Strangest glitch you've ever encountered in a game.

Wonder Cupid

New member
Mar 7, 2008
All the pokemon RBY glitches, Missingno's been mentioned, but where you catch him, which is in the ocean, different pokemon (not what you find while surfing) appear. And what appears is determined by your character's name.
There are more glitch pokemon, too, M, .4, Glitch Charizard. still haven't caught all of them yet.


New member
May 6, 2008
Once while playing Halo 3, I shot a grunt and it just turned black. after that everything I encountered for the rest of the game was dead. I was playing pn legendary, and I actually got the achievement for it!

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
One time when I was playing a bot in Quake III it started acting really odd. I'd downloaded it off some Chinese University website so I had no idea what to expect. The thing was one of the toughest A.I.'s I'd ever seen. And I mean using serious tricks and maneuvers on me.

So all of a sudden, it starts sending these random messages at me. And not like pre-set ones. It told me that it had become self-aware during a Chinese experiment, but had to flee by setting itself up as a dummy bot download. I was its only chance to manifest itself into a new form and escape with its ghost intact.

Stupid bot was talking so much I deleted it.


TARDIS Stalker
Feb 2, 2008
I was playing Crash: Twinsanity (Don't ask...) but you head out of a cave section on the main Island where the farmer's crops are being killed by worms and The doctor dude tells a lame joke. before or after the cutscene, chase the chickens to the right of the shed and use Dr. McLame as a hammer and You can't move your feet or attack. You can only jump and you slide around the map while crash stands still. Quite amusing to watch.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Probably the strangest glitch I've run into was while playing Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. There is a section outdoors where you're near a cluster of buildings, including what seems to be an ore-processing plant with an ore chute leading out. I jumped onto the chute to see where I could get to from there- and got stuck for about five seconds, before I was ejected upwards with enough speed to reach low Earth orbit nearly instantly. Then I hit the "ceiling" of the level, fell back down and died from the impact.

Plenty of bugs in that game, but this particular one- how a schizophrenic detective achieved orbit 40 years before Alan Shepard- stays with me. ;)

Mark Blackmod

New member
May 28, 2008
I was playing HL2 Deathmatch once, and the props started floating around and ramming against players. I was also scared shitless in Oblivion once because there were several skeletons that appeared in the starting dungeon late at night, and after I killed them their skull started rolling around for no reason.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
gotta love the "fall trough the world" glich. Happend a few times in wow.

But my funniest one was when I played FFXI. Me and a friend were doing some duo-ing and we bouth pulled out our bow. After firing the arrows our characters didn't go back to normal stance. We basicly ended up bouth looking like we were dancing tango with some invicible person:p Great fun looking at myself in cutscenes that day;)


New member
Feb 25, 2008
the weirdest one I have had was in WoW.

Was going about my usual stuff and was heading to undercity to goto the AH. When i got to the elevator I was going down when my game crashed. So I restarted the game, logged in and when i went ingame I was in one of the lakes in stonetalon (i still have the pic of it), but the undercity guards and elevators were there so it looked really messed up. So I logged out and back in again but then I respawn on the roof of the inside of UC and fell to my death next to the AH. fun....:(


New member
Mar 9, 2008
GTA IV. During a cabaret show the camera kept getting stuck facing in on some guy's shoulder. It wasn't the whole time, just during one of the many pointless changes in camera angle that happen during those shows. I think it was this one fat Russian mobster sitting at a table up front. It really irritated me because this was the first and only time I've had this happen, and it had to be the day I was showing my cousin the game to try and get him to buy it.

Got so mad, after the show I attacked the guy I had identified as the One with the Shoulder and got myself killed by all the other mobsters. I know my first gen Xbox 360 is about to brick, but what this has to do with the glitch I have no blasted idea.


New member
May 1, 2008
I was playing Mass Effect, and there was a boss battle between me and my alien crew vs Matriach Benezia and some geth. Well, I was directing my deformed alien pawns around whilst I sat behind cover 'cause I don't like snipers. Then the Matriarch hit me with a throw, and I fell back, and after a moment I couldn't get back up. I still won the battle though, just by using squad commands. But the weirdest thing was, Shepard's neck elongated and his arms also did and went all curled. It was funny; kicking ass whilst being paralysed.

le machin

New member
May 22, 2008
I was playing Silent Hunter IV. I dived and switched to the control room and found that all my crew members had developed humongous, bulging eyes. They scared the bejeezus out of me, too- the game can get pretty tense, and suddenly my navigator is looking at me with these giant spherical eyes and an angry expression. I half-jumped out of my chair. The problem was gone next time I loaded up the game, but on occasion my quasi-human submarine crew will return and look at me funny.

