Speculation About PSN Outage Turns to Custom Firmware


New member
Feb 28, 2010
While I agree with most people in saying that Sony (and every other developer/company) handle piracy very poorly, I don't think supporting hackers who are stealing items from the PSN is a good idea, nor do I think that forcing the entire PSN because your against Sony's policy is justifiable.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
So, it comes down to people are greedy little bastards then? Great. Just great. Thanks a lot. "Oh, it's my console, I paid for it, I can do whatever I want with it. If I want to STEAL other people's work, that's fine, because it's my console and I paid for it." Go jump off a cliff.

Not that it really matters to me at the moment. My PS3 went to PS3 heaven today, along with my copy of Dead Space 2 (dammit). Very sad. Stupid yellow light.
Apr 28, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
callmegreen said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
So, all these fights against piracy...and Sony still hasn't done jack shit about Game Sharing? The most basic form of PS3 piracy?
WTF is game sharing? by that do you mean LITERALY sharing games with your friends ??
The name is pretty self-explanatory, isn't it? >_>

It manipulates holes in the, shockingly loose, PS3 DRM to allow multiple users access to each others PSN store purchases...even on other profiles.
So wait, you mean if someone unlocks a specific DLC item, another person could access that same DLC by simply using their profile on that person's PS3?
Not just DLC. Sony has FULL GAMES for download, too. So, it really is full-on piracy. You can share it across all profiles on that system.
Wow...if this is still an issue, Sony needs to re-prioritise their efforts...
The only way Sony can stop it is with REALLY restrictive DRM, though. I don't think Sony wants to resort to that. They must know about it, though. It's been around for a long time, to my understanding.
So, basically, they'd have to stop something thats been going on since gaming freaking started? If thats the case, then my brother and I pirate all the damn time. We always let each other play the games we bought.

Just like every single family with multiple kids and gaming systems.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Sniper Team 4 said:
So, it comes down to people are greedy little bastards then? Great. Just great. Thanks a lot. "Oh, it's my console, I paid for it, I can do whatever I want with it. If I want to STEAL other people's work, that's fine, because it's my console and I paid for it." Go jump off a cliff.
No. These are the people everyone should be united against. They used custom firmware to pirate. These are the sort of people who cause all homebrew or custom firmware to be considered something that shouldn't be allowed because it's "for pirates." These people give hackers who don't use their talents to play games without paying for them a bad name. These people actually did sign up for a Playstation Network account, thus agreeing to the Terms of Use, and then broke that agreement all over the damn place. These are the people who Sony should be dragging to court and trying to crush.

People really need to learn the difference between hackers and pirates already.

Irridium said:
So, basically, they'd have to stop something thats been going on since gaming freaking started? If thats the case, then my brother and I pirate all the damn time. We always let each other play the games we bought.

Just like every single family with multiple kids and gaming systems.
Nah, different systems in the same home is fine with Sony (this is also well documented). It's when you decide to trade PSN account details with some guy in Texas you just found online so he can download your LittleBigPlanet DLC for free and you can download his Killzone 2 map packs for free that they have a problem with it.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Irridium said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
callmegreen said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
So, all these fights against piracy...and Sony still hasn't done jack shit about Game Sharing? The most basic form of PS3 piracy?
WTF is game sharing? by that do you mean LITERALY sharing games with your friends ??
The name is pretty self-explanatory, isn't it? >_>

It manipulates holes in the, shockingly loose, PS3 DRM to allow multiple users access to each others PSN store purchases...even on other profiles.
So wait, you mean if someone unlocks a specific DLC item, another person could access that same DLC by simply using their profile on that person's PS3?
Not just DLC. Sony has FULL GAMES for download, too. So, it really is full-on piracy. You can share it across all profiles on that system.
Wow...if this is still an issue, Sony needs to re-prioritise their efforts...
The only way Sony can stop it is with REALLY restrictive DRM, though. I don't think Sony wants to resort to that. They must know about it, though. It's been around for a long time, to my understanding.
So, basically, they'd have to stop something thats been going on since gaming freaking started? If thats the case, then my brother and I pirate all the damn time. We always let each other play the games we bought.

Just like every single family with multiple kids and gaming systems.
I suspect that's why they haven't done it. But on the other hand...it should be restricted to play when logged on to the profile it was bought on, at least.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
MaxPowers666 said:
WanderingFool said:
WTF is game sharing? by that do you mean LITERALY sharing games with your friends ??
Its not really that big of an issue. Currently you can have your account active on 5 ps3s, this is so if for some reason yours bricks you can just load your acct onto another ps3 and your good to go. The downside is that you can share the stuff you downloaded with other people getting them dlc/games for free. Yes they can play it on any account as long as its on the ps3 but the account that purchased it has to be active on that PlayStation.

