Stupid things you believed as a kid


New member
Sep 20, 2012
Arakasi said:
1. Monsters - I loved reading about monsters (still do) but I thought they were real. Fun times.

2. Santa Claus - Believing in a nigh omniscient patriarch who punishes you for being naughty and rewards you for being nice. Silly parents, that's not a good way to get your children to act good.

3. The Christian God - Believing in a nigh omniscient patriarch who punishes you for being naughty and rewards you for being nice. Silly parents, that's not a good way to get your children to act good.
This made my day. :)


Aug 3, 2008
When I was younger and didn't know about history or artists, we had a painting which was signed 'Leonardo' (I'm guessing Da Vinci, can't remember the painting in question though) and after I saw Titanic I though Leonardo DiCaprio was an actual artist so I asked if he drew that painting. *facepalm*

Used to think we lived in black and white when I saw old pictures. My uncle told me spraying air freshener near me would make me grow a beard.



New member
Feb 6, 2011
Whenever me and my mom would go to the science center, i thought that the giant mechanical dinosaur was real


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Mum, those batteries are NOT flat! Look: they're still round!

I got into trouble for taking batteries back out of the bin because they were so clearly NOT flat...


New member
Sep 8, 2011
When I went shopping with my parents at the supermarket and the cashier asked if they wanted cashback. I used to think they were actually giving them money back.

Drops a Sweet Katana

Folded 1000x for her pleasure
May 27, 2009
I was convinced by my parents that raising the armrests in a plane during takeoff helped the plane get off the ground.

There was monster in the toilet that would reach up through the toilet when it flushed to drag me in.

I used to believe in UFOs when I was about 6 when I saw what I thought was a spaceship flying over my neighbourhood.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Oh yeah, I also thought that everyone was a robot except me.
Turns out I was only half right.
Sep 13, 2009
I believed that my friend had a Digimon come out of his computer and become his companion. On a similar vein I also believed that if I wrote a letter to Santa with pictures of my Digimon he would make it for me for christmas. I was 8 or 9 at the time

EDIT: Also monsters. I was completely convinced at one point that my basement was inhabited by a giant tentacle monster that would only come out in the dark


New member
Jun 22, 2011
I used to think that when it rained, it was actually all the angels/ beings in heaven peeing. Not entirely sure where I got that one from. I was a weird kid.

My parents convinced me that if I swallowed chewing gum that it would form into a big ball in my stomach that would never go away and I'd never be able to eat anything and die.

And like may others here, I used to believe that people used to live in black and white, and that someone invented colour at some point.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
After Giovani disappeared from the Viridian City gym, I thought there was a way to become gym leader yourself.
I still wish it was true.

Captcha: Million dollars
*Moves pinkie finger to lips*

Delicious Anathema

New member
Aug 25, 2009
I remember making this thread, not sure if it was in this forum though.

I too thought credit cards meant free money.

Maybe I misinterpreted it, but I thought an open umbrella inside a building would make it implode.

Of course, the classic black and white past.

I didn't believe, but I imagined a world of those stick figures one sees in bathrooms/danger signs/Portal signs.


New member
Jan 16, 2012
- My grandmother use to tell my cousins and me that eating a lot of candy or sugary goods gave you worms in your belly. They even made up fake horror stories about it to boot. I believed it. The stuff gave me nightmares.

- It may be a little dark, but I use to believe that in live-action movies, scenes where a character dies were performed by inmates from death row. Kind of like a stuntman, they would replace the actor and get killed in their place.

- I use to think that my birthday was the start of a new year for the world when it's only a new year for me.

- I use to believe you could buy a job.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Ieyke said:
Technically, I find there to be few better reasons to mock something than obviously following the illogical, so that pretty much automatically qualifies most of everyone with a religious view more specific than "I think there's a god that runs the universe".
Since that would take up an awful lot of time, it's easier to just make fun of anyone who's vocally defending their right to be illogical, or anyone who obviously believes in the most nonsensical elements of a religion, and leave the rest alone.

Atheists don't need to defend their beliefs. The burden of proof is not on them. It's a bit foolish for them to say that they believe with absolute certainty that there are no gods, but most of them are open to any attempts to prove them wrong.
The burden of proof always lies with proving something DOES exist, not that it DOESN'T.

I could claim that Russel's Celestial Teapot is floating around in orbit around Earth right now. It would be on me to prove that's true.
If some guy came along and said "That's dumb. There is no 'Russel's Teapot' orbiting Earth.", it would be MY job to prove prove the Teapot, not his job to disprove it.

