Star Wars Episode 9.....The Rise of Skywalker.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Leg End said:
trunkage said:
So couple of things. So are they getting rid pf Jedis and Siths (totally on board with) and combining them and calling them Skywalkers?
Are Force Grays not canon anymore? Because I'd like for those to be brought to the forefront and just stick a saber up the asses of both.
Isn't that all EU. So it's been abandoned.

But perhaps not. Also did like the name Force Vray. Leave Force, Jedi and Sith at the door


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Tireseas said:
Yay! Billy Dee's back!

Here's the real question though: is that Snoke or Sideous laughing at the end?
Likely Sideous - or at least some character voiced by Ian McDiarmid. On the panel where this trailer was revealed, Ian came on stage. So yeah, my money is on Palpatine.

As for the film itself: eh. Im interested to see how it ends, but more out of morbid curiosity than actual excitement. I have no real love or attachment for and to any of these characters, and Disney's handling of this trilogy has been too Marvel-y for me.

I will probably watch it, but im certainly not itching to do so.

I find it kind of funny that people were so happy to see that a new trilogy was being made, and it was hard to find someone who was miserable about the whole thing, pre-release. Now news has come out that Star Wars movies are being put on ice again, and everyone simultaneously let out a sigh of relief.

I think, honestly, the only thing that I would say has been unanimously well received about this trilogy so far, The Last Jedi in particular, is just how good these films look - cinematography wise. So I guess I am looking forward to more of that.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
trunkage said:
Leg End said:
Are Force Grays not canon anymore? Because I'd like for those to be brought to the forefront and just stick a saber up the asses of both.
Isn't that all EU. So it's been abandoned.

But perhaps not. Also did like the name Force Vray. Leave Force, Jedi and Sith at the door
It certainly existed in Legends, but I am pretty sure that the concept still exists in Canon.

The term Gray Jedi, or Gray, had two meanings. First, it was used by Jedi and Sith to describe Force-users who walked the line between the light and dark sides of the Force without surrendering to the dark side, and second, it described Jedi who distanced themselves from the Jedi High Council and operated outside the strictures of the Jedi Code.

-- Wookiepedia
I'd say this pretty accurately describes the character of Ahsoka Tano - a character from The Clone Wars and Rebels TV shows, who leaves the Jedi Order at the end of The Clone Wars, and then reappears in Rebels with white-coloured lightsabers. During her time in Rebels, she often criticises the Jedi order for not listening, and goes against the Jedi teachings, such as when she decides to duel Darth Vader in an attempt to avenge Anakin's death.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I'm a sucker for Star Wars and enjoyed the other two. I'll probably see this one in theaters too.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
I do wish zontar would be here and talk about his conspiracies of star wars and disney.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
PsychedelicDiamond said:
I'm still not on board with them bringing Abrams back to direct and I sure hope he doesn't retcon Last Jedi, just because it was collateral damage in a blatantly political and blatantly antisemitic propaganda campaing.
Last Jedi will probably get retconed in some way. I have a feeling that this movie will be made very safe like the force awakens.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
PsychedelicDiamond said:
I'm still not on board with them bringing Abrams back to direct and I sure hope he doesn't retcon Last Jedi, just because it was collateral damage in a blatantly political and blatantly antisemitic propaganda campaing.
Me too. I never really liked JJ works. He's known for copying stuff more so than, doing some things original. That said, I liked Force Awakens. Last Jedi I thought was good, and at least tries something different. The only thing I hated about Last Jedi was Admiral Holdo. I did not like her at all. Fuck this character! At least we will never have to see her again. Otherwise, TLJ is a solid B.

The Rise of Skywalker is looking great and I am excited for December. After this, I'm done with most things Star Wars. I was always more of a casual fan. I played a few of the games, watched both of the Clone Wars cartoons, and never bothered with the novels. I found the books boring, and I don't care what anyone's response is on the matter. There is nothing left for me, and it's been a fun ride.

Johnny Novgorod said:
"The saga comes to an end"

I don't believe you.
True. See above your quote.

