Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Eldritch Warlord said:
My High School had a 'points' system. Basically different offenses inflicted a different number of points and students would be punished according to their accumulated points rather than the actual offense.

The whole thing was a joke to the entire student body and the majority of the faculty. Perhaps the funniest thing was that it was about twice as many points for calling in a false bomb threat than bringing a bomb to school.
So you're telling me if someone was to bring a bomb to school, you would have to stay in extra hours as punishement. Yet, if you say a false bomb alarm; you would be expelled for 3 days?

......fricken Woooow

Bring a ****** Nuke

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
No hats....No hats...Why?

The answer was because it's not polite...How about my friend who has stiches...(Yeah, he did. Bike accident).


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Finnboghi said:
Gondito said:
Some of my teachers in middle and elementary made the boys always get behind the girls in line.

Sexist Bastards
Thank you!

My principle (same psycho one above) once came out of her office while we were on our way to gym, and our teacher was going back to the classroom to get her keys.

She made all the boys go to the back of the line, just because she hated the male gender.

And yet I'm consistently told that girls are always discriminated against in school.

Another insane one was that one horrible teacher (the one I hated, also mentioned above) was allowed to tear pages out of our notebooks if we upset her.


She would tear the pages right out from under your pencil.

And the principal supported this.

If I ever encounter them again, words will be exchanged.
If I was in that situation, more htan words would be exchanged, maybe a pencil or two, and that would be an export only.... to a very certain place in their body,


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
I wish i was back in high school with my attitude now, I wouldnt take non of that shit now. Im arrogant & could certainly bring a schoolteacher down a few pegs.

Tbh i was relatively good in school, Although if i was to go back i would deliberately get in trouble with the silly rules just to take the piss.

just thought of another one:

3 words:

Fingers on lips[/B]


New member
May 1, 2009
Back in my school...

Detention-worthy offenses:

Talking back to a teacher
Questioning conventional wisdom
Claiming to be unable to understand a statement
Being anything but a conservative caucasian of average intellegence and sub-par income.

But on the plus side, you could avoid any form of retibution of you told one of the teachers the secret passcode... It was: 'go blow a goat'.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
at my old school (i join college on Monday) we weren't allowed to climb the wall near the I.C.T block because we could hurt ourselves. this may sound fair but it was two fucking foot tall. it couldn't keep out a lazy aphid. honestly, the world's turning into one big nanny state.


New member
May 7, 2009
Well, at Purdue you can be pulled over for speeding on your bike, you can be pulled over for not having nightime running lights on your bike, but you CANNOT be pulled over for not wearing a helmet.

I'd have thought wearing a helmet was the most important one...


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Michael_McCloud said:
My old high school had a thing where opposite genders couldn't be within three feet of each other in the halls.

Because 'don't do that' is entirely effective at keeping a few-hundred sacks of testosterone/estrogen with authority problems from seeking out each other.

I'm not remembering anything, but I'm pretty sure there were some other silly little rituals they had us do at one point.
So your hallways were 12 feet wide? One side has 2 lanes for guys and girls going one way, and the other side has 2 lanes for guys and girls going the other way! And every lane is spaced 3 feet apart. Wonder how they did lockers.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
No hats.

I like my hats, I have some nice ones and wish to wear them.

No Drink outside of Cafeteria, even water.

I like having a water bottle on my desk. I don't have to get up to get a drink.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
In my middle school, boys and girls were separated, not allowed to be "loud" in cafeteria (did I mention that the staff always let the girls go first and yelled at the boys for the shit the girls did), no hats, because we could be cheating, I got a detention for forgetting my pencil to one class 3 times, and no "bad" clothing. Which is why I went to school on several days wearing a shirt that bashed on Bush. Conveniently enough, it was only when I threatened to sue if they made me take off my shirt (Bush one) that they stopped fucking with me.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Being in Canada, we have virtually no anti-terrorist crazy mumbo-jumbo... So our worst rule is probably that we have to keep our shoulders covered. Because, apparently, spaghetti straps are worse than immense cleavage.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
haha during the last week of school we were allowed to bring in and play an xbox on one of the T.V's in the spainish room, the only rule being no FPS like Halo. so instead some one brough in GoW1 and we spen the next couple of hours chainsawing and curbstomping people.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Hmm... You know, reading all of this, I've concluded that one of the reasons such stupid rules exist in our (American, dammit!) education system is to ensure that it produces sheep. Little, polite sheep that do exactly as they're told. Critical thinking was just a figment of the past. It's kinda hard to instill fear on people if they're able to think.

