Stolen Pixels #210: The Business Plan


New member
Aug 11, 2009
firstly, RE5 Wesker DOES NOT WANT TO MAKE ZOMBIES. The end plot with uroboros in this game was really intriguing, don't try to make fun of the plot if you don't understand anything, otherwise you're just as bad as movie Bob


New member
Jul 13, 2010
RE6 could be from the viewpoint of the last surviving zombie. All of your kind have been killed for no apparent reason, and you try to survive incognito in the human world. Then you hear about a virus that can save zombiekind from extinction and you start your quest for finding it (killing all the evil humans in your way).

Or you could do a lemmings kind of game, but with zombies ,or Resident Evil Kart or . .


New member
Apr 30, 2010
What would i do? i would NOT do what they did in the resident evil movies.

Besides... why they don't just sell the magic superpower viruses? Everyone would love to do the things Wesker do. Or make the cure of cancer and AIDS, that would sell good too and will help your PR.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
The whole zombie thing is so under developed that it infuriates me. There could be so many moral dilemmas and implications that they could make the gamers head spin.
How about a cult that actually worship zombies and wants to be infected ?
( there actually is an pro-aids group IRL so no big stretch..)
How about a children hospital getting attacked by zombies, they are coming more and more by the minute, how many children will you save or will you run at the first sign of trouble ?

ONE evil company ? why not ten , and throw in some special forces from different "evil" and "good" countries for good measure.
Indian special forces on one side and Vatican soldiers on the other, do you help one side to get the virus, or the other, or neither ?

In a reboot i would have so many many ideas.....


New member
Apr 9, 2010
sooperman said:
Wait, I though Wesker wanted to spread Oroboros onto the world to cleanse it...? I suppose he could sell it, though.

If I was in charge of a reboot, that's exactly what I'd do; reboot the franchise from the inside out. Kill Wesker for good. Shut down Umbrella and never have them cause anything ever again. I'd strip the plot down and rebuild a new one. But I think the most important thing I'd do is re-introduce some actual survival horror. None of these Ganados, none of these motorcycle-riding mind control victims, none of these infinite ammo shotguns. We'd need a new villain, but I'm fine with some new faces.

It would be cool, trust me.
But...Wesker IS dead for good, and Umbrella IS shut down for good.

Me, I don't see why there needs to be a RE6 at all: I thought RE5 did a pretty good job at being an endpoint for the series. Remember how some series actually end?

Also, although I laughed at this comic, I feel it should be pointed out (as RelexCryo did earlier) that the Umbrella Corporation was NOT founded to make money, either through legitimate pharmaceuticals or bioweapons.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
I doubt they are rebooting it, given the hints dropped in the RE5 DLC and Umbrella Chronicles. Basically,
there is another Wesker who is closer to succeeding than Albert was

Straying Bullet said:
Another pixel depicting the truth. The plot is just insane and doesn't makes sense anymore to me.

RE5 sucked in every way.
The multiplayer is pretty awesome, especially couch co-op. I hope they continue that.


New member
May 25, 2010
I think a shooter type game could work with FPS view (possibly 3rd but I doubt that), and would love to see them take a page out of Deus Ex.
To be specific play as a member of one of Umbrella's Mercenary teams, like they deployed in Raccoon City and pick your skills and specialties. Get ditched by Umbrella (possibly) and go about uncovering the truth....or on more dirty missions for the Corp.
But who am I? :p


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Madkipz said:
The problem is not umbrella corp, its the fact that they want to give you a sort of "save the world, get the chick." Hero situaton and you cant have that without confronting the big boss (umbrella corp) in some way or form.

To revamp the series id say fuck all your backstory idiots. Just start out with a gass station kid in nowhere texas assaulted by infected zombies in the middle of nowhere land with a dead phone line with limited weaponry, ineffective melee combat and put him in situations where you can abuse a more slow moving zombie horde rather than some sort of "L4d wannabe infected."

No conclution naturally. Might mention umbrella corp in a commercial or something just to remind people that this is resident evil and put in some emotional twists like sacrificing a child to zombies, an infected woman that tries to sleep with you and goes zombie in the middle of the courting process etc. and create some emotional state with a new group of people put into rp situations where in the end it didnt matter and your left alone.

I dunno man, the games are sorta ok but nothing id spend my money on as they are at this moment.
So Zombieland the Game? That actually sounds really good and could still let you "get the chick".

Devin Parker

New member
Jul 7, 2010
Tolerant Fanboy said:
If I were to reboot Resident Evil, I'd make Umbrella an innocuous biotech company who accidentally made the zombie virus when they were, let's say, trying to engineer a viral anti-neurodegenerative agent. Instead of curing Parkinson's, they've made a tenacious little bugger that turns people into mindless, cannibalistic berserkers, with an emphasis on tenacious. They thought they destroyed all traces of the thing in testing after the obvious bugs reared their brain-craving heads, but just enough got loose, and now Raccoon City (or wherever) has been bitchslapped by George Romero. So, what does Umbrella do? It admits its mistake and asks for help as it desperately tries to make a cure.

