Tap water , do you drink it?

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
Yes, but I have a filter on my sink nozzle at home just because the water around here just tastes a bit off in general - though they say it's safe, so whatever. But I put the filtered water into a pitcher, put it in the fridge to chill (because it's hot as hell here) and I glug that down all day. It's pretty refreshing after that process. However, on my husbands family ranch in Montana - the water from the tap is always cool, crisp, and tasty. Yes, I said it, tasty water.

The only time I ever buy bottled water is on long drives and/or road-trips. Not sure when we are going to stop, when the next place will be, never know if there is an emergency, blah blah. Always nice to just have a pack of bottled water in the vehicle. Helps to be prepared and all that junk.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
MeisterKleister said:
I drink tap water all the time. I've consciously started to do so about two years ago, after watching one of scooby1961's videos. And I personally think it tastes no worse than bottled water.
Though I think he mentions the benefits of tap water specifically in other videos.

Staying hydrated is very important, for anyone and especially if you do sports. As far as I understand, the quality may depend individually on the local water recycling facility, but tap water is extremely cheap and safe to drink in any industrialized nation.

Edit: I think a poll might have been appropriate.
In hindsight i should have made a poll, but i had no idea this thread would become so popular and so fast . Goes to show you don't need to make a controversial post in order to get views/responses.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Nothing but tap water for me, thanks. I live in the US so my opinion only reflects that, and I understand there are countries where there are definite concerns about drinking tap water.

But for the US and other countries that have high quality tap water, I think bottled water is among one of the biggest money-making scams in history. There's only a handful of places I've been where I noticed a particularly bad taste in the water, and usually after a month or so I got used to it (and usually a Brita filter would get rid of the taste). In blind taste tests, most people can't tell the difference between bottle and tap water, yet bottled water costs essentially what a soda or Gatorade would (plus it produces tons of unnecessary additional pollution).

I'm sure someone's already posted it, but this episode still makes me laugh hysterically. It's amazing what people's brains can make them believe when they believe in something strongly enough.

Taurus Vis

New member
Jan 12, 2013
It all depends. I don't drink fluoridated water, so when I return home to the farm, I drink all the tap water I can because we have a natural source feeding our well. When I'm at home in town though, I triple filer my water. The water in town isn't fluoridated, but the process they use to purify the water makes it taste quite bad, so the filtering is necessary. lemon wedges and ice also go a long way for shitty water.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
Well duh. The water I get from my tap is literally the same kind of water they put in bottles and charge 2 dollar per bottle for.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I can't remember the last time I drank straight up water. It's always smoothie and sodas for me.


New member
May 13, 2010
Artina89 said:
Yes I drink tap water all the time. I have a 1 litre bottle by my computer that I refill throughout the day. I don't drink bottled water all that much as I find it a bit of a waste of money because I find tap water just as good.
Exactly what I do. After getting used to tap water many years ago (I actually hated it because of the taste) I now find bottled water to tasting iffy compared to the chlorine-filled goodness of tapwater round these 'ere parts.

Doesn't help I'm two miles from a waste treatment plant (that I also work at).

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
I drink it, from the tap...what do you mean 'what about the fact that your house plumbing is victorian and full of led?' shut up voices, the Ocelot is trying to get my attention....beans!

Seriously though, I like water from the tap, but I'm lucky to live in an area with good tap water


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I don't drink tap water primarily because the taste is very distracting. I cannot chug down tap water as easily as I could bottle/filtered drinking water.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I drink filtered tap water most of the time (unfiltered only in emergencies), although there have been occasions where they discovered something in it, which forced everyone in the city to buy bottled water. I wouldn't recommend it, personally.

Dante dynamite

New member
Mar 19, 2012
Whenever I am in a country where its considered relatively safe to drink the tap water but here hell no might as well eat rotten food.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Yeah. I live in Hawaii, so we have some of the nation's best tap water (no industry and plenty of natural filtration for our groundwater). Still worried about corroded pipes though since nothing metal really lasts long around here.


New member
Sep 20, 2012
Meh. Back home, the water was clean and tasted alright. It tasted a hell of a lot better than most bottled water. Shoot, I could suck the water straight from the kitchen hose on a hot day and feel better. But almost everywhere else I've gone the water looks, well, not that clean. The flavor is off, and it never gets cold enough to be refreshing.


Until I get thrown out.
May 16, 2011
Of course. It's free and paying for water is an appalling idea. Unless you're living in Bangladesh, you should drink tap water.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
I usually won't, but it's for a reason that I hope would make sense to anybody.

More than 50% of the time using tap water in the Southwest, I could put two spoon-fulls of coffee into a cup, brew it up, and the only thing you'd be able to smell is chlorine...

That's a cup of double-strong coffee that smells like a swimming pool.

No way am I drinking that.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
I drink tap water although I prefer filtered water I find water from plastic bottles has a weird somewhat nasty taste to it especially if it has spent a day in the sun at some point so when I do drink bottled I usually buy the slightly more expensive glass bottles.

on a side note asking for something then refusing it because you think the quality of that something that someone has isn't to your liking is pretty rude, it's not bad for you it just has a slightly different taste because they add a chemical to it to make sure it doesn't get contaminated by something minor and it's kind of asinine to expect others to stock a more expensive seperate brand of that something for your liking, if it's such a big deal that you WON'T drink tap water then either hold your peace and don't ask for water or bring your own bottle with you.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Jessta said:
I drink tap water although I prefer filtered water I find water from plastic bottles has a weird somewhat nasty taste to it especially if it has spent a day in the sun at some point so when I do drink bottled I usually buy the slightly more expensive glass bottles.

on a side note asking for something then refusing it because you think the quality of that something that someone has isn't to your liking is pretty rude, it's not bad for you it just has a slightly different taste because they add a chemical to it to make sure it doesn't get contaminated by something minor and it's kind of asinine to expect others to stock a more expensive seperate brand of that something for your liking, if it's such a big deal that you WON'T drink tap water then either hold your peace and don't ask for water or bring your own bottle with you.
How is it rude refusing something free and that i don't drink? If i offered someone a beer , and they say they don't drink alcohol , are they being rude? I'm not going to start drinking tap water to spare someones feelings .


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Sure I drink Tapwater. I live in Brisbane, Australia, in the Southern Suburbs, and the tap water where I live is just fine. Has no taste whatsoever.

My mother insists on boiling and filtering all the water she drinks. She claims it makes it taste better. Now, she often gets me to fill in her water bottles for her. I use the filtered water, if it is available, but sometimes there is none (someone else has taken it all). Rather than wait 40 minutes for it to pass through that ceramic filter, I just fill it from the tap. And you know what? SHE HAS NEVER NOTICED. NOT ONCE.

I strongly, STRONGLY suspect that most people who live in developed areas, if subjected to a blind taste trial of tap Vs bottled/filtered water, could not tell the difference between them. It's mostly psychological. Oh, I'm sure there are some cities and towns where the water management is so bad that you'd be crazy to drink the water - but if you live in a developed nation like Australia, Japan, Canada, the UK, Germany, Most of the US, Norway, South Korea, etc, etc, I have the feeling that your tap water is juuuuust fine, and that you probably couldn't tell the difference between tap and bottled if someone removed the label.