Square Enix Calls Final Fantasy XIII-2 "Dark and Mysterious"

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
vrbtny said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Why does every sequel need to be Darker and Edgier?

Can't we have a happy sequel for once?
Er.... Final Fantasy X-2. I seriously can't see how they could have made it MORE happy.
I know. I'm not really going on about Final Fantasy. It is just the annoying trend of most major sequels becoming dark, depressing affairs.


New member
Apr 11, 2010
Tom Goldman said:
The battle system in Final Fantasy XIII-2 wasn't the bees knees for me
Methinks you meant to say XIII, not XIII-2. Not a big deal, just thought you might want to know.

Anyway, on topic, I was honestly more excited for X-2 than I am for XIII-2. I enjoyed X to begin with, but I couldn't stand XIII. Yeah, X-2 had a horrendous plot, but I found the gameplay pretty fun and thought the dressphere system was a good idea that just needed a different name and less painfully obvious fanservice.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Every time new information comes out about this game my irrational hatred for this tragic franchise grows. It seems to me like they are just trying to decorate their existing game with "edgy/dark sprinkles" and talk it up instead of actually improving their franchise. Do they have a plan to win back the Western market or have they just given up?


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I loved just about everything in FFXIII: music, graphics, characters, story...if only the gameplay wasn't so annoying, specifically the combat.
Hopefully in FFXIII-2 the battles won't feel like an annoying bug that interrupts running around pretty environments and watching cutscenes.
Or maybe they'll turn it into a proper JRPG...nah


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I liked Final Fantasy XII's battle system. At least you had to program the characters and list a set of priorities for them. FFXIII practically plays the game for you. I love the characters, had an alright story for me. I wish they kept going with the FFXII formula though. Lots of world exploration and collecting to do.

I wish I could say otherwise but FFXIII was just a bunch of really pretty hallways to walk down. Some longer or wider than others but hallways just the same. I WANT EXPLORATION!!!


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Soviet Heavy said:
vrbtny said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Why does every sequel need to be Darker and Edgier?

Can't we have a happy sequel for once?
Er.... Final Fantasy X-2. I seriously can't see how they could have made it MORE happy.
I know. I'm not really going on about Final Fantasy. It is just the annoying trend of most major sequels becoming dark, depressing affairs.
Apparently, Mass Effect 3 is going be "lighter, and bring back the humour." I'm not entirely sure how this gonna work when Earth is busy having its ass handed too it by Aliens -- but it's Bioware, I'm sure they'll come up with something.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Really excited for this, even though we may not get it till the end of the year. Didn't mind most of the game being linear, and liked everyone in the main cast. Hopefully they all do something worthwhile in this one.

Course, I'm just going to wait till we get more info.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
coldfrog said:
Tom Goldman said:
Lightning won't be breaking out a microphone for her appearance in Final Fantasy XIII-2.
Whether or not I had any interest in this game, this is just about the best news I could ever hear. If she's not changing her clothes every battle, that'll make it even better!

Good one

Ah well it only can get better. Oh yeah some might claim FF XIII is so good and so.. I don't care. I used to care about my JRPG's about the characters about the stories. Final Fantasy XIII didn't touch me. Hell if even I would away all the action in between because.. it isn't as if you learned anything from that. As in the reasons why they do it and would compress it all to a movie. I still would not care.

FF XIII had one thing that was I agree nice the graphics. Yes that was epic but not enough to make a game.
Oh but how about the battle system! You mean the "auto attack?" yeah... once the enemy was Libra'd it became an RTS. When to switch to healers and the rest. WOOOO!

So FF XIII-2, I dunno I haven't seen much yet but hey it probably can't be worse then FF XIII.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
I think I'd actually be more interested if it WAS just XIII-2: Pretty Princess Dress up - Sing-a-Long Edition

'Darker' doesn't mean 'better', and XIII being the bitter disappointment that it was, I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say I wont hold my breath on the sequel being any good


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Tom Goldman said:
It'll start right in Gran Pulse (no more 20 hour wait before the good stuff), and be a "true sequel," meaning that Final Fantasy XIII-2's story will directly continue that from the first game and even take a look at what went on behind the scenes during Final Fantasy XIII. As expected from XIII-2's first trailer, the game will focus on Lightning and the goddess Etro.

