Strangest glitch you've ever encountered in a game.

TJ rock 101

New member
May 20, 2008
ok i've got some glitches to tell ^^
first one was in prince of persia: warrior within, i was in the garden tower. after killing 5 annoying dudes that attack you i tried to vault over a small wall and instead of landing on the ground i landed IN the ground, the top half of my body was visible and he was waving his arms about like he was falling but he could still move around ^^ i turned it off after a while

second one was in starcraft (i still play it coz it rules)
i was trying to hunt down some protoss while i was playing as the zerg, i could not find them so i built up a huge army of zerglings and tried to scout with them, once i had click on the path i wanted them to take they all ran away, spreading themselves all over the map with equal distance between them. some of them went INTO the protoss base and got kill so then i had to find all the lings and send them to attack

the undercity lift again. if you go into it and dont stop running while it is going up/down you get disconnected for some reason but i dont know if blizzard have fixed that one yet


And how much is this Pub Club?
May 18, 2008
In Prince of Persia the Warrior within, after i got the sand wraith mask, i saved and when i loaded up again i no longer had the mask, so i couldn't continue. I haven't played the game since


New member
Mar 6, 2008
nilpferdkoenig said:
Slakah said:
There was a bug in WoW where you summon unlimited murlocs (minipets) and have an entire army follow you by.

and then theres Pokemon with the mystingo thingy ma bobby i.e. rare candy cheat.
MissingNo. is the correct name.

Yes, that has to be the best glitch ever.
It sure is, especially when you can make an invincible kanghaskhan and snorlax. I basically caught a lv 00 MissingNo and let it fight a lv 0 one and after it beats it it evolves to an invincible kanghaskhan. It can't be killed even during pvp. The only way to kill it was to heal it and it becomes a normal pokemon.


New member
May 29, 2008
lets see which comes to mind...

on some Sonic game on x360 i came out of a cutsceen where i jumped of a clif and was suppose to land on a rail to start grinding it, but instead i just fell right through it, and i hadn't even gotten controlls back! so the game actually killed me without me doing anything. and then when i came back and actually landed on the rail and started grinding it my feet got stuck in the rail so when it was time to jump from it to another to avoid some obstacle i was screwed.

i also remember an awesome glitch on the beta of Dungeon Siege 2 where you could take a potion in your inventory that was full and take another potion that was empty and move the full one like ya wanted to switch their places and the other potion would get filled up.

but the most fucked up glitch ive had is probobly on GTA SA, where on one save i cheated, ALOT, and the warning that cheating can mess up ya game, well its true. when i came back from a date with a girl, instead of her walking out of the car and going to the front of her house she started punching random ppl that walked by the car and when she was done with them she ran off-screen and didn't come back so i had to restart.


New member
May 20, 2008
During Assassins creed when you follow the Templar leader to the battlefield i noticed the enemies were completely ignoring me, I could kill them but they just stood there. Then I came across another Altair who stood there copying everything I did if I attacked him I hurt myself and he ran an jumped when I did. I walked him back the the beginning of the level and trapped him behind some rocks to keep him out of the way then I went to the final boss and found him standing there with a bunch of solders, I killed him while he just stood there. But i couldn't go on after that because the cut scene didn't trigger and I had to reload from the beginning of the level, I never saw this glitch again.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Larmo said:
During Assassins creed when you follow the Templar leader to the battlefield i noticed the enemies were completely ignoring me, I could kill them but they just stood there. Then I came across another Altair who stood there copying everything I did if I attacked him I hurt myself and he ran an jumped when I did. I walked him back the the beginning of the level and trapped him behind some rocks to keep him out of the way then I went to the final boss and found him standing there with a bunch of solders, I killed him while he just stood there. But i couldn't go on after that because the cut scene didn't trigger and I had to reload from the beginning of the level, I never saw this glitch again.
Assassins Creed is full of glitches and for some reason I think the developers intended to do that, cause you're not alone on the clone Altair. Also a funny glitch I saw on assassin is when a guard was stuck to a table and it was like he was humping it.


New member
May 27, 2008
The wierdest glitch i have found was in Dynasty Warriors 4 for PS2. I went into a duel against someone accidently, i knew i couldnt win. i was running away from his attacks and i pulled out my bow and arrow. I was in the corner facing out of the ring and i was expecting to die, but the time kept counting down and i wasn't getting hurt either.
So i just stayed like that and let the time run down and it ended up as a draw.
Since then i do that everytime i go into a duel that i cant win just to get experience

Zak Frost

New member
May 29, 2008
My Favorite glitch has to be in pokemon Sliver/gold save the you put a pokemon in a box then change the box then half way through the save(when it tell you not to) turn off the power, then reload, you come back at the first time you saved, but wait: said pokemon will have duplicated and in exist in both your party and the original box. I, of course, gave a rare candy to it and leveled up a pineco to over level 50 before the first gym. If I had gotten that far I could have dupe'd a masterball. Now that I think about it, should've done it to a nugget and seen if you can really buy the slowpoke tail you are offered, Doubt it...


New member
Dec 9, 2007
True or false: Rare candies don't give your Pokemon as much stat improvement as levelling them up normally does(?).


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Melaisis said:
True or false: Rare candies don't give your Pokemon as much stat improvement as levelling them up normally does(?).
True. Rare candies are helpful if you're lazy, but in the end if you want that pokemon to kick ass, too bad cause it can't.

Zak Frost

New member
May 29, 2008
Melaisis said:
True or false: Rare candies don't give your Pokemon as much stat improvement as levelling them up normally does(?).
True, EVs (which you get from killing things or just pokemon... depends on the situation...>.> <.<) make your pokemon's stats go up more than normal, but you could also just use the stat raising items(if you had unlimited money, crap, those buggers are expensive) My fortress(or however it's spelled) did just fine... Although, he did have least 30 levels on most pokemon...

-Sees above post- I hate my life....


New member
May 20, 2008
I am an obsessive leveler, I never used rare candies. The ones i found i would hoard them and use them to evolve some for pokedex points.


New member
May 23, 2008
Oblivion: i watched 6 guards duke it out in the Imperial city, eventually killing each other until only one was left... Naturally I stripped the bodies and sold all the armor over the course of about 4 trips to the Copious Coinpurse.


New member
May 23, 2008
in wow i keeped fallig through the ground to my death when i used shadowstep and had to use the sperit healers


New member
Dec 3, 2007
In Prince of persia Warrior within, I encountered a glitch where a specific four inch area crashed the game upon walking on it. When glitching once. I was no longer the sand prince and fell through all wood platforms. I couldn't leave the area, and when I went back the Dahaka's tentacles came out of nowhere and embedded themselves into a wall, much like the chase scenes. And another one where rewinding made you undo things you hadn't actually done.
Jan 14, 2008
just about any melee pro uses glitches.

black hole glitch is fun

i found a great one on halo 2 (or was just halo 1?) anyways: go to blood gultch or coagulation or whatever its called. park a scorpion next to one of the bases. then drive a warthog right next the scorpion, driver side against the tank. then get out. MOST of the time... you fall through the ground in a white empty void of AWESOME