So you cant just buy one game and share it with 20 friends.
So the system is actually intended for you to transfer your profile to a new PS3 should circumstances align against the one your profile is on currently. Is that about right? So this would be the same as the Other OS deal, damned if you do, damned if you dont...


Sep 23, 2010
snfonseka said:
If this is true, then all these clams by Sony saying that PSN is down because of external attack is BS. According to my understanding they brought down PSN themselves to stop this piracy problem.
Stealing content by illegally accessing the developer networks is an external attack.

They also already said they shut down the PSN, not that it was forced offline.
Apr 28, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
Irridium said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
callmegreen said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
So, all these fights against piracy...and Sony still hasn't done jack shit about Game Sharing? The most basic form of PS3 piracy?
WTF is game sharing? by that do you mean LITERALY sharing games with your friends ??
The name is pretty self-explanatory, isn't it? >_>

It manipulates holes in the, shockingly loose, PS3 DRM to allow multiple users access to each others PSN store purchases...even on other profiles.
So wait, you mean if someone unlocks a specific DLC item, another person could access that same DLC by simply using their profile on that person's PS3?
Not just DLC. Sony has FULL GAMES for download, too. So, it really is full-on piracy. You can share it across all profiles on that system.
Wow...if this is still an issue, Sony needs to re-prioritise their efforts...
The only way Sony can stop it is with REALLY restrictive DRM, though. I don't think Sony wants to resort to that. They must know about it, though. It's been around for a long time, to my understanding.
So, basically, they'd have to stop something thats been going on since gaming freaking started? If thats the case, then my brother and I pirate all the damn time. We always let each other play the games we bought.

Just like every single family with multiple kids and gaming systems.
I suspect that's why they haven't done it. But on the other hand...it should be restricted to play when logged on to the profile it was bought on, at least.
Which would cripple the sharing of games, something practiced at one point or another by pretty much every single purchaser of video games. And by anyone who's ever shared anything, if you think about it.

Also, Xbox Live limits it by a small amount, and only to downloaded things. Basically, each digital purchase assigns a license to your console. Anyone can use that license at any time on the console, but it will only work on the console. If you, say, wanted to download an episode of South Park on a friends console by just re-downloading the episode using your profile on his console, then it wouldn't work. It would only work if it was your profile, and signed into XBL. You can transfer licenses between boxes, but only once every year or so.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
mjc0961 said:
Let's not forget however that if George Hotz hadn't hacked the PS3 in the first place, Sony wouldn't have over-reacted and removed OtherOS. The PS3 began to suffer a bombardment of hacking once OtherOS was removed since before hand there was no reason to do it.

While it may have been hacked eventually, let's not forget that it was something like 3 years before anyone decide to do it.


Arctic fox and BACON lover
Jun 13, 2009
Sniper Team 4 said:
Not that it really matters to me at the moment. My PS3 went to PS3 heaven today, along with my copy of Dead Space 2 (dammit). Very sad. Stupid yellow light.
My condolences to your PS3 and your Dead Space 2. Ever consider cracking it open to get at the disk tray to recover your Dead Space 2?

You see, this is what I've been told by game devs, they don't like the modding so that piracy is possible. And I even swore and oath to never ever ever pirate a game. So if you think "HACK THE SYSTEMS! JAILBREAK THE CONSOLES! FUCK YEAH!" you should look at the fucking greedtards that want to do that for piracy, which is the larger motive for hacking from what I see because you actually gain something from it.

So basically, I give Sony a D- for handling this. But I do understand why they did that, they did say that an external threat penetrated the network, that didn't mean hackers. So guys, keep open minds. And I hope Sony figures out a better way of handling such things in the future. There's a first time for everything.

Sangreal Gothcraft said:
once again, pirates ruining me booty...argh..
Lets scuttle their ships.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
So the boat had a leaking siv and they took it out of the water to prevent it from sinking. Makes sense, but still sucks that they had to take it down.

