fixed give them a bit of invincibility when they respawn and the campers will wait 5 seconds away or in a sniping position. so even if the system is horrible the only way to stop spawn camping would be to remove spawning and you know how well that would turn out to the average fps player
No matter how you look at it, forcing every player on the team to spawn in the exact same spot was lazy, and a horrible design decision. Had they spawned in at least 3 different spots, this would have not been possible. One of the 3 would have broken the cycle and killed the spawn camper(s). Those few extra possible spawn points would have gone a long way.
from what i and saw in the video(more people than the guy taping getting kills ) there was more than one spawn area so yea those extra spawn areas went a long way to nowhere


New member
Mar 12, 2008
"Claymores having absolutely no backward damage is another one that annoys the shit out of me."

Claymores actually only explode one way in real life. That part is pretty realistic. What isnt realistic are the two red lightsabers that shoot out of them in COD to courteously warn the enemy where you planted your mines. That I do not like. Maybe they could have you plant a claymore then give you a 3ft trip wire to plant near the mine.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
if you read the page they said the people were with the campers, they perposly stayed to help them out, they all got banned for xp boosting


New member
Feb 22, 2010
What's up with the misleading titles?

the people didn't get banned because of camping, they got banned because of BOOSTING


New member
Nov 1, 2010
It's a bit drastic of them, but I suppose Treyach's doing the right thing here, if only to set an example to keep people from being douches online. In other news, this is why I miss Martyrdom... :'(


New member
May 27, 2009
1. People need to realize the point of this thread isn't (just) bad game design in Blops. It's about boosting. You cannot defend boosting. It's trying to game the system, and its often explicitly stated to be against TOS of multiplayer games. I can't think of a single game that runs aggregate stats like COD does that allows for boosting, when it allows you to rank up too easily and abuse the leaderboard.

2. That said, Blops has a lot of design flaws. Worse, a lot of flaws carry over from MW2, because they are almost the same game, and yet not much gets fixed. Bad maps, poorly designed guns, horrible horrible kill streaks, lot of things that can be changed there.

3. Just because someone mentioned it, COD 3 was not the best online game of the series. That honor goes to the original COD, cus that game was nearly perfect and not nearly enough people are familiar with it.

Grimlock Fett

New member
Apr 14, 2010
I hate this shit! Ruins the ranking system! Im in the to 20k on black ops FFA but I think that means im in the top 1k because the vast majority of people have scores/kds/wlr that are either fake/boosted or theyre god like players who shoot lightening from their nipples! I dont really get what people find hard to understand about the spawn system. The game tries to start you as far away as is possible. But what if there is someone on or near every spawn point??? I catch people off my spawn as often as I get caught by others spawning close to where I killed them! Yeah I moan about it cause I hate dying but I'm still gonna go back!

ot: Id have quit the shit outta this game! I joined a capture the flag game on nuke town were a similar thing was happening. I tried to piss on their chips but they had a massive tactical advantage DOGS/GUN SHIP/ CHOPPER repeat till I quit out after 40 deaths!

Grimlock Fett

New member
Apr 14, 2010
fundayz said:
What's up with the misleading titles?

the people didn't get banned because of camping, they got banned because they want to be e-cool and show eachother their massive e-dongs! They FAILED! I hate boosters they are ******s
good post just one edit;


New member
Aug 26, 2010
It's good that they're banning them for boosting and not just exploiting the god awful spawn system. Honestly though, if the enemy team is able to do that just give them the victory and move on. Put in a system that monitors the level of danger when spawning and shut down the game when there isn't a safe spawn. The worst part is that it's not impossible for this to happen without boosting so measures should be taken to avoid this that doesn't involve bans.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
lol its nice it took this long for then to realize this game is broke as hell.

Glad I ditched this game in anticipation for KZ3 a long time ago.


Walking Mass Effect Codex
Jun 11, 2010
All I can say is good. They found a flaw, exploited it, and put it up for bragging rights. I'm glad those self righteous narcisistic assholes got what was coming. How can you guys feel pity for them? They're basically bragging about cheating the system. You guys act like these guys are doing this for some selfless "I'm pointing out a flaw to the devs" approach. That's bullshit and you all know it. They spawn camped for the experience points and they put it up to show their friends and people they don't know that they're "awesome" and "so much better than you are."

