Hmmmmm..... I have a friend of the FINAL DESTINATION ONLY NO ITEMS! breed. (who don't want to play BlazBlue and such with me because in those games you can win without skill... yeah....)
So when I do get to play with someone else, I happily choose another stage, with some exceptions. And I did play at 2 school tournaments if you will. Our rules were less strict than what I see,(melee) no items was there, but only the final needed to be final destination (I lost early though). The second one (brawl), all the settings where by default, so, items, any stage, any character. My FINAL DESTINATION!!! friend felt the tournament wasn't that well organized, because I eliminated both him and another friend of the same skill, in the same round, using Wario, and items (hey, I love to play on green greens). I think that cover most of it tournament wise.
The Melee vs Brawl thing... there is a difference, melee is faster, which I like, both feel about as hard as the other (melee is harder to come back, so easier to "kill" your opponent, while brawl is easier to come back, so easier to survive) I'm not sure which one I prefer though. I play Brawl more, but it's probably melee deep down (but in melee my FinalDestination friend can boast his skills even more, like defeating 3 lv.9 in team against him, or using only one hand against some players...screw Marth and his range)