Speculation About PSN Outage Turns to Custom Firmware


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
WanderingFool said:
So the system is actually intended for you to transfer your profile to a new PS3 should circumstances align against the one your profile is on currently. Is that about right?
Here's how it basically works:

You have your PSN account. You can activate that on up to 5 Playstation systems (right now, I think it's just PS3s and PSPs; you can do 5 PS3s, 3 PS3s and 2 PSPs, and so on, but 5 is the max). Activating the system to play content purchased with your PSN account will allow anyone who uses that PS3 or PSP on any profile to access that content, regardless of what PSN account they happen to sign into. That may be restricted if the game has extra DRM, like some Capcom titles, but there isn't any extra DRM, that's how it works.
You can also deactivate the account on a console so that if you're going to sell it, or it had some kind of hardware failure that lets you turn it back on (your disc drive dies, for example), it won't be able to play your games anymore. You also get one of those 5 activations back when you deactivate a console. So say you have a PS3 and a PSP, and they are both activated. You would have 3 activations left. But you don't play the PSP and you're going to sell it. You deactivate your PSP before you do so and now you have 4 activations left.
This nice for legitimate customers for obvious reasons: if you have different PS3s in different locations (like a kid whose parents split up and spends time at each of their places) you can play without worry, if you have a system that bricks and you can't get it back on to deactivate it then you'll still likely have other activations left so you can start playing your content on your replacement without having to deal with anything beyond just downloading all the content again.
However, you can obviously use all 5 of your activations if you get 5 PS3s that YLOD for example. In that case, you do have to call customer service to get the activations reset, and if you haven't done anything nasty like gamesharing, then it generally goes smoothly (from what I hear anyway; I've never had to do it myself). And if you have gameshared, they see that and apparently tell you too bad, no more activations for you. Which doesn't matter because even if you could get some, your account is now on the fast track for a ban anyway.

Now for how people abuse it. Like I mentioned above, once you activate a system to use your PSN account's content, that system can play it regardless of who is or isn't signed in. So what people do is trade account logins so they can log in, activate the account on their console, download content from that account, and then log back into their own accounts and play the other person's stuff online and get trophies in it and everything else as if they had actually paid for it. As long as they leave the other PSN account activated on their system, they just got a bunch of free stuff.

MK Tha Rebel

New member
Jun 12, 2009
Sniper Team 4 said:
Not that it really matters to me at the moment. My PS3 went to PS3 heaven today, along with my copy of Dead Space 2 (dammit). Very sad. Stupid yellow light.
Sorry to hear that. If you like, I know a good repair shop:
Had my PS3 fixed there twice now. Both times they did a good job. Not a bad price, as well as fast.

As for PSN, I just wanna re-download my Klassic Reptile skin/fatality, but Sony's gotta do what they gotta do, and they better do it well, so I'll wait.


Sep 22, 2009
ThisIsSnake said:
Wow, there are genuinely people happy that developers were getting ripped off of by self entitled shits. Well really they were cheering because Sony was targeted by them, yeah stick it to the man, the man who employs 158,500 people worldwide many of which have jobs dependant on the success of their gaming divisions...
I know, right? I love how people masquerade behind being anti-corporate, when really it's never CEOs or big wigs who suffer from losses or things like this, it's always some low level person living on shitty wages who gets canned behind this bullshit whenever a company has problems or loses money. But then again the people who do this shit are usually spoiled middle class brats who think paying for things and doing an honest day's work is something only poor people have to do.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Adzma said:
Let's not forget however that if George Hotz hadn't hacked the PS3 in the first place, Sony wouldn't have over-reacted and removed OtherOS. The PS3 began to suffer a bombardment of hacking once OtherOS was removed since before hand there was no reason to do it.

While it may have been hacked eventually, let's not forget that it was something like 3 years before anyone decide to do it.
Let's not forget that GeoHot actually hadn't gotten anywhere with his very small hack of Install Other OS, and that Sony could have avoided all this by just patching whatever it was he used to do that first hack that didn't even do anything. And yeah, I know that the reason that the hacking started after Install Other OS was gone is because they didn't need to hack it before. That's another reason why removing it was very stupid on Sony's part: now all the decent hackers, the ones who just want homebrew and NOT piracy, had no Linux to play with and thus turned to cracking the system itself, just like so many other systems before the PS3.