Silentpony said:
Its sad that the Prequels are now not the worst star wars trilogy
The prequel trilogy gets way too much hate. The PRQ trilogy as a whole is okay. Episode I is mediocre, Episode II is a snore fest, and Episode III is good and entertaining. My score for each one would be like this:

Episode I - 6/10
Episode II - 5/10
Episode III - 7/10


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Silentpony said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
I'm still not on board with them bringing Abrams back to direct and I sure hope he doesn't retcon Last Jedi, just because it was collateral damage in a blatantly political and blatantly antisemitic propaganda campaing.
Antisemitic? What was the campaign?
Something about Galacticism probably.

Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
I'm a long time player of SWTOR. Earlier today I logged in, heard that the Teaser had "JUST BEEN RELEASED!!!" and promptly checked it out.

I loved it and shared a few comments w/ my guildmates whom range everywhere from Pro to Con as far as the new trilogy is concern. In the meantime the General Chat was going effing bonkers with every kind of response you could imagine.

KEY: The response from thw Escapist's (small) select representation of STAR WARS: The Rise of Skywalker Teaser Trailer has been overwhelmingly far more antagonistic than even that of the reactions made by SWTOR players who vulgarly laud their infinite hatred towards the new Trilogy. In. The. General. Chat.

Yeah, to my mind that says so much about...

Suffice to say that the response to the Teaser Trailer---away from The Escapist---has been notably (even staggeringly) far more positive than what is This site's seeminginly-reflexive: "New Stars Wars Film"? Damn it w/out hesitation!!!"

Not impressed by this site's comments so far. Don't expect to be.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
They really ought to make it illegal to put the word 'Rise' in a movie title.

As for the trailer- I'm just waiting for the Goldmember spoof of it

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Man... After the last 2 movies, honestly, fuck this thing. Also, what a seriously bleh title. Rise of Skywalker? He's DEAD, he's not rising from anywhere but the grave! Unless it's some other person named Skywalker. In which case, I can't wait to see what kind of madness they come up with. This whole trilogy was such a waste of potential.

Leg End said:
I give the prequels points just for giving us this track.
God this song is fucking amazing, easily my favourite part of the whole prequel trilogy. I don't even care the fight was choreographed nonsense. It was neat and this song made it even better. Really wish I could use it in my D&D campaign somewhere without it being super obvious where its from, it's a little too iconic I feel.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
As I have said elsewhere, I'm hella excited for the thousands of angry white nerd YouTube videos about how this film is SJW propaganda and for this film to go on and make a billion dollars regardless.

Kind of a dopey title, though it's a series about space monks and laser swords. It's always kinda been a bit silly. I enjoyed the last one well enough, probably see this one too eventually.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Gethsemani said:
Silentpony said:
I disagree entirely. The Force Awakens was the laziest star wars movie done, and Last Jedi was the worst.
For all the bullshit in the prequels, they were at least trying to do something. I haven't felt one scene in the new movies had any effort put into it. The whole thing feels like a very lazy cash-grab, not like the writers/producers had an interesting story they wanted to tell.
You can disagree and there's some merit to the argument that TFA is lazy (though I disagree personally). However, the prequels are not just lazy, their storytelling is actively bad. From the fact that the finale of TPM has the jedis fight an adversary we know nothing about and treats it as this incredibly poignant moment, while the space fight comes down to "boy who never touched flight controls before scores a gazillion lucky coincidences to win all on his own" to the incredibly poorly thought out idea of letting the unspecified but somewhere in her late teens Queen Amidala build a romantic rapport with a 10 year old. How about the disastrously handled arc for Anakin in AotC? How Sidious right hand is once again not properly introduced (I even forget his name) but once again played up as if he's this important rival we ought to care about? The nonsensical plot about Camino and the Clone troopers (so Sidious orders the clones, then tries to hide the fact for some reason, but his plan hinges on the clones to help prosecute the war so he can become Emperor. Alternatively, he started a losing war against the trade federation without any way to win it, lucks out on the clone troopers being ready so that he isn't murderdeathkilled by the TF when they win the war so that he can assume emergency powers).