In short, I propose making the virus itself the main antagonist, giving it, endurance that makes a cockroach look like a hothouse orchid and a viable lifespan that makes a sequoia look like a mayfly with rapid aging syndrome, and casting Umbrella as an organization capable of saying mea culpa and who then works to correct its errors. More believable behavior by the corporate guys, an excuse for an IN SPACE spinoff, and better rationale for sequels in general. Thoughts?
What he said. Personally, I think the "Evil Megacorporation" thing was played out a long time ago. Making the Umbrella Corporation a more realistic company who realizes they've made a colossal blunder and are now doing their damnedest to fix things makes the franchise far more interesting to me. RE:Reboot protagonists would be either working alongside Umbrella scientists or ARE Umbrella operatives working with, say, law enforcement and the U.S. Government.

The RE series is known for special agents with guns-a-plenty splatterpunk sort of stuff, as opposed to Silent Hill's "Joe Blow with a 2x4" horror, so I would still include the guns aspect. As Umbrella operatives and government agents, you would be well-armed to face the zombies, especially as events approach apocalyptic levels. I would begin with the Outbreak-style conflicts, as Umbrella-aided CDC agents try to hunt down and isolate the virus carriers; and then, as things spiral out of control, focus more and more on the survival horror aspect, trying to fight the undead while dealing with rioting and the chaos of societal collapse. The horror would derive as much from the conditions of the collapse (as seen in many disaster movies) and the bleak, impending demise of Humanity in the face of ever-growing zombie populations as it would in the horrific nature of the zombie enemies, and the shadowy and chaotic atmosphere of the locations you would be fighting through (hospitals, prisons, industrial hellholes, etc).

In fact, you could vary the types of horror from scene to scene (level to level?). In one location, you could be driving with your team through the heart of downtown while people riot and attempt to flee the city; in another you could be completely alone, creeping through a darkened and shadowy cabin in the mountains during a midnight snowstorm with nothing more than a Zippo lighter for illumination. With government and corporation resources, you can travel all over the world. But the further you go, the more things are falling apart around you, and resources become scarcer - a visceral reminder of how the world is very rapidly on its way to Hell.

Downer ending, anyone?


New member
Dec 30, 2009
Shamus Young said:
What would you do with the Resident Evil story if Capcom asked you to handle the reboot?
Do as DMC. Start with RE2, remake Leon as a teen junkie living on the streets for whom the sudden zombie flood offers an opportunity to turn his life around as he and a Raccoon city cop work together to stay alive and Leon gets a taste for violence. I mean, law enforcement.

Throw in some gratuitous fanservice, eye-candy CGIs and the option of collecting survivors and weeding out the troublesome ones (or the ugly ones, whatever) and you have a game that I would gladly throw $100 at.

*Opens marshmallows*


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Ha Ha Ha!This made me laugh so hard. This one was Awesome.

I bet the coulor the iWesker would come in would be leather black. Or blood red.


New member
Jun 14, 2012
What would you do with the Resident Evil story if Capcom asked you to handle the reboot?
I would start with the plot of the first game then in a sequel say that the virus never died out and was spreading through humans and animals (airborne virus) till it hit urban areas and rapidly spread continent wide and you being on the continent have to kill the zombies and in the first half have no communication with others and have to make a continent wide zombie geniside till their all dead (or redead if want to get technical)


New member
Dec 30, 2009
What would you do with the Resident Evil story if Capcom asked you to handle the reboot?
Zombie outbreak, as you do, but instead of trained professionals you'd play a series of primary school children. Maybe start with the eldest, trying to keep the younger ones alive, but as one is killed you control the next oldest, losing some abilities or skills as you go (but potentially gaining new ones, depending on that kid's background or behaviour as an NPC) until finally you're the youngest - having played the game long enough to be more skilled at surviving but now having the least abilities (too short to make the jumps the eldest could have, not enough strength to operate any weapon but can ball up and hide in small spaces etc).

The goal is to survive and attract outside notice for rescue OR escape yourself, allowing you to choose to play a sort of survival management game OR risk it all and explore the city around you (with different kids knowing their own neighborhoods perhaps, providing you with differently filled-in maps n hiding places/supplies/shortcuts), looking for a way out.

Maybe you can cycle through the kids, or pool knowledge before setting out, and any new knowledge is not known for the next person unless the current kid comes back to report it - and younger kids can't remember as much as older ones so can't bring back as much info. Also might get lost (ie minimap becomes scrambled) if they venture too far.