Let's not forget that it was a series of mistakes by Sony that put them in the position they're in right now. Giving hackers a sandbox and then taking it away, leaving them all bitter? Mistake. Having really weak security on the platform despite claiming that removing Install Other OS would make things tighter? Mistake. Treating all hackers like the enemy instead of working with the good ones and only going after the ones who just want to use hacking to pirate stuff? Mistake. Sony should have done this [http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/18/visualized-the-glamorous-lifestyles-of-wp7-jailbreakers/] as soon as GeoHot managed to do anything with Install Other OS. Instead they've pulled features, sued people, and now they've had to shut down PSN for a week and who knows when it'll be back up. Let's not forget that Sony's handling of this situation has been extremely poor since day one.

tony2077 said:
so your blaming the stupidity of the hackers on Sony bravo
Nope. I'm saying that you're completely missing the point of every single thing I have said. And now I'm also saying that it's obvious that you're another person who doesn't know the difference between hackers and pirates.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
snfonseka said:
If this is true, then all these clams by Sony saying that PSN is down because of external attack is BS. According to my understanding they brought down PSN themselves to stop this piracy problem.
It's a little more involved than simply being a situation of pirates figuring out how to download free games from PSN. (note all the posts here concerning game sharing and how low priority it seems to be). Rather it is the route that the "hackers" used (and yes they are hackers and not simply pirates). If this speculation is correct (and honestly it does seem to have a ring of credibility to it) then yes this would be considered an external assault. It isn't some sort of credit card trick. They used a hacked firmware to access the private and trusted developer network and spring through that into the more protected public PSN via a back door. From a security standpoint that is really really scary. Who knows what sort of data has been breached? Granted hearing this I am less worried about actual end user CC information. But how many games in development and testing were compromised? How many internal business documents? Payment or contract information to smaller developers with games on PSN? How much were they actually able to get into via that developer network? Just because all most nitwits did was figure out how to download free copies of Angry Birds and MW2 map packs does not mean that that's what the brighter ones limited themselves to.

It actually explains the silence a little more than most of the other scenarios discussed earlier. Chances are they are still investigating how deep the penetration was and what was exposed. They simply do not know, and at the same time do not want to sensationalize the breach or encourage others to investigate any such paths until they know exactly what happened. The fact that they do seem to be saying a little ore to the developer houses says a great deal. I am hoping that they are discussing any specific data breaches of issues with their third party development partners directly as they find them. But all sorts of contracts will prevent either side from ever discussing such things with us. (I mean just imagine the shear chaos that could occur should it be announced that a legitimate COD:Black Ops 2 Alpha was downloaded as part of the breach and is now in the wild.)

As someone else so eloquently said it "This is why we can't have nice things!"


New member
Dec 19, 2007
mjc0961 said:
Adzma said:
Let's not forget however that if George Hotz hadn't hacked the PS3 in the first place, Sony wouldn't have over-reacted and removed OtherOS. The PS3 began to suffer a bombardment of hacking once OtherOS was removed since before hand there was no reason to do it.

While it may have been hacked eventually, let's not forget that it was something like 3 years before anyone decide to do it.
Let's not forget that GeoHot actually hadn't gotten anywhere with his very small hack of Install Other OS, and that Sony could have avoided all this by just patching whatever it was he used to do that first hack that didn't even do anything. And yeah, I know that the reason that the hacking started after Install Other OS was gone is because they didn't need to hack it before. That's another reason why removing it was very stupid on Sony's part: now all the decent hackers, the ones who just want homebrew and NOT piracy, had no Linux to play with and thus turned to cracking the system itself, just like so many other systems before the PS3.

Let's not forget that it was a series of mistakes by Sony that put them in the position they're in right now.

tony2077 said:
so your blaming the stupidity of the hackers on Sony bravo
Nope. I'm saying that you're completely missing the point of every single thing I have said. And now I'm also saying that it's obvious that you're another person who doesn't know the difference between hackers and pirates.
hackers are idiots pirates are idiots why should i waste time to separate them


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
faefrost said:
Rather it is the route that the "hackers" used (and yes they are hackers and not simply pirates).
Well, the guy(s) who wrote the custom firmware are hackers. The guys who just downloaded, installed, and used it to download free stuff are not. We call them pirates because that is one thing that anyone who download free stuff has in common: they pirated.

It's important to remember: not all hackers are pirates, and not all pirates are hackers. Some people are both, but some people are only one of the two.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
viper3 said:
EcksTeaSea said:
Go hackers go! Sony took down one, but good luck with the rest.
Yes, because destroying peoples hard work and inconveniencing millions of people and stealing possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of software is so comparable to one hacker getting a slap on the wrist for unlocking a console to run his own OS. It's people like you that make the internet look like a cesspool of scum and villainy that the media love to run down.

Think before you post.
Oh man lets get started.

1. Sony sues the guy who is able to hack their system because Sony is embarrassed that he did it. Don't even try to tell me that they weren't because anybody that hacks your system, you're gonna go for them, but wait did Sony do the smart thing and ask the guy how he did it?! NO the try to sue the shit out of him because they need to swing their mighty Sony cock around to show him who is boss.

2. No hard work was destroyed in terms of game wise, but rather distributed out and even before then, that is if you bothered to even read the previous posts, game sharing has been going on and Sony has done pretty much nothing to stop it. What exactly is being destroyed here? The PSN network? Its a good thing then if you support anti-piracy, because now they get to stop and it fill the holes.

3. Its pretty funny that if what the guy said is true, it took Sony AN ENTIRE MONTH to start doing anything about it. Just knowing about the problem but not actually coming up with a solution isn't doing anything, its trying to do something. Sony let it happen to themselves, they left a loophole and these guys just exploited it like anybody would do.