Alden Hou

New member
Mar 19, 2010
danpascooch said:
The core mechanics of CoD online are so broken, I just find this funny

EDIT: To those who want to argue with me about why I think the core mechanics are broken, here is a copy of a post I made detailing my argument, I don't think CoD is stupid or hopeless, but I do think it needs major reform immediately, I have no intent to start an argument or flame-war, I am merely sharing my opinion that is relevant to this topic:

Alright, let's see if I can do this without starting a flamewar, I think I can manage it. *cracks knuckles*

Shooters are generally about skill and team tactics, that is what elevates one team over another in an online match. Here are those two elements, and how the core mechanics of CoD violate and destroy each of them.


Basic Definition:

The ability to properly dispatch an opponent due to effective aiming and use of environment (cover and the like) in an even fight.

Call of Duty Definition:

The ability to wait in one spot until an enemy walks by, and then kill him solely because you sat in one spot and happened to see him first.

Violating Mechanics:

1.) Low Health (or high damage)

The extremely low health in CoD means that when two opponents are within range of eachother, and overwhelming amount of time the victor is the one who sees his opponent first, not the one with the most skill.

2.) Prone

Prone allows a player to lie down and almost always be the first person to see an opponent when the opponent enters the room, and don't even get me started on "drop shooting"

3.) Static Spawn

Besides the obvious problems shown in the video (did you see the part where he literally stood behind them and stabbed each one as they appeared?) Static spawning means that you can reliably predict which hallway/room/alley the enemy players will funnel through, leading to camping spots that take advantage of the mechanics listed above to remove skill from the game

4.) Kill Streaks

Players are awarded for getting a number of kills without dying, which discourages them from taking any sort of calculated risk or put their life in danger for the good of the team, this heavily encourages camping


I have no real issue with any of these mechanics alone, the problem is that they all work together in synchronization to create a game where the victor is not determined by skill but by camping and waiting for extended periods of time


Definition: Increasing effectiveness through the use of proper team communication, strategies, and grouping into squads

Violating Mechanics:

1.) The four mechanics above and the camping atmosphere they create

Grouping is suicide in CoD because the high damage and advantage of finding a camping spot means that a single camper with a rifle can kill three or more people almost as quickly as one, as long as he has a decent camping spot. (as in, any window overlooking a linear path)

2.) Static Spawns & Frequent Deaths

The fact that in CoD players are constantly either A) In a camping spot (in which case another teammate isn't likely to heavily increase effectiveness as detailed above) or B) constantly dying and teleporting back to one side of the map. Makes it nearly impossible to work as a group.


Given the diminishing returns on camping, and the fact that players are constantly separated by being whisked away on respawn with startling frequency makes it nearly impossible to execute any meaningful teamwork.

Overall Argument

A shooter is not about finding spots to camp on a map, but that's what Call of Duty is all about, leading me to the conclusion that the core mechanics listed above have broken the fundamental aspects of what makes a shooter enjoyable.
amen brother. but srsly, see the battlefield series, thats skill.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
danpascooch said:
Lots n' lots of posts above.
First and foremost, I wanted to tip my hat to you as well.
jonnosferatu said:
AnAngryMoose said:
Personally, I see two solutions. One is good ol' 'few seconds of invulnerability' upon spawning or what Black Hawk: Tango Down does, which has a dedicating spawn area guarded by indestructable sentry turrets placed in such a way that spawn-camping is impossible.
Even so much as having a more intelligent algorithm for dynamic spawns would make more sense than the current system - and it'd be a hell of a lot more realistic, too. You don't insert people into spots on the battlefield where there are enemy troops.
I do not have Blippity Blops, and my only recent COD online experience is with Infinity Ward's "COD4: Modern Warfare 1." Modern Warfare seemed to have been relatively good about distancing players from opponents, so what has Treyarch managed to screw up so differently? I cannot fathom why nobody thought that there would be unscrupulous players that would take advantage of a bloody stupid hole in the spawning system.