Square Enix Calls Final Fantasy XIII-2 "Dark and Mysterious"


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Oct 10, 2008
Straying Bullet said:
Necromancer1991 said:
I am warning you now, I have the whambulance on standby, look I hated FFX-2 and I didn't care for FFXIII, it was the weakest non-MMO/Spin-off thus far IMHO but at the same time you are ATM coming across as *Gasp* Emo and whiney

Yes, voicing my opinion deserves the Whambulance. Jesus Christ dude, get your head checked and don't quote me with an idiotic response in the future.
While I won't use emo as an adjective (because doing so is fairly retarded), your comment did come off as whiney. It's not an idiotic response, it's a fair one. I mean, I didn't like the game or any of the characters either, but I still recognize when someone is whining about the game.

OT: It being "Dark and Mysterious" still doesn't mean I'll buy it.


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Aug 24, 2010
AwesomeFerret said:
ShenCS said:
Anyway, it's becoming pretty clear that SE really wants to break away from traditional RPGing. Which is fine, turn-based combat has fallen out of favour for the twitchy types. XIII was okay to me, but was a lot of wasted potential with their gamble on the new system (which I personally liked). Honestly, I think they should just come out with it and make it "Kingdom Hearts without the Disney". It would work, by the gods it would work.
That's the thing. There is a KH without Disney coming out. Its called Final Fantasy Versus 13. Count me super excited for it :D
Oh snap, that's going to be KH-esque? I've only seen the story trailer - is there any gameplay footage or have they simply confirmed it?

Also, the wall of text guy has it right. In my opinion, XIII had the best cast out of all the FF games and most others. And fantastic voice-acting. The execution was just... not there. The linear gameplay totally destroyed it and non-interactive side quests shoved all the pieces into the chocobo feed.
I will LAUGH so hard if this game turns out to be fantastic after people have sworn not to play it based on... nothing.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
From what ive heard XIII-2 sounds to be a vast improvement over XIII (not that XIII was crap) and i do like the sound of the story changes and more exploration.

Also sazh with a gatling gun instead of one of his arms would be just hilarious.
You are aware that was a FFVII reference right? :p

OT: I really don't think this is going to be any good. FFXIII was a disappointment I am yet to finish even after buying it on launch day -.-


New member
Nov 13, 2009
TheLiham said:
From what ive heard XIII-2 sounds to be a vast improvement over XIII (not that XIII was crap) and i do like the sound of the story changes and more exploration.

Also sazh with a gatling gun instead of one of his arms would be just hilarious.
You are aware that was a FFVII reference right? :p

OT: I really don't think this is going to be any good. FFXIII was a disappointment I am yet to finish even after buying it on launch day -.-
Nah i haven't played FFVII although i will when im done with VIII


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Maybe by dark and mysterious they'll include random puzzles, and you'd have to solve a bunch of brainteasers to continue the story, which will have some elements that might be a little creepy. I'm sure that's entirely original, and no game has ever been made like that...


New member
Apr 15, 2010
TheLiham said:
From what ive heard XIII-2 sounds to be a vast improvement over XIII (not that XIII was crap) and i do like the sound of the story changes and more exploration.

Also sazh with a gatling gun instead of one of his arms would be just hilarious.
You are aware that was a FFVII reference right? :p

OT: I really don't think this is going to be any good. FFXIII was a disappointment I am yet to finish even after buying it on launch day -.-
Nah i haven't played FFVII although i will when im done with VIII
You really should, both VII and VIII are absolutely fantastic games.
Much better than the recent ones.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Kalezian said:
Straying Bullet said:
Square Enix Calls Final Fantasy XIII-2 "Dark and Mysterious"
Read: Emo and whiney

Seriously, Square Enix couldn't get any story right, don't even mention their so called strength in 'emotion/story'. It's all cliché and superficial for me. Snow never stopping to whine about some girl he wants to marry.

Her best prospect being either turned into a mineral or whatever, but he keeps yapping and whining despite it all.

I have no trust/faith in this entire project. Hope it fails from the bottom of my heart.
so.........every main character since FF V-VI?

god damn that Cloud, he started all of this!
Zidane was only emo for like, 15 minutes. And that part had epic music!

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Good. I'm glad that the story picks up right where XIII left off, because that ending was horrible. Nothing is fixed and there's a very good chance people are going to be dying left and right in the next few days. This will prove interesting.