4. Here comes the killer of them all, its hackers/pirates that show the problems with what Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo make and then act accordingly. If anything these guys are doing the job that Sony was too fucking lazy to do for themselves.

Its people like you who don't think much and ride that high horse so far up that make the internet that jacked up cesspool that it is.

Think before you post.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
tony2077 said:
hackers are idiots pirates are idiots why should i waste time to separate them
...I don't know if you're trolling or you really are that naive or whatever else people may think of you when they read that.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
mjc0961 said:
Adzma said:
tony2077 said:
so your blaming the stupidity of the hackers on Sony bravo
Nope. I'm saying that you're completely missing the point of every single thing I have said. And now I'm also saying that it's obvious that you're another person who doesn't know the difference between hackers and pirates.
For the first point, Im geussing what you are saying is that the currant situation is like this:

This being the repersentative to the Other OS.

This about right?


New member
Mar 22, 2010
You know i just had a thought but why can't people just simply buy the damn DLC or game and if they can't afford it then get a fucking job and actually save money!.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
WanderingFool said:
For the first point, Im geussing what you are saying is that the currant situation is like this:

This being the repersentative to the Other OS.

This about right?
If the bridge is the PS3 and the screw is Install Other OS, yeah, I suppose that's an extremely simplified version of what I'm saying.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Ugh. Does anyone not know how to show the slightest bit of sympathy anymore? So apparently if someone does you wrong once or twice or they mess up and make bad decisions for time to time it's all the reason to wish ill of them even when something terrible is happening to them and by the same token many other innocent consumers. This is the part of the escapist I honestly don't like. I can't tell you how many times i've been on the receiving end of this sort of logic path and it just makes life harder for no good reason.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Swifteye said:
Ugh. Does anyone not know how to show the slightest bit of sympathy anymore? So apparently if someone does you wrong once or twice or they mess up and make bad decisions for time to time it's all the reason to wish ill of them even when something terrible is happening to them and by the same token many other innocent consumers. This is the part of the escapist I honestly don't like. I can't tell you how many times i've been on the receiving end of this sort of logic path and it just makes life harder for no good reason.
I have plenty of sympathy for the honest consumers and the game developers and publishers who got screwed by both Sony's poor decisions and the pirates.

As for the pirates, like always I hope they go die in a fire (I really don't care about their various justifications for their actions). As for Sony, I hope they'll realize how badly they've been screwing up and learn from these mistakes in the future so I can feel like I'd be able to buy another one of their products without worrying how they're going to screw me over both directly and with extremely poor decisions.

Really Sony. Sue everyone who used this custom firmware to download tons of free shit and try not to make such terrible mistakes with the NGP and PS4 and maybe I'll be able to like you guys again.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
mjc0961 said:
Swifteye said:
Ugh. Does anyone not know how to show the slightest bit of sympathy anymore? So apparently if someone does you wrong once or twice or they mess up and make bad decisions for time to time it's all the reason to wish ill of them even when something terrible is happening to them and by the same token many other innocent consumers. This is the part of the escapist I honestly don't like. I can't tell you how many times i've been on the receiving end of this sort of logic path and it just makes life harder for no good reason.
I have plenty of sympathy for the honest consumers and the game developers and publishers who got screwed by both Sony's poor decisions and the pirates.

As for the pirates, like always I hope they go die in a fire (I really don't care about their various justifications for their actions). As for Sony, I hope they'll realize how badly they've been screwing up and learn from these mistakes in the future so I can feel like I'd be able to buy another one of their products without worrying how they're going to screw me over both directly and with extremely poor decisions.

Really Sony. Sue everyone who used this custom firmware to download tons of free shit and try not to make such terrible mistakes with the NGP and PS4 and maybe I'll be able to like you guys again.
I've always liked them I just don't understand where it all went wrong i've always used there products and they delivered but ever since the ps3 and the psp it's been bad news back and forth. I can't tell ya how much it hurts to be a legitimate psp user and hear all of everyone say it's just a hacking tool.


Senior Member
Feb 23, 2010
All of this hacking and piracy hurts the consumers most of all. The people who actually work hard to EARN what they get.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
with all the 'crap' stirring around sony, the bullshit law suit,(Geohot) the 'shit talking' they can't back up (thinking the DS is a 'kiddy toy' and the new PSP is going to beat it, the aps store on your smart phones are a bigger threat to Nintendo's hand helds -.-) I'm finding hard to give a shit WHAT happens to them, maybe if they lose enough money an piss enough people off they'll figure out what they're doing wrong, or go shit can the whole gaming side of things


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Despite all the attempts at damage control, the one good thing out of all of this is folks turning against the silly "hacker" and anon bullshit. A few people with nothing better to do want to milk this into some kind of big internet freedom drama, when it is and always has been about ripping off games.

Gotta love the moral grandstanding and "Vendetta!" angst though.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Anybody else notice how, if true, this would make Critical Miss #34 amusingly right?


It's not exactly the same thing, but it's pretty close.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
the truth is i don't give a shit about anything other then it coming back on line so i can make it so i can play portal 2 on PC and download demos and any full games that interest me