*Sigh* Fox still has the rights to Deadpool... They seem to be doing a good job so far, Ryan Reynolds is a huge fan and keeping it all under control and they brought the writers from Zombieland to write it.F-I-D-O said:Who's up for a Cable movie? C'mon, he's awesome, and you know it! Plus, an Apocalypse fight that destroys one of the Marvel fights would be epic on the big screen. IF you don't know who he is, I pity you.Blueruler182 said:It was confirmed, though very little of it from what I read (Iron Fist would be an awesome addition), but from what I can tell is that it'll be a low budget film. Marvel has the resources to release a movie every year at this point, that seems to be what they're doing (with the exception of 2012, which will be amazing before the end with Cap and the Avengers), so I can see Luke Cage getting released in a year on his own. And hopefully it'll bring attention to the lesser-known super hero and open the flood gates for other characters like him.F-I-D-O said:I remember hearing one was being made. I think it was going to be an Iron Fist, Luke Cage, then Heroes for Hire was what they were planning. Those may be started after Avengers or maybe same year (I doubt that, Marvel wouldn't want to have Avengers shadowing the other films).Blueruler182 said:(I'm really hoping a Luke Cage movie gets made)
I heard Runaways is getting a movie or TV show too, so I'm very optimistic about the possibilities.
He is punching a werewolf. 'Nuff said.![]()
Who's up for a Deadpool movie? Fourth-wall breaking humor, protagonist who is more insane than the baddies, and intestine art fun!He's the yellow bubble![]()
Ah hell, just do a Cable/Deadpool movie. Best. Crossover. Ever. Ok, maybe that's exaggeration, but it's the most fun. Plus, just about everyone shows up to try and beat Cable, including the silver surfer. And cable wins.
Three year plan. PLEASE MARVEL, DO IT!
Similar to wot I think, too.Truly-A-Lie said:My only complaint with this is, if a new Spawn movie came out and Al Simmons was played by a white guy "Oh racist. Took a black character and put a white guy in the role." Whereas this way around its "oh it's not really fair to say it has to be a white guy to play Spider-Man"
Never seen Zombieland. But at least they're taking the Deadpool from the first part of the Orgins movie. And with the actor being a fan, it can't be to bad. I want the fourth wall to fall down. I really do.Blueruler182 said:badass snip
Fourth wall decimation has been confirmed, along with costume and other shenanigans.F-I-D-O said:Never seen Zombieland. But at least they're taking the Deadpool from the first part of the Orgins movie. And with the actor being a fan, it can't be to bad. I want the fourth wall to fall down. I really do.Blueruler182 said:badass snip
Cable is awesome. His story would probably take at least two, maybe three movies to properly convey. I just can't stop thinking of the image from the Marvel encyclopedia, where you have Deadpool (missing half his head) running holding Cable (as a baby) with bullets flying everywhere and Apocalypse yelling to capture the mercenary. Pure epic.
Yeah, the whole Cyclops and Jean baby might be hard to bring forward, and then you ahve different worlds/futures/characters, if it was done right it would be good. But a few mistakes and it would be a catastrophe. It would also be a challenge as they'd have to dumb it down for the movies (I'm not insulting theatergoers, just so it would flow easier). As long as Cable can still break the Silver Surfer's Board, I'd be happy (Cable and Deadpool Vol 2-the burnt offering. Read it. Epic battles galore.)
I didn't know anyone had the rights to a Cable movie, he is such an unknown character TBH.
Well, they weren't original avengers, so I'm fine if they were left out. If Wanda was added, then Vision would come. Then Ultron would be the logical villain. Then Black Panther because he is another avenger. Soon the entire Marvel Universe would be in! Which wouldn't be all bad...just insanely expensive.Blueruler182 said:Fourth wall decimation has been confirmed, along with costume and other shenanigans.F-I-D-O said:Never seen Zombieland. But at least they're taking the Deadpool from the first part of the Orgins movie. And with the actor being a fan, it can't be to bad. I want the fourth wall to fall down. I really do.Blueruler182 said:badass snip
Cable is awesome. His story would probably take at least two, maybe three movies to properly convey. I just can't stop thinking of the image from the Marvel encyclopedia, where you have Deadpool (missing half his head) running holding Cable (as a baby) with bullets flying everywhere and Apocalypse yelling to capture the mercenary. Pure epic.
