Well, it's that time of the week again. The time of the week where I post an update on my current progress in an attempt to intimidate and demoralize the competition. As per usual, I'll be keeping everything fairly generic, no crucial details will be divulged.
The weekend was fairly productive. I got a fair amount done on Friday and Saturday. All of the graphics for the Intro Sequence were completed, and the scripting began in earnest. Sunday I was visiting with family and had to go to a party, so that was pretty much a wash. I got a little coding done, but nothing serious. I was able to get a custom button class I had designed earlier working, so there is that.
Yesterday, (Monday) was huge. Solved several problems that I had encountered earlier, and scripted out almost the entire first section of the Intro. I was able to create and modify a text object for throwing up character "speech," and kept it flexible in terms of resizing and changing out content. I still need to play around with the AutoAlign settings, but that is just an aesthetic issue, and can be left for later. It works, and that's whats important. I also found a working solution for the depth sorting. That had me worried, so a working solution was a welcome relief. (it will come into play more heavily later in development)
My team now consists of two. My brother has agreed to compose some music for the game, and already has one theme down. I was very pleased with the product, and am relieved to have a little assistance. He is much better at music than I am, and his contribution to the game is most welcome. It will save me a lot of time that I can devote to the actual mechanics
Now that I have most of the scripted elements and graphics down, I can focus more heavily on the gameplay and level designs.