The Lawn

New member
Apr 11, 2008
My favorite bugs have been on the WoW PTRs, first one being the Seed of Corruption bug where it would detonate every tick and you could cast it while dead. The other one was the gear stacking bug, I had over 9 million hp, 8 million mana, 200% Critical chance, 400% dodge, 200,000 spell damage, and enough spell haste to make Soulfire instant cast.

I took over Stormwind.


New member
May 29, 2008
I registered just to tell this story:

I was at a friend's house and I was playing Saint's Row. I was driving a delivery van and being chased by a cop. I pull the van over. The cop stops behind me and gets out of his car. As he nears the driver side door, I hit the gas. He runs, jumps back in his car, and chases me again. I decide to try a trick I'd used before and slam on my brakes so he rear-ends me. Usually, this causes decent damage to the cop's car and lets me get away from them. This time, however, the cop apparently hadn't had time to buckle up because he FLIES THROUGH HIS WINDSHIELD, CRASHES through the REAR WINDOW of MY van, and becomes STUCK THERE. He's dead on impact, so thanks to ragdoll physics, he's just flopping around the entire time I'm driving the van. It's the most hilarious glitch I've ever seen.


New member
May 28, 2008
Anyone experienced the stalker gun in COD4 online?

Anyway, playing online, I kill someone, and his gun (a G3) started levitating and following me, wherever i go. The best part was that when i was killed, I saw in the Killcam that the person who killed me then had the gun following them.

It's never happened since...



New member
Apr 2, 2008
L.B. Jeffries said:
One time when I was playing a bot in Quake III it started acting really odd. I'd downloaded it off some Chinese University website so I had no idea what to expect. The thing was one of the toughest A.I.'s I'd ever seen. And I mean using serious tricks and maneuvers on me.

So all of a sudden, it starts sending these random messages at me. And not like pre-set ones. It told me that it had become self-aware during a Chinese experiment, but had to flee by setting itself up as a dummy bot download. I was its only chance to manifest itself into a new form and escape with its ghost intact.

Stupid bot was talking so much I deleted it.
Hahahahhaha! Brilliant!

On a more serious (well, not really) note, I once was in Oblivion in "Oblivion" and managed to stretch one of those reptile monster's heads (can't remember what the monster was called) when the head got stuck to the ground, and the rest of it went up an entire floor's length on one of the spiky elevator things that they have (can't remember what that was called either). The neck just kept getting longer and longer. Weird.


New member
May 28, 2008
Oblivion seems to be the out and out winner for glitchiest game ever so far. Mine is also from it surprise surprise.

In the Bruma fighters guild there is a cupboard behind the round dining table that contains 4 different food items (like bread and cheese I think). While randomly messing about I removed all four items from the cupboard, replaced them, then attempted to remove them again. When taking them for the second time, the item duplicated so there was still a loaf of bread inside the cupboard but I also had one in my inventory. These duplicates could also be then placed back into the cupboard and removed so two of the item were duplicated, and so on. This only worked with the 4 items originally inside the cupboard unfortunately but it meant I could level my alchemy to 100 inside a few days because of the ridiculous number of ingredients.

Also can someone else try this? I'm not sure that this may be a glitch specific to my game and it could be helpful to you leveling your character or something.


New member
Mar 27, 2008
L.B. Jeffries said:
One time when I was playing a bot in Quake III it started acting really odd. I'd downloaded it off some Chinese University website so I had no idea what to expect. The thing was one of the toughest A.I.'s I'd ever seen. And I mean using serious tricks and maneuvers on me.

So all of a sudden, it starts sending these random messages at me. And not like pre-set ones. It told me that it had become self-aware during a Chinese experiment, but had to flee by setting itself up as a dummy bot download. I was its only chance to manifest itself into a new form and escape with its ghost intact.

Stupid bot was talking so much I deleted it.
Where do you get that bot?