You can't just go around making unsupported claims and then demand they be accepted as true if no one can disprove them. That's a system of madness.
So you're going to mock everyone who is a christian, whether they antagonize you or not... because it's easier than to take it on a case-by-case basis? Where each case boils down to the question of "Have they offended me?" or not? Wow - simply outstanding. Surely it must be more effort to debate this with every christian you find than it is to work out if they've antagonized you or not.

When I said "their", I didn't mean the beliefs of athiests - I meant the beliefs of other religions. I have seen countless athiests defend muslims, hindus, etc etc from those trying to prove them wrong with the statement "Let them believe what they want!". These same athiests have turned around and called christians insane or retarded for believing in christianity - its a double standard I cannot fathom or accept. If other religions get a free pass to believe in what they will without becoming victims for it, why should christians?

On another note, not many people become a christian because it seems logical - it's a matter of faith. There have been many occurences since in all of history that science cannot explain. Things that have happened, yet are completely illogical - people coming back from dead, people knowing things they couldn't possibly know - miracles in essence. Christianity isn't about proof but thats as close are you're gonna get if its what you demand.

You may have noticed I stopped debating with the other guy for the mutual understanding that this thread was being derailed quicly, so for the same reason I'm going to stop now. He made the suggestion to make a thread about it but I really don't have the heart to debate this with someone unwilling to meet me halfway. You denounce everything I say as madness and so I cannot make any argument at all. In the end, I'm not telling you to repent or you will burn in hell - I'm asking you to not treat every christian you find like they are doing that.
May 29, 2011
Auron225 said:
Arakasi said:
3. The Christian God - Believing in a nigh omniscient patriarch who punishes you for being naughty and rewards you for being nice. Silly parents, that's not a good way to get your children to act good.
*slow clap*

Congratulations - we got a whole 0 posts without unnecessary sectarianism -.-
It was going to happen anyway. At least it happened in a way that was kind of funny.
May 29, 2011
Hoplon said:
As a child I believed people could potentially be worth wile.

The naive nature of childhood I guess.
You think that's bad? I used to think almost everyone was a nice person and assholes were just a very small minority.

Turns out it's the other way around.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Auron225 said:
Ieyke said:
Technically, I find there to be few better reasons to mock something than obviously following the illogical, so that pretty much automatically qualifies most of everyone with a religious view more specific than "I think there's a god that runs the universe".
Since that would take up an awful lot of time, it's easier to just make fun of anyone who's vocally defending their right to be illogical, or anyone who obviously believes in the most nonsensical elements of a religion, and leave the rest alone.

Atheists don't need to defend their beliefs. The burden of proof is not on them. It's a bit foolish for them to say that they believe with absolute certainty that there are no gods, but most of them are open to any attempts to prove them wrong.
The burden of proof always lies with proving something DOES exist, not that it DOESN'T.

I could claim that Russel's Celestial Teapot is floating around in orbit around Earth right now. It would be on me to prove that's true.
If some guy came along and said "That's dumb. There is no 'Russel's Teapot' orbiting Earth.", it would be MY job to prove prove the Teapot, not his job to disprove it.

You can't just go around making unsupported claims and then demand they be accepted as true if no one can disprove them. That's a system of madness.
So you're going to mock everyone who is a christian, whether they antagonize you or not... because it's easier than to take it on a case-by-case basis? Where each case boils down to the question of "Have they offended me?" or not? Wow - simply outstanding. Surely it must be more effort to debate this with every christian you find than it is to work out if they've antagonized you or not.

When I said "their", I didn't mean the beliefs of athiests - I meant the beliefs of other religions. I have seen countless athiests defend muslims, hindus, etc etc from those trying to prove them wrong with the statement "Let them believe what they want!". These same athiests have turned around and called christians insane or retarded for believing in christianity - its a double standard I cannot fathom or accept. If other religions get a free pass to believe in what they will without becoming victims for it, why should christians?

On another note, not many people become a christian because it seems logical - it's a matter of faith. There have been many occurences since in all of history that science cannot explain. Things that have happened, yet are completely illogical - people coming back from dead, people knowing things they couldn't possibly know - miracles in essence. Christianity isn't about proof but thats as close are you're gonna get if its what you demand.