I see quiet a few mindless hate spewers here. Its funny to try replace "sony" with "microsoft" or "ea" or any common target and see just how generic and undirected most of this insult flinging is.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
mjc0961 said:
Signa said:
I was a little pissed at first if this was true, because it would mean that the pirates are shitting on everyone. Then I thought about it a little more, and if I understand things right, a "pirate" who has a hacked console isn't technically allowed on PSN anymore. Therefore, they aren't allowed to even be a Sony customer if they have decided to mod their console. Ergo, Sony, nor devs are actually losing money from these pirates because they just simply wouldn't be capable of buying in the first place. If that's the case, then Sony is a HUGE jackass for shitting on their entire customer base just because they are sad some one is getting free stuff when they told them they weren't allowed to pay for it.
I don't really want to argue about piracy right now, but do you really think that they should just leave such a massive loophole open because the people who first started exploiting it wouldn't have likely bought their games anyway? I'm quite certain that Sony's partners wouldn't appreciate that, and might start looking to do more business with Nintendo, Microsoft, Valve (Steam), and basically any other company if Sony's answer to such a massive exploit is "Eh. They weren't going to buy it anyway, so suck it up."

Plus, you can't deny that there are people out there who would stop paying and start pirating using the exploit if they had found out about it. If they plug the hole, those people are just going to have to keep paying instead.

tony2077 said:
seem like another butthurt other os person i got mine after that stuff was gone and truth be told i couldn't care any less about it. the other stuff was just hackers being idiots but that's normal in this fucked up world
Butthurt? You completely missed the point of what I was trying to say.

Sony removed Install Other OS under the pretense that doing so would increase the security of the PS3.
When they removed it, pissed off hackers went to work, which caused the PS3 to be cracked open like an egg and apparently the Playstation Store has now been cracked open by them as well.
Thus, Sony fucked up big time. They wanted to make their platform more secure, and instead they made it vastly less secure by removing a feature and, under the assumption that everyone would be cool with that, not tightening up any of their extremely weak existing security.

Regardless of whether or not you ever had the opportunity to try Install Other OS, or even would have used it if you did have that opportunity, denying such an obvious screw-up and calling anyone who points it out "butthurt" is missing the point on a level that is staggering.

mojodamm said:
You know, I had a couple paragraphs written up in response to your insane ramblings, but the way you feel about Sony, for whatever legitimate or illegitimate reasons you have to hate them, aren't going to be changed by my words, so good luck with your vendetta.
You are also insanely good at missing the point.
so your blaming the stupidity of the hackers on Sony bravo


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Hmmm, anyone else saw this codename rebug website? This story looks very legit according to all the information and DL links they have on that website. AS for myself, I am a PC Gamer and don't care much about consoles, but this is about the same as having the Master Key on Steam. What ever that PSN Dev network is, I think it should be unique to a profile and hardware ID. Done (assuming that's possible).

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Irridium said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Irridium said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
callmegreen said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
So, all these fights against piracy...and Sony still hasn't done jack shit about Game Sharing? The most basic form of PS3 piracy?
WTF is game sharing? by that do you mean LITERALY sharing games with your friends ??
The name is pretty self-explanatory, isn't it? >_>

It manipulates holes in the, shockingly loose, PS3 DRM to allow multiple users access to each others PSN store purchases...even on other profiles.
So wait, you mean if someone unlocks a specific DLC item, another person could access that same DLC by simply using their profile on that person's PS3?
Not just DLC. Sony has FULL GAMES for download, too. So, it really is full-on piracy. You can share it across all profiles on that system.
Wow...if this is still an issue, Sony needs to re-prioritise their efforts...
The only way Sony can stop it is with REALLY restrictive DRM, though. I don't think Sony wants to resort to that. They must know about it, though. It's been around for a long time, to my understanding.
So, basically, they'd have to stop something thats been going on since gaming freaking started? If thats the case, then my brother and I pirate all the damn time. We always let each other play the games we bought.

Just like every single family with multiple kids and gaming systems.
I suspect that's why they haven't done it. But on the other hand...it should be restricted to play when logged on to the profile it was bought on, at least.
Which would cripple the sharing of games, something practiced at one point or another by pretty much every single purchaser of video games. And by anyone who's ever shared anything, if you think about it.

Also, Xbox Live limits it by a small amount, and only to downloaded things. Basically, each digital purchase assigns a license to your console. Anyone can use that license at any time on the console, but it will only work on the console. If you, say, wanted to download an episode of South Park on a friends console by just re-downloading the episode using your profile on his console, then it wouldn't work. It would only work if it was your profile, and signed into XBL. You can transfer licenses between boxes, but only once every year or so.
Umm...the game sharing I'm talking about is ONLY about downloaded games. This isn't about trading discs with your friend, here.


