Square Enix honors fans' desire for original Tifa chest, canonizes bra size.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Well if we're fully committed.

The girls bikinis are awful, but luckily Barrett retains his sailor uniform and I'm pleased to announce it is excellent. Like, no notes.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Ideally a Shinra soldier outfit, like in the original Junon sequence. Don't know if they kept that, but they really really should.
They showed him in that on the boat sequence already, but i want them to put him in swimtrunks or something


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I have learned that the bikini in question is only 1 of 3 different outfits you can earn for Tifa and Aerith to wear.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
"I might be obsessed with wanting to ogle a computer game woman's absurdly huge tits, but at least I'm right!"
You're saying it like it's a bad thing. It's the most normal thing in the world. Hooters makes it their business model. I think at 2024 it's time to stop acting like it's odd to wanna look at a nice pair. Or to use it as a way of shaming people and invalidating their points when they're correct.

You are no less valid for wanting to look at tits than you are for wanting to look at whatever gay thing someone might, and you should have the same fervor for when someone is slighted for either thing.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
You're saying it like it's a bad thing. It's the most normal thing in the world. Hooters makes it their business model. I think at 2024 it's time to stop acting like it's odd to wanna look at a nice pair. Or to use it as a way of shaming people and invalidating their points when they're correct.

You are no less valid for wanting to look at tits than you are for wanting to look at whatever gay thing someone might, and you should have the same fervor for when someone is slighted for either thing.

It's not "wrong" it's just more "what are you doing with your life?"
If they were a real woman's boobs, that you knew and actually might stand a chance of forming a relationship with, then sure, but it doesn't actually exist.

Maybe the most it deserves is a brief "nice". It's just the level of attention that gets put into it that I think gets a lot of people. This is what you put attention and energy into? This!?! The non existent boobs of a completely fictional person?

I'm not angry, just think they would be better off putting their attention elsewhere. Just like me and this thread.

This is probably not coming across right because I'm rushing to write this before I go to work, but I genuinely think people would be doing themselves a favour if they put their effort and attention into something else.
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Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
You're saying it like it's a bad thing. It's the most normal thing in the world.
It's revealing that you equate "normal" with good.

It's also revealing that you think you can just air your fairly explicit sexual hangups in public with zero judgement, because I have never, ever felt any need to tell people my feelings about boobs. The only people who ever need to know that have probably already figured it out, and I don't really see why the rest of the world would find any of it interesting.

I like remake Tifa's design. I would even go so far as to say it's attractive, certainly more so than most attempts to make sexy women in video games, but that's specifically because some effort was clearly made to make her look like a person. Unless you're a child getting excited over Barbie's plastic choking hazards, boobs are only really interesting if they're attached to a person. A person who might, for example, wear a sports bra sometimes.

And for all the talk of normality. The vast, vast majority of people, even straight men, do seem to understand this. That's the real reason why the people who want all female characters to have random balloons taped to them have lost so much ground, because most people expect more at this point.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
You're saying it like it's a bad thing. It's the most normal thing in the world. Hooters makes it their business model. I think at 2024 it's time to stop acting like it's odd to wanna look at a nice pair. Or to use it as a way of shaming people and invalidating their points when they're correct.

You are no less valid for wanting to look at tits than you are for wanting to look at whatever gay thing someone might, and you should have the same fervor for when someone is slighted for either thing.
First, i agree that kink shaming is bad.

Second, i am pretty sure that that oversized boots are a bit overrated. They are more a placative symbol of sexiness than something so many people are actually into. Again and again people find that the average taste ("average", not "normal") often boils down to healthy but otherwise pretty average proportions.