You may have noticed I stopped debating with the other guy for the mutual understanding that this thread was being derailed quicly, so for the same reason I'm going to stop now. He made the suggestion to make a thread about it but I really don't have the heart to debate this with someone unwilling to meet me halfway. You denounce everything I say as madness and so I cannot make any argument at all. In the end, I'm not telling you to repent or you will burn in hell - I'm asking you to not treat every christian you find like they are doing that.

That's not even REMOTELY what I said
Ieyke said:
I have no criticisms of Christians who essentially just believe in the lessons that Bible parables are designed to teach, and that there might be an all-powerful being that is ultimately responsible for the physical laws that govern the universe.

The same can be said about Hellenists. If they believe in the lessons taught in Greek myths, and maybe that the universe is ultimately run by gods that embody hundreds of personified concepts and phenomena, so be it.

I criticize people for "having faith" in things that have been proven to be nonsense, like people coming back from dead, people knowing things they couldn't possibly know, global floods, etc etc etc.

- Might there have been a guy named Jesus born to some chick who claimed she was a virgin? Sure. (I'm pretty sure that happens weekly in Mexico and Texas.)
- Did he get crucified? Almost certainly - the Romans were awesome at that.
- Did he come back from the dead? No.
- Did people for some reason become convinced he came back from the dead? Yes, obviously. People weren't very bright back then....but apparently people still listen to their nonsense today. Might as well believe in dragons while we're at it.
- Was there a global flood that wiped out the world? No. There are regularly big floods, and they seem like the end of the world to whoever experiences them, but there isn't anywhere near enough water on the planet to begin to flood the planet. Not even kind of.
- Was there a guy who built a huge boat and collected 7 of every clean animal and 2 of every unclean animal? No. I don't care who you are, you're not going to build a floating zoo big enough to hold anything remotely resembling the number of animals stated in the Bible. Even assuming a really shitty understanding of how many different types of animals there are....just no. The town crazy and his wife might've grabbed their pets and floated around the sea for a while when they got washed out into it in a big flood, but that's it.
- Is the world only a few thousand years old? HELL NO.
- Were humans spontaneously created one day and given a magic paradise garden to live in? HELL NO. There was millions and millions of years worth of creatures that came before us (e.g. dinosaurs). And I find that very insulting to the thousands of years of ancestors who came before us and suffered, struggled, battled, and invented their way from being ape-like creatures in an ice age to being the modern marvels we are today. To say some secret super wizard just magically created us in our modern form MASSIVELY undercuts the ACTUAL miracle that is the probability-defiance that our species achieved by surviving and becoming what it is today.

It's this type of crazy nonsense that attempts to defy logic, evidence and common sense, and the people who believe it - THAT is what and who I mock.

I don't care if someone looks at Bible stories that communicate ideas like "don't lie", "don't steal", and "don't kill", and goes "Yea, okay, this is teaching good concepts. I can follow this."
THOSE Christians are sane and logical.
Even the ones who believe an omnipotent being might have originally created the laws of physics, and that there might be an after life...that's fine. Nothing in science or simple logic says that those things can't be true.

The notion that modern people would take seriously the fantastical ramblings of our uneducated, superstitious ancestors is laughable. The fact that they genuinely DO take them seriously and sometimes as literal fact, no less....that's just mind-boggling.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Arakasi said:
3. The Christian God - Believing in a nigh omniscient patriarch who punishes you for being naughty and rewards you for being nice. Silly parents, that's not a good way to get your children to act good.
Aaaand it took to the 2nd post. Congratulations, you're that weirdo on the news who always shoves his religion (lack of) into people faces.

EDIT: And I'm he guy who forgot to actually post my say. I thought I could fly by pulling up a chair I was sitting on.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Zhukov said:
When I was little my parents told me that toothpaste was poisonous and swallowing any would make me sick. It made brushing my teeth a very stressful experience for several years.

On the other hand, I never believed in Santa or the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny. It got me into several playground fights.
well that is partly true. your stomach is an acidic enviroment. and tooth paste is alkali/lye (not sure how to English correctly) environment. little toothpaste wont do anything, but swallow enough and you got a chemical reaction that may not end well. sure you probably wont die, but hospital may be needed.

Hoplon said:
As a child I believed people could potentially be worth wile.

The naive nature of childhood I guess.
Damn, ninjad. i was going to post exactly that. Actually, i believed people were worthwhile till 16. I was shown otherwise.

FelixG said:
That there were no stupid questions.

What a crock, there are plenty of stupid questions, you can see a ton of them on this damned site! :p
There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers and statements masked as questions by putting "?" at the end.