This is a Forum Title.
Oct 2, 2008
Yeah, that sounds like an INCREDIBLY ROUNDABOUT and traceable, Federal-PMITA-Prison-Illegal way to pirate. I'm not buying it. (That's what they said, Ha.)
Apr 28, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
Irridium said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Irridium said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
callmegreen said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
So, all these fights against piracy...and Sony still hasn't done jack shit about Game Sharing? The most basic form of PS3 piracy?
WTF is game sharing? by that do you mean LITERALY sharing games with your friends ??
The name is pretty self-explanatory, isn't it? >_>

It manipulates holes in the, shockingly loose, PS3 DRM to allow multiple users access to each others PSN store purchases...even on other profiles.
So wait, you mean if someone unlocks a specific DLC item, another person could access that same DLC by simply using their profile on that person's PS3?
Not just DLC. Sony has FULL GAMES for download, too. So, it really is full-on piracy. You can share it across all profiles on that system.
Wow...if this is still an issue, Sony needs to re-prioritise their efforts...
The only way Sony can stop it is with REALLY restrictive DRM, though. I don't think Sony wants to resort to that. They must know about it, though. It's been around for a long time, to my understanding.
So, basically, they'd have to stop something thats been going on since gaming freaking started? If thats the case, then my brother and I pirate all the damn time. We always let each other play the games we bought.

Just like every single family with multiple kids and gaming systems.
I suspect that's why they haven't done it. But on the other hand...it should be restricted to play when logged on to the profile it was bought on, at least.
Which would cripple the sharing of games, something practiced at one point or another by pretty much every single purchaser of video games. And by anyone who's ever shared anything, if you think about it.

Also, Xbox Live limits it by a small amount, and only to downloaded things. Basically, each digital purchase assigns a license to your console. Anyone can use that license at any time on the console, but it will only work on the console. If you, say, wanted to download an episode of South Park on a friends console by just re-downloading the episode using your profile on his console, then it wouldn't work. It would only work if it was your profile, and signed into XBL. You can transfer licenses between boxes, but only once every year or so.
Umm...the game sharing I'm talking about is ONLY about downloaded games. This isn't about trading discs with your friend, here.
Oh... seems I misunderstood.


But still, Microsoft has a decent system in place. Man thats weird to say... "Microsoft" and "decent system". Heh.

Anyway, limit the licence to one console. Anyone on that console can use it at anytime. But to use it on another console, it must be the profile that bought it that uses it, and it must be online.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Irridium said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Irridium said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Irridium said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
WanderingFool said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
callmegreen said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
So, all these fights against piracy...and Sony still hasn't done jack shit about Game Sharing? The most basic form of PS3 piracy?
WTF is game sharing? by that do you mean LITERALY sharing games with your friends ??
The name is pretty self-explanatory, isn't it? >_>

It manipulates holes in the, shockingly loose, PS3 DRM to allow multiple users access to each others PSN store purchases...even on other profiles.
So wait, you mean if someone unlocks a specific DLC item, another person could access that same DLC by simply using their profile on that person's PS3?
Not just DLC. Sony has FULL GAMES for download, too. So, it really is full-on piracy. You can share it across all profiles on that system.
Wow...if this is still an issue, Sony needs to re-prioritise their efforts...
The only way Sony can stop it is with REALLY restrictive DRM, though. I don't think Sony wants to resort to that. They must know about it, though. It's been around for a long time, to my understanding.
So, basically, they'd have to stop something thats been going on since gaming freaking started? If thats the case, then my brother and I pirate all the damn time. We always let each other play the games we bought.

Just like every single family with multiple kids and gaming systems.
I suspect that's why they haven't done it. But on the other hand...it should be restricted to play when logged on to the profile it was bought on, at least.
Which would cripple the sharing of games, something practiced at one point or another by pretty much every single purchaser of video games. And by anyone who's ever shared anything, if you think about it.

Also, Xbox Live limits it by a small amount, and only to downloaded things. Basically, each digital purchase assigns a license to your console. Anyone can use that license at any time on the console, but it will only work on the console. If you, say, wanted to download an episode of South Park on a friends console by just re-downloading the episode using your profile on his console, then it wouldn't work. It would only work if it was your profile, and signed into XBL. You can transfer licenses between boxes, but only once every year or so.
Umm...the game sharing I'm talking about is ONLY about downloaded games. This isn't about trading discs with your friend, here.
Oh... seems I misunderstood.


But still, Microsoft has a decent system in place. Man thats weird to say... "Microsoft" and "decent system". Heh.

Anyway, limit the licence to one console. Anyone on that console can use it at anytime. But to use it on another console, it must be the profile that bought it that uses it, and it must be online.
Sony hasn't done that yet. Hell, it's not even profile limited.

If there is another profile on that console. it can use it. Get trophies and everything, too.