Dislike the new movies all you like, but at least they are consistent narratively, they don't screw up important characterization or introduce weird sidekick characters for comic relief that end up universally despised. The prequels are terrible stories, the worst you can say about TFA and TLJ is that they are lazy and too eager to deconstruct the franchise respectively.
Eh...I'd actually debate that. There are a lot of execution issues, don't get me wrong (ranging from a fighter somehow piloting the same as a racecar to the "I haven't seen her in ten years" romance), but for all their flaws, the prequels had - thus far - tighter overall storytelling, while the sequels have been more meandering. Summing up the prequel trilogy, they're about the rise of the Galactic Empire and Anakin's fall to the Dark Side. And we get steady progression in that regard. We see Palpatine become Supreme Chancellor of the Senate, exploiting a civil war to get emergency powers a la Julius Caesar and becoming a functional dictator, and finally dropping all pretense of being willing to step down by dissolving the Republic and declaring himself the ruler of the new Galactic Empire. Similarly, for Anakin we see him change from a sweet kid to an angry and entitled Padawan and finally going over the deep end and becoming a Sith Lord.

Sequels? The first one was a variation on A New Hope, and the second was a giant chase scene which starts and ends with the Resistance just barely escaping the First Order and with the characters ultimately ending up in the same point in their development that they were at the end of the previous movie. It's a lot of fluff that didn't actually serve a purpose outside of giving us something else to look at other than Rey trying to convince Luke to train her, and even that subplot ended up going almost nowhere as Luke stops training her within minutes of starting. This is actually a bit of a persistent problem within the film, it sets up and twists things to absolutely no effect.

Take, for instance, the big fight between Luke and Ben. Set up to be an Obi-Wan moment where Luke sacrifices himself to distract the biggest threat. Except we then learn that he was never in any danger at all because it was a projection, opening up the door for him to be a better teacher in the next installment...except he dies anyways as soon as he stops projecting himself, so there is no reason to do the twist on the sacrificial act in the first place. Alternatively, take Kylo Ren killing Snoke. It's something that was potentially interesting and is cast as a pivotal moment, but it's ultimately little more than shock value to the audience. Snoke was as enigmatic when he died as he was when he was introduced and unlike Vader killing Palpatine it didn't represent a change in Kylo's character. His goals, methods, and authority within the First Order were already not appreciably different than Snoke's, so nothing really changes outside of Ben's official title. He kills Snoke and then it's business as usual for Kylo Ren, Rey, the Resistance, and the First Order.

We can also look at the assault run where it looks like Kylo's about to kill his mother. He hesitates...and it looks like an important character moment evidencing that good's still in him...which is completely undermined by someone else taking the shot and him basically shrugging it off. And let's talk about that for a moment. Leia got spaced. She's floating lifeless outside the breached ship, her corpse slowly icing over. Holy hell, that's a poignant moment that we didn't see coming...oh wait, she wakes up and just flies back into the ship with the Force. So what was the point of spacing her like that? As I said, this is a bit of a recurring issue in the film.

There are so many moments that could have been powerful, but they're all rendered pointless because they're there purely for a "just kidding" revocation. Really, I'd go as far as to say that the Last Jedi was more about killing plotlines than it was about developing them.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Basement Cat said:
Suffice to say that the response to the Teaser Trailer---away from The Escapist---has been notably (even staggeringly) far more positive than what is This site's seeminginly-reflexive: "New Stars Wars Film"? Damn it w/out hesitation!!!"

Not impressed by this site's comments so far. Don't expect to be.
Everyone is allowed their opinion, and it just so happens a lot of the opinions here lean that direction. We're not here to impress anyone with our thoughts. Honestly, both movies were somewhat cool to see in theaters, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend they're marvelous works of cinema either. Both TFA and TLJ had some extremely glaring flaws, the latter especially so, that makes me (And a few others) feel over-all not as excited about the next one as one would want. And I was hyped as hell for TFA at first.

But hey, sorry to hear we didn't live up to your expectations. I'm glad and happy to be put down by a mod through comparison towards your personal friend group's responses, and in a way saying we're a disappointment for our opinions and thoughts towards something you're excited for


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
I hope it's good.

I liked the Awakens and I liked Last Jedi.

I HOPE they don't recon Rey into a Skywalker.

Though, given that laugh at the end...and the fact that the comics have made Sheev Palpatine Annie's 'father'.

Maybe Rey is related to the 'Skywalker' line via Palpatine.



Senior Member
Sep 8, 2010
United States
That Palpatine laugh at the end

Starting to get Dark Empire flashbacks.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
I think Star Wars would work better if it was a high budget live action tv show.