I put like 8 hours in day 1 grinding matches in the battle hub. Lost mainly to grapplers cause my combos aren't there yet but their grabs do max damage from day 1 XD.
This feels different from the airdashers I'm used to, but it's fun and learning a new style is great. Thankfully my Granblue Versus experience is coming through and I know not to jump too much like a fool XD.
Training mode is the most complicated part of the game and oddly enough where I've had frustration so far. Like I want to learn combos, but the instructions will be like "press these buttons after doing these two other attacks" and I do those attacks and the opponent collapses on the ground so I can't hit him no more. Then you can have it show you how it looks when it's correct but it doesn't specify the inputs enough to tell me what exactly I did wrong. Or I don't understand the tutorial options.. so it's like I'm fighting my own incompetence and a clunky UI. I really hope I figure this stuff out because this looks to be the biggest potential pain point.
Ok so a very simple way of explaining combos: if you do the input and nothing comes out, you're hitting it too soon, if you do the input and it doesn't combo (they have fallen already or something else has happened and they either get reset into a new combo or block or whatever) that means you did the input too late. In your description it sounds like you did the input too late. Use this basic idea to figure out what you're doing wrong and calibrate your inputs. Also keep in mind that the harder combos are for people with tons of experience and it is normal to take literal hours sitting there trying to do it if you're new, so don't feel frustrated by that. It's part of the process.
What I did before touching the combo trials was do basic training mode for like 2 hours straight and get my bearings, which made it go much smoother, and I'm already experienced.
Then I tried ranked matches and that... guys, that is awesome! You just sit there and the computers feed you opponents and it's exhilarating! I don't understand how it all works exactly but it looked like it was going to judge me on 10 matches, and that's all I did so far. My performance went like this: I fought a Ryu like 3 or 4 times and he f'ing kicked my ass. He used patience and defense and I didn't know what to do about it. This is exactly the kind of thing ya gotta get good at in this game!
And I beat everybody else. I mean you can just tell who is new to this, who's coming with a few moves of combos they know and that's it. It's also interesting that so far people are playing into the characters they pick. My Cammy, Luke, and Chun Li opponents flew at me legs and fury and I was able to employ enough dragon punches and drive impacts to fend them off, techniques that would be laughable to a really good player I know but like my suck was less suck than their suck.
Apparently this was good enough to make me Bronze, whatever that means.
Basically there's a bunch of others sitting there like you are, looking for fights, and it matchmakes you, it's the same thing that finds teammates for you in an FPS or something, same idea. If you want to have longer sets with the same person you can try the battle hub too, it's what I did cause I don't know any matchups. I fought this one Manon for like 35 games straight. Fun times.
If someone's defending all day, you throw them or you do overheads. You know those rekka kicks Ken has where the final kick is either a low stomp or a high heel drop, the heel drop is an overhead, and if you do the ex one you can super after it too. Use those and throws when someone seems to be blocking everything.
Bronze is the starter rank, it goes to silver gold diamond master and who knows what else. You get points for winning ranked matches and lose em for losing and if you get enough you move to the new tier of rank.
As for Ken, the most pleasant surprise is his kick moves. Like if you do a dragon punch he flies at the opponent with cool drop kick thingy. Unfortunately that hasn't actually worked in combat yet but.. eh.
I think despite what I said before I'm gonna advance on World Tour sooner rather than later. I am still a gamer who likes to progress through some sort of "story" even one as lame as this but also perhaps it will offer more tutorial settings, and getting to learn moves from across characters.
The higher strength drop kick thingy is + on block meaning it's still your turn if you get em to block it, it's basically the cornerstone of Ken's pressure cause he gets to steal his turn back with it, and the EX one you can do shoryu after and it also switches sides if comboed into so you can corner someone who has cornered you, nasty move.
WT lets you unlock costumes and artworks so yeah it's worth it. My first custom char was 2B btw