In regards to fixing characters, we've put Hope in a cameo role only, right? Like Wakka in X-2? (Don't get me wrong, I actually liked Wakka). Lightening's sister Sera can take his place, right? Because we already got rid of my two favorite characters Vanille and Fang, so it's only far that we get rid of the character I could stand.


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Jan 4, 2010
I don't like to judge things that aren't out yet, but that armor still makes my eyes bleed when I look at it. I know there are a ton of amazing graphic artists in Japan, so why didn't they get one who can design outfits that at least look cool. Hell, a lot of the clothing in the FFXIII wasn't even that bad. Hardly iconic, sure, and some of it looked kind of silly, but this just looks like a bad parody of silly fantasy armor.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Dark and Mysterious = they can waste less time trying to make a decent story with a good narrative and common sense

Tehlanna TPX

New member
Mar 23, 2010
ShenCS said:
AwesomeFerret said:
ShenCS said:
Anyway, it's becoming pretty clear that SE really wants to break away from traditional RPGing. Which is fine, turn-based combat has fallen out of favour for the twitchy types. XIII was okay to me, but was a lot of wasted potential with their gamble on the new system (which I personally liked). Honestly, I think they should just come out with it and make it "Kingdom Hearts without the Disney". It would work, by the gods it would work.
That's the thing. There is a KH without Disney coming out. Its called Final Fantasy Versus 13. Count me super excited for it :D
Oh snap, that's going to be KH-esque? I've only seen the story trailer - is there any gameplay footage or have they simply confirmed it?

Also, the wall of text guy has it right. In my opinion, XIII had the best cast out of all the FF games and most others. And fantastic voice-acting. The execution was just... not there. The linear gameplay totally destroyed it and non-interactive side quests shoved all the pieces into the chocobo feed.
I will LAUGH so hard if this game turns out to be fantastic after people have sworn not to play it based on... nothing.
It is so refreshing to see this post amidst all the mindless hate for FF and Squeenix in this thread.

OT:I can understand disliking a game after a play through. I was not a big fan of FF12. Not at all. And yet I can still appreciate parts of it (like Balthier, I mean c'mon the man is a badass). I can appreciate the effort that went into designing the battle system, and other things. Same with FF13. Sure, I'm not a big fan of the linear storyline, or the pace, but the actual plot is riveting to me, and I'm still baffled as to how anyone could NOT follow a what is going on, even without the bullet point summaries the game provides you with.

Seriously, lets try harder than just labeling something 'emo' and considering that 'bad'. There are many great games, books, movies, plays all with an emotional core. There is really nothing wrong with that, other than the significant douchebag populace that seems hell bent on making it -seem- bad.

I for one will hold judgment till i actually play it. Then from there it will be buyer beware. As is the case with most things.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Hey, look at me! I'm making judgments about a game that hasn't even been released yet, or at the very least shown gameplay footage.


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Jul 13, 2004
Her old outfit was the one thing I liked about her character. Instead they've made her look like that female warrior from every Eastern MMORPG ever.

But err, hope it's good. Kind of doubt it, but here's hoping.


New member
May 20, 2009
I loved Final Fantasy XIII, though I am excited especially for this game because from all that I've seen and heard, Final Fantasy XIV is made of sad pants.

Edit: I am also proud to be one of the I guess 100 gamers who actually liked Final Fantasy X-2.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Only character I want to see again, is the lil' chocobo chic in Sazh's hair.

Lil' dude didn't get enough screen time...

That said, I sincerely hope they're going to, i don't know, bring back the sphere grid, do a revamp of the old job-system, maybe a derivation of the materia system, an alternate version of the AP-learning, or the FF VI-system... Whatever! Just not FF XIII damn crystarium crap again.

It's like devolution: FF X had the Sphere Grid, which was awesome. Then FF XII had the License Board, which was a lesser variation on the Sphere Grid, not good, but not all that bad. Then there was the Crystarium system, which was a dumbed down version of the License Board. So we got a rip-off from a rip-off!

And for what it's worth, Final Fantasy X-2, with all its abysmal story telling, shameless model re-hashing, uninspired music and unfitting Charlie's Angel Atmosphere... did have a pretty decent battle system. A throwback to the old job-system. Sure, it would've been cooler if it were 'Battle Spheres' instead of 'Dress Spheres' and 'Combat Grids' instead of 'Garment Grids', but hey...

At least it wasn't like FF VIII's paradoxal draw/junction-system, right?