Kitase and Toriyama said that they've been listening to criticisms of Final Fantasy XIII from all over the world regarding "characters, story and interface," and are incorporating that feedback into Final Fantasy XIII-2. The ATB battle system is being "evolved," with difficulty settings under discussion. The cast of characters from the original game will return, but some may feature major changes and appear in "unexpected forms."
Sounds good to me! I actually enjoyed FF13 - there were issues, but no deal breakers. If they've made it better, awesome. I'll pay full price on release day for that.


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
Appear in "unexpected forms"?
If that means Sazh isn't properly in it, I'm ragequitting before the game even starts.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
ShenCS said:
Tom Goldman said:
The battle system in Final Fantasy XIII-2 wasn't the bees knees for me

Anyway, it's becoming pretty clear that SE really wants to break away from traditional RPGing. Which is fine, turn-based combat has fallen out of favour for the twitchy types. XIII was okay to me, but was a lot of wasted potential with their gamble on the new system (which I personally liked). Honestly, I think they should just come out with it and make it "Kingdom Hearts without the Disney". It would work, by the gods it would work.
That's the thing. There is a KH without Disney coming out. Its called Final Fantasy Versus 13. Count me super excited for it :D


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Why are they even making this?
Fans HATED FFXIII, so why make sequels to it instead of trying to get XV right (although, being square-enix, that's pretty unlikely) and of course, they're going for the edgy, dark, mysterious crowd, which, in square-enix language, means "Everyones going to be emotionless/whiney, and the plots going to make absolutely no sense until about 20 hours in when we reveal the sephiroth-esque villain."
Also, FFX-2 sucked in my, and a majority of other people's, opinion(s), so why take a game that already sucked and give that a sequel too?
*sigh* I think it's time they started handing the FF development to someone else, since they can't give the fans what they want and keep making really bad games that will fail to draw in a new audience. Give it to someone who cares about the series more, or is really good at making JRPG's *cough*[sub]level-5[/sub]*cough*
Summary: FFXIII sucked, FFX-2 sucked, and 2 wrongs don't make a right, so do the maths


New member
Aug 19, 2008
I'm still confused as to the drastic shift from futuristic to medieval garb.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Can't we just have a FF game where the characters portray actual human emotions rather than be one extreme or another?


New member
Jan 23, 2010
I just hope the story doesn't plod on as much, there was too much buildup in XIII without enough payoff. They need to take a hint from FFX, which had reasonable buildup, but interesting development in between without flashing back to the same day in the back story. The only characters I was genuinely interested in were Lightning, Fang, and Vanielle(sp?)because they had interesting back-stories outside of Day 1 that didn't boil down to daddy issues...


Raincoat Killer
Aug 21, 2008
Square Enix just needs to shut up for once. Rather than get people overhyped again, ultimately leading to disappointment, make them pleasantly surprised when the time comes.


Sep 23, 2010
I say go for it. If you try to make a normal game darker you'll usually end up with something silly or emo, whereas if you take a game that was way too "bright" to begin with it could actually end up being good. Maybe we'll manage to avoid "CUZ I'M THE HERO LOL"-type lines this time around. Or maybe we'll not have whiny little grey-haired shota things cluttering up the script.

I also welcome the medieval armor she's wearing, partially because it looks good but more because maybe, just maybe, this installment will be more fantasy than sci-fi. Final Fantasy is always better in an actual fantasy setting.

Also, Lightning was easily the best character in XIII. Sazh quickly lost any logic or reasonable motivation and I ended up wanting to kill his son even though he was never on-screen[small] (please don't get me started on Snow or Hope, because fuck them, fuck their stupid fucking faces)[/small].