Makes me glad that I grew up in a time where if someone stepped up, I'd step them right back down, and not miss a day of school for it. Didn't even get detention either. I guess I was also lucky that my authority figures of the time weren't so goddamn lazy that they applied the same useless black & white rules/policies to anything that would come up. Kid beat up another kid? Did he throw the first punch? No? Well, the other guy should have known better!

I kinda feel sorry for kids today. They don't even get to really learn.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
The story that goes with this wasn't from my country, but I do know the rules where quite the similar when I went to school. They can be summed up as: You can be punished for any action the school disagrees with, even if you where not on school property, dressed in a school uniform or even undertaking such actions during school hours. I kid you not, if you said something the principal didn't like you could still be suspended or even expelled as if you where saying such things on school property.

The story, again this was carried out in the USA, is simple: A handful of students hanged a banner ridiculing cannabis prohibition during the Olympic torch rally. "Bong hits for Jesus" was what the banner said, so it really isn't even a good protest against cannabis prohibition but clearly was just some mucking about. They, like other students, had been let out of class early to see the torch event and where standing on public owned property opposite the school grounds.

The US supreme court ruled that the school was in it's rights to punish free speech! This is twice made ridiculous as they where punished for violating a school rule even though the where NOT on school property and had been dismissed from school. Uniforms, didn't play a part seeing it was not Australia but a US school.

In dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens said, "This case began with a silly nonsensical banner, (and) ends with the court inventing out of whole cloth a special First Amendment rule permitting the censorship of any student speech that mentions drugs, so long as someone could perceive that speech to contain a latent pro-drug message."
He was backed by Justices David Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Those three should all be given metals or something, for standing up to the fact that even students should be covered by free speech. It is most disgusting, indeed, that the so called 'libertarian' judges all sided AGAINST the constitution.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
JimmyBassatti said:
The fact that we can't wear a hood during the coldest fucking days in school, aka, "We're Too Fucking Cheap To Heat The School, Your On Your Own, Little Johnny" days. They say that we will cause another Combine shooting if we wear our hoods -.-
And, the fact we can't wear hats during school hours. And that even means just walking into the school, or walking outside. You have to basically be off the entire school property before putting your hat on, or there will be hell to fucking pay...
Both my middle and high school don't have air conditioning, except for in the new buildings.

As for rules, our school has an ID thing too. Half the time it doesn't work, but apparently it's "brand new technology" and the teachers have no idea how to use it. We can chew gum, though. Also, any rules concerning dress code are stupid, as they aren't enforced anyway.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
In my school they recently released a new rule saying that we can not go to the bathroom 5 minutes before class ends, in between classes, or for 5 minutes after class starts. That may not sound too bad but last year all my teachers.My teachers were pretty much nice people that liked to use humor a lot in the studies (and it worked too), but when someone asked to go to the bathroom they mutated into sadistic Nazi zombie pirate aliens with anger issues. 2 of them actually took points off for going to the bathroom, and only once a week too.

If i wanted to pee (and i usually did around 4th period), i either had to wait for 8th period(my orchestra AKA the class with a nice clean private bathroom), or had to survive the brain melting "glare" from the Nazi zombie pirate aliens. Getting into the bathrooms wasn't easy either, only 2 people in at a time and you had to show your ID. All because of those *******************ing crackheads that liked to do drugs in the bathrooms.


New member
Aug 11, 2008
reverse racism is ok, but racism isnt....

figure that one out...

(also to note, I live in australia and our highschool was joined to a spiecal aboriginal based school, so racism was a big issue)


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Here's looking through more rules in the book.

"Students that have a yearly parking permit must abide by these expectations." Although I'm pretty sure whoever wrote this had different intent than what's written due to the absurdity of it.

"You are not allowed to drive non-students outside of campus."

Technically saying I can't give a ride to my Mom if her car is broken that morning. Find me one person that would follow that rule in any school and I will do some sort of outrageous act.