Yeah, the whole Cyclops and Jean baby might be hard to bring forward, and then you ahve different worlds/futures/characters, if it was done right it would be good. But a few mistakes and it would be a catastrophe. It would also be a challenge as they'd have to dumb it down for the movies (I'm not insulting theatergoers, just so it would flow easier). As long as Cable can still break the Silver Surfer's Board, I'd be happy (Cable and Deadpool Vol 2-the burnt offering. Read it. Epic battles galore.)
I didn't know anyone had the rights to a Cable movie, he is such an unknown character TBH.
And Cable is part of the X-men Universe, I believe Fox got him with the rest of mutant kind. Which is kind of sad because Wanda and Pietro wont get a chance to be Avengers...
I'd actually like to see Vision. They could lead that into a Young Avengers book. And there's a pool of thought that the Black Panther and Namor are going to get their own movies because some lifeless god at IGN noticed that, in Iron Man 2, at the end when Tony's talking to Fury, that Wakanda and Atlantis are shown on a pair of maps.F-I-D-O said:Best snipped conversation ever.
Lol, if you think about it, that name really is kinda pimp though.Nouw said:Nick Fury being portrayed by Samuel was okay because it was Samuel.
Please, keep Spider Man white. Its like making a black Luke Skywalker
Very eloquently put, especially the Crash example. I went into that expecting a hell of a lot more than I took away from it.subtlefuge said:Hit the nail on the head. Hollywood does not have a firm grip on realities behind cultural issues. Even their "deep" works on race and culture end up laughably shallow (see "Crash"). In the right hands, this idea would be awesome, in the wrong hands...it makes me shudder to think about it.poiuppx said:I just think Hollywood would handle the idea of a black Spider-Man horribly. He'd either end up a stereotype, or he'd end up absolutely no different than original flavor Spider-Man, and both are damn wrong in their own way.
List of white super heroes:Reolus said:White people need heroes too.
Ah no your entitled to your opinion of which is favourite Green Lantern mine is a bit skewed because I loved the Justice League so much. So when I think of Green Lantern I think of him first and I forget that the Green Lantern isn't a static character in the way maybe Superman would be. I just wish they would be keep them as the race they are suppsoed to be though as it can change their whole backstory.Vohn_exel said:I'm a big fan of Green Lantern, and the one you just showed was Alan Scott, who is actually the Sentinel as his powers come from a different source. There was a black Green Lantern, his name was John Stewart. Because of that, I'd have no problem if they made a movie with him in it as Green Lantern. However, I'd PREFER they go with one of the originals first if they're going to be making a movie about it (which they are) as in Hal Jordan or Alan Scott.Glademaster said:Ok I forgot Green Lanturn has changed person so that was a bad example but there has been atleast 1 black Green Lanturn which if they made a movie of I thought they might go with but it could be any of them really.F-I-D-O said:Green lantern is white. Always has been.Glademaster said:Can we not leave characters they race they are in the comics. I am sick of people not choosing people that don't suit the role they are in. Also for anyone who thinks it is because he is going to be black I would be just as pissed if it was any other race or if a black super hero was being portrayed as another race eg Spiderman=White, Nick Fury=White, Green Lantern=Black, Storm=Black, Wolverine=White. Just stick with the bloody race they are supposed to be. I mean for fuck sake in some cases it changes the entire story of characters on that point why can't movies be true to comics like in Spiderman 3 they should ofshot Venom symbiote off into space instead of making it go boom(if I remember movie right).
Also while I am on this the casting of Venom in Spiderman 3 was very, very, very poor. I do like the actor but he could of put on some muscle dammit!!!
Plus, he's DC
[sub]that costume though, that is just wrong[/sub]
Shows like the Justice League can get away with it rather easy because the storyline is already established and we're not starting at "the beginning" of any of those characters, so it's fine to have it take place where any of the GL's can fit in. That being said, I've never been a big fan of John Stewart. He seems to have tons of willpower (and is apparently the best flier) but he doesn't seem to have as much in the way of imagination as either Hal or Kyle. Then again, my favorite was Kyle and he was an artist, so maybe I'm just being biased, lol.
Thats my point. Changing people's races just because kinda messes it all up, doesn't it?NameIsRobertPaulson said:Would he be White Panther then? It would sort of lose the whole "Black Panthers Stand Tall and Fight the Crazy Crackas" message wouldn't it?Miumaru said:Peter Parker is a skinny little white nerd boy....who becomes a buffish little white boy with super powers. He is a nerd hero. So unless we can make Black Panther and Luke Cage white....
Not always...Course this was in the Justice League show, but I liked the black Green Lantern.F-I-D-O said:Green lantern is white. Always has been.
Plus, he's DC
[sub]that costume though, that is just wrong[/sub]