About your comment on Chrono trigger
I've been playing it on the DS a lot recently, and I felt it was the perfect RPG intro (if you wanted something a tad deeper than Mario). I adore the retro graphics]
They might not look good on a TV now, but they fit right in on the DS.
And I'm keeping my pixels.
The sound could use some work, and the battle system is only a bit away from Real time. As you're telling party member 2 what to do, party member 1 is being attacked, and party member 3 is attacking. It allowed a faster system, and the fact that the options can slow it down would be great for beginners. It's not the best modern RPG, but I thought it would fit the bill perfectly. Interesting characters, good plot, nice long game, and a great learning curve.
And if they don't want to play with pixelated characters, then I can not teach them.
Yeah, sorry about the image heavy post.