Strangest glitch you've ever encountered in a game.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
The heatsink glitch in the mechwarrior 2 mech editor which let you remove more heatsinks then were in place to free up weight.

Of course without enabeling the invulerability option the mech also blew up instantly because it was generating heat based on the game calculation. of # of heatsinks * -1 = heat dissapated per tick.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Weirdest one I can think of is the 'Self-Duplication Glitch' in UT2004, which as far as I know hasn't been fixed, so you can try it yourself if you actually still have that game. Get a Redeemer, launch it in guided mode (altfire), pause the game and become a spectator, then join the game again. Go back to where you were standing and you'll find an exact duplicate of yourself (which will just stand there). You can even kill the clone and the game will think you killed yourself. Telefrag yourself with the Translocator for a really odd death message: "[You] tried to go where no man has gone before." It's really bizarre.

Zelda: Link to the Past has a couple really strange ones (in the GBA version, at least).
The first one makes your boomerang go completely wacko, flying all the way across the screen repeatedly (ignoring Link for the most part) chopping stuff down and glitchifying the landscape (things get especially weird if you dig frantically with the Shovel while it's doing this). Getting it to do this is tricky though; you have to throw the Level 2 Boomerang, then quickly dash far away from it with Pegasus Boots. I usually do that by going to the lower right area of the castle or village, tossing the boomerang up and to the right, and dashing away to the left until I hit something. Once you have it going, it's extremely strange. And if you wait long enough it eventually stops being strange and returns to your hand on its own, almost as if this isn't really a glitch at all.
Also, if you use the Flute, dash up a staircase with Pegasus Boots, and press B to cancel, you'll be put on "turbo," able to walk at Pegasus Boots dashing speed. Be careful not to bump into anything, though, or you may end up bouncing back and forth all the way to the top of the screen, then looping back to the bottom and going up again, and so on infinitely.
This is what happens when you don't test a game thoroughly. But who cares? Glitches are fun!


New member
May 21, 2008
There was a bug in WoW where you summon unlimited murlocs (minipets) and have an entire army follow you by.

and then theres Pokemon with the mystingo thingy ma bobby i.e. rare candy cheat.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Crap. I wanted to get my Oblivion glitch in before anyone else(sigh...oh well). I was in inside one of the Ayleid(spelling?) Ruins just tooling along and I came upon one of the West Weald Brown bears suspended from the ceiling. But just the tummy to head portion was dangling! Snarling and pawing at me. I tried to kill him but he wouldn't die. So later I'm on the floor above and I come across a big brown bear butt sticking out of the ground! Legs just flailing about. The weird part was the ruin was waaaaaay East on the map, and that bear is specific to an area. Plus it was an undead ruin. So, I suppose that's several glitches in one post! But then again, as much as I love that game, I could write a 'War and Peace'-sized novel on all the glitches and bugs. Please Bethesda no bugs in Fallout 3.

Kehan Wann

New member
May 22, 2008
the strangest glitch i have ever encountered was during oblivion. there is a place in the room of the dream guest after you have found him and sent him back to the real world. back in the room there are 3 barrels that you can jump on and get stuck on. but the best part is if you continue to press jump you can increase your acrobatic skill to the max. although the only way to get out is to steal somthing so that the owner of the house sees you and the guards come after you.


New member
Mar 25, 2008
Not having the computer realize yo uhave activated your GPS until you've run over the same spot in the training mission a random number of times in the PS3 version of Army of Two.
To answer the question you just thought; I reloaded the mission 10 times, tried in the same spot each time and had it trigger on a different pass.


New member
May 28, 2008
I had a game malfunction in GOW where pandora's box didn't exist. I played it through twice up to that point and it just wasn't there. So I had to go exchange it for another copy to beat the game.

By far the wierdest glitch I ever had was in Shinobi 2 for Game Gear. (yeah Game Gear) Anyway, all you had to do was get down to your last little peg of health in the yellow ninja level. Right at the entrance to the level boss you could jump and get hit by a flying dude into the boss room. You wouldn't die but instead you would have zero health. If you beat the boss without taking a hit (if you got hit you would die) the score tally at the end of that level would not stop and you would end up with 999,999 points. The bad news is that the game would lock up after this.


New member
May 28, 2008
when I was playing Pokemon gold version I started a new file, and shortly after starting it I ran into a level 5 ratatta and it used and attack called open beam which turned the screen into a pixelized mess and deleted my file, as well as destroying the games ability to hold files. I was told this was due to the fact that it was used and had had too many files created on it, which destroyed the chip because the internal clock, but who knows really.


New member
May 28, 2008
zombielifecoach said:
Please Bethesda no bugs in Fallout 3.
In the Fallout 1 & 2 it was tough to tell if you were actually experiencing a "bug" or easter egg!

Oblivion had more glitches than anything I ever played. I remember the first time I tried to attack a guard; after he got a few strikes, I ran off, he followed me no matter where I went.

I used to play WoW, every once in awhile I would just fall through the ground and wind up in underground where nothing was rendered. If the servers were really busy, back then they always were full (reason for quitting), it would take thirty minutes to an hour for a mod to come and free the character... most of the time I'd just get tired of waiting and do the suicide command.

When I was younger, I got a the Star Trek 25th Anniversary game from my aunt for xmas, this was in the 386 era. The last mission you had to fight some romulan or klingon ship. When I got there, the enemy would just keep flying to the left, always outside the attack area. I wound up taping the arrow key down and having dinner. When I came back, the enemy was still outside the kill zone. Unfortunately, the way the game saved was kind of stupid, I could only restore to the part where the ship was evading me. I think that I just got pissed and threw it out, in the end.

When I had a NEC, one time I was playing Kid Icarus, the game popped up but was still playing, that's more of a hardware glitch; somehow it didn't get totally disconnected, I guess.

Does anyone remember the item dupe glitch in Diablo?


New member
May 28, 2008
i also wanted to mention the black hole in Melee. If you type it in on youtube, you will see that people truly have no life.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
I was playing oblivion and somehow got trapped inside a rock and couldnt fast travel because of a nearby enemy. I ended up having to load an old autosave and lost about three hours of gameplay and my skeleton key.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Really only glitches I've really had is when I play Oblivion (I'm starting to think Bethesda finds these bugs in beta testing but leaves them anyway so as to let us have fun finding them). Three great ones right off my head:
1. Walking through a town and having the citizens fall right outta the sky all over the place.
2. In the IC marketplace a body had managed to get trapped in a building, and then its body began twitching and getting longer. It must have 25 feet long from foot to head.
3.When a door gets locked, the npc gos to activate it and leave but cant so it just stands there using the activator about 100 times a second.


New member
May 14, 2008
Bully: Scholarship Edition on 360 has a fun glitch where the game freezes every time anything happens.

...I know they put out a patch, but come on...

The game still freezes once an hour or so.


New member
May 28, 2008
in zelda twilight princess, in the beginning of the game, if you go into town where that little creek thing runs into the rock wall, theres some tall grass that if you walkthrough into the wall you will actually go through the wall and end up in this blank place.

im fully aware that any of you that have played that game have probably already found that out.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Pretty much all of these, mainly the horseman and the "well".

glitch, lawl []