Take The Escapist Girl Power Quiz


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2008
Well, 6/10, which is actually just about the number of questions I knew.

As for favorite female, that's got to go right to Zoey from Left 4 Dead.

Though Ada Wong and Kerrigan from starcraft are tied for second place.

P.s. I actually really like P.N. 03, it's nice to see I'm not the only one that remembers that game.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
50% first time around.

Fave girl in games? King!

Thanks for putting her in there. I wouldn't have anything to do with that, do I?

She's had loads of jobs btw. She´s been depicted as a blackjack dealer, roulette operator and barwoman (?) in official artwork and if memory serves she's owned a bar in London (which is the cause she switched countries from France to England on the character select screen from one year to the next). Or that may just be from the alternate universe/dream match games. You could conjecture she's been a professional Thai fighter during the period she was passing herself off as a man in the Art of Fighting days.

Kate Archer should have been in that quiz. Not that many people have actually played NOLF. Ah well.

I couldn't help but laugh at the PN-03 question Ms Arendt.


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
I always get 40 percent whenever there is a quiz where I have to guess on every single question. I guess I must be statistically lucky. This time it was almost enough to get me in the tip 50 percent (currently number 750 out of 1493)

Rogue 9

I, Jedi
Jun 22, 2008
80% on my first go through... guessed wrong on the Mercenaries and FF Tactics questions.

Favourite female game character? Well I was a latecomer to Beyond Good and Evil, only having gotten it last year through GoG, and I loved it to bits, so Jade would definitely be up there. I'm also a bit of a fanboy when it comes to the Perfect Dark universe too, so yeah, Joanna Dark would be a contender too. But my Street Fighter fanboy-ism trumps all my other gaming obsessions, so I'd probably have to choose Sakura as my favourite female video game character (followed closely by Cammy and the other two).


8 miles high and falling fast
Mar 31, 2008
I got 10% through complete guesswork... statistically I should've got 20-30% what with them being four-option multiple choice, but I was never a fan of statistics.

Favourite female character? That's difficult. Just looking through my games on the shelf in front of me now and none of them really have strong female characters. Although admittedly that's largely because a lot of them are plastic guitar games which might as well not have any characters at all, or JRPGs that I haven't got around to playing properly.

...except it's not difficult at all. In the process of overthinking, I completely forgot about my all-time favourite game, and the character that would be my best friend for life if she were real. That'd be Selphie from Final Fantasy 8.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
My top 5 (off top of my head) Favorite Female characters are
1. Jill From Resident Evil
2. Rebecca Chambers Resident Evil
3. Elena Fisher Uncharted
4. Maria Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams
5. Farrah Fun-Bunny Time Splitters (remember her?)
Third place goes to Vivian Paper Mario The 1000 Year door

EDIT: Didn't do the test.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
YESSSS!!! Scored 10%.

Just like I thought I'm still me even after all the feminist talk.

Basically almost all women in gaming are over-sexified-male-lust-objects or annoying-supposed-to-be-independent-cunts.

Snarling at me that you can do something yourself doesn't make you independent or likeable. It's even worse if women in gaming attempt to do something and than totally fail at it after telling you to bugger of with your man germs because she is independent and strong and forever unlikable.

Don't get me wrong I like some women in gaming Alyx, Farah, that little girl from Jade Empire (she's freaky!), Samus and some others.

Basically I like them because whilst they claim to be independent they aren't afraid to ask for help and most of the time are capable of supporting you or doing things on their own (I like Samus because she never says a word). They are more human instead of bitches and you can actually connect with them rather than Lara Croft who is basically modelled around the Y chromosome.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
100% on the fourth (or was it fifth?) go. Not bad, considering I only really knew about two of them.

And Princess Zelda has to be my favourite, for her silly transvestite antics.

Noone From Nowhere

New member
Feb 20, 2009
Wasn't Faith a messenger and a runner? I only got 90% right on the first try because of that one!

Add-On:My favorite female character that isn't actively shaped by player choices would probably have to be a toss-up between Kreia from Knights of the Old Republic 2 and Bayonetta(already, even).

Being Machiavellian schemers and Crazy-Sexy-Cool types have been almost exclusively a guy thing until recently and these two manage to fill the roles with grand style to boot!
Hmm, that's dangerously close to a Maiden-Mother-Crone trinity thing there. If I particularly enjoyed any young female protagonists, then the list would be complete. Pity that. Oh, why not. I'll throw Mission Vao on to the list.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
You failed to put Erana into your list.
She's the one who really kicked the main antagonist's ass in QFG.
Devon's just there to trim up the loose ends.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Fuck 80%..... Then tried again and got 90% then tried again and got 70%... then tried again and got 100%...... Those questions were fcking hard.. Especially since i never played PFZ and ME... I dont think i ever played Mercenaries either.. Those 3 were the hard ones..