TF2 Rip-Off game: Really a Rip-Off?


Professional Lurker
Sep 8, 2008
ZombieNeith said:
Beltom1066 said:
Pretty much everything I wanted to say. Kudos.
On-topic, it looks extremely similar to TF2, especially, as people have said, the sniper sound effects and the demoman grenades, but if this is just a preview trailer then it might (and I say "might" in the same way i say the Labour party might be re-elected when Gordon Brown finally allows a general election) change before it's release and not turn out to be a TF2 clone.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
Rhayn said:
It looks more like a TF2 mod played on a de_rats map.

A mod that changes all the characters into anime chicks and robots.
Map reminds me of both Toy Fort Elite on TF2 and the last mission for Army Men 2.

And the sniper does not look totally over powered /sarcasm


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Beltom1066 said:
*major snippage*

Not all of us under 25's are how you think. Some of us can actually tell the difference between "their" and "they're" and have an IQ over 50. Stereotyping young people as neanderthalic retards is just as much part of the problem, since that is what the developers who make "the shite that has become gaming" thing when they make these games. Have you ever thought that some of us are intelligent and we cringe at what others in our generation do? Stop being bigoted towards people younger than you and realize that idiocy and intelligence are spread evenly over the age spectrum, and not clustered at the bottom like you seem to believe.
Yeah yeah, I know I'm generalising, but please, by all means, show me where gaming has has advanced from the hobby of the intelligencia, to the entertainment of the mass idiocy to what, exactly?

When I was growing up (and admittedly, home computers were of the AT or XT variety, and you could choose between a green and black, white and black or orange and black 10" monitor), games were made by the ultra-intelligent for the ultra-intelligent (hence games like paranoia, zork, etc).

Over the last 20+ years, I've been witness to gaming becoming less the realm of the intelligent nerd and morphing into the pass-time of the retard stereotypical american fratboy. The games of today require nowhere near the intelligence, or even the problem solving or logic abilities of the games I grew up with, which where, to be honest, the origins of gaming as it is today.

When I look at the latest retread of an fps game, I see nothing but a cheesy remake of something I've already played, just less original and of far less quality.

All that said, show me how Fallout 3, despite (and honestly in spite of) its graphical updates, is better than the old SSI game Pools of Radience (which, in my less than humble opinion, had a far superior story and gameplay). Please, I beg you, show me a game released in the last 10 years that had a better plot or execution than SSI's classic.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Jaythulhu said:
The problem with that is the industries inability to maintain itself on such insider qualities. They keep that up, and they alienate a potential market that can keep them alive. With the advent of an increase in processing power and graphical fidelity, it's becoming more and more risky to create something highly intellectual and original, for the fear that it won't sell at least half a million copies (which at the level of graphical fidelity nowadays, breaks even). The problem wasn't really that this new wave of frat-boy esque fps games was there, but really that it pushed the titles that you are talking about from the mainstay of the industry to a niche, which is a shame. However now you must understand that you aren't the main point of focus any more.

That being said, check this [] out.

P.S. Your original rant put a smile on my face. Just thought I'd like you to know that. ;¬)


Jaythulhu said:
ZombieNeith said:
Jaythulhu said:
Please, I beg you, show me a game released in the last 10 years that had a better plot or execution than SSI's classic.
Silent Hill 2.
You've been smoking crack, right?
So did that.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2009
This has to be a joke, right? I mean, the looks are almost identical. The health-jar, the bat, the grenade, the mini-gun, the demo-man, the soldier, the sniperscope.

This is fail at an epic level.

Although it looks nice, but TF2 looks niver.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
ChromeAlchemist: I really am an old gamer doomed to calcify in the mire of modern day gaming, aren't I? I yearn for the complexity and story of an old rpg in a day and age when insta-gibs and the amount of polygons you can put into an exploding body are the desires of the majorty.

Is this all I have to look forward to as I become an aging geek? Longings for genres and complexity long past in a day of instant gore and gratfication?

Sigh. Seems like I'm off to rebuild my 386SX and play rpgs that don't involve "click to win".

Getting old sucks. At least it will happen to all of you 12-16 year olds who think you're at the fore-front of gaming. Hopefully if I make it to 70 I'll get to laugh at you up&coming 25-30somethings who complain about the current crop of games vs. the halos and retardias of today.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
This is pretty blatant, but Valve won't be worrying, at least they shouldn't be. Toy soldiers and cosplaying Barbie dolls aren't a threat to one of the greatest online games around. Chaingun, sniper rifle, grenade launcher all are almost identical, and the toy rocket launcher guy looks like the soldier, as well as the demoman (complete with eye patch!).
We see this almost any time there's something successful, attempted clones won't dethrone Valve.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Well. That was... a game.

Alright, yes that game has very many similarities to Team Fortress 2. I think that if they focus on some interesting level design they could make it interesting. My beloved Toy Commander managed to make very interesting and varied scenarios within a household, so there is no reason for these developers to do the same.

What I'm saying is to give it some time. It could set itself apart. Right now, however, it looks like a serious rip-off.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Jaythulhu said:
ChromeAlchemist: I really am an old gamer doomed to calcify in the mire of modern day gaming, aren't I? I yearn for the complexity and story of an old rpg in a day and age when insta-gibs and the amount of polygons you can put into an exploding body are the desires of the majorty.

Is this all I have to look forward to as I become an aging geek? Longings for genres and complexity long past in a day of instant gore and gratfication?

Sigh. Seems like I'm off to rebuild my 386SX and play rpgs that don't involve "click to win".

Getting old sucks. At least it will happen to all of you 12-16 year olds who think you're at the fore-front of gaming. Hopefully if I make it to 70 I'll get to laugh at you up&coming 25-30somethings who complain about the current crop of games vs. the halos and retardias of today.
As one of the knuckle-Dragging under 25s you were talking about (21), it's with a heavy heart that I have to say, yes it seems you are. But as you have said, it will happen to all of us. Some of us grow out of gaming not because of age, but because we've seen it all. Gaming complexity has really gone on a downward spiral, the only real upside to gaming generations pushing forward is the way that games can be played. I almost blame the jump in graphics and only that.

I guess it's up to you whether you want to grit your teeth and embrace a much simpler selection of games with a possibly new and inventive way to play them (if you get the implication), or feed off the scraps of originality and fresh game concepts while the populace grows blissfully fat and ignorant over the next fairly similar summer blockbuster hit.

I don't know, you've shown me that I won't be part of the industries target audience forever, but I'm prepared to enjoy what they throw at me for as long as I can, and take solace in the fact that I won't wake up one day and find all the games to be garbage, but that I may be slowly phased out.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
It's funny, if you guys really hate it, then why are you drawing more attention to it? Seems kinda counter-productive to me.

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
It seems they may have "borrowed" a few ideas but the game looks different enough to not be a blatant copy, third person, tiny toys and what looks like 3 factions is quite dissimilar to TF2.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
ChromeAlchemist said:
Jaythulhu said:
*snip* on myself and
*snip* on you.
I have to admit, it's nice to see someone younger than myself admit that I have a point, and to offer a constructive counter-point.

I guess I find it difficult to accept the games of today, especially given my views of them as simplistic, if graphically superior versions of things I've already played and adventures I've already completed.

To this day, I hold up the old SSI dungeons and dragons games like any of the forgotten realms series, or the eye of the beholder series as the end all of gaming as a story telling and truly immersive gaming, mostly because what you do, which quests you complete and how you act/interact honestly modify the end of the game, while the majority of "A-grade" titles I've played over the last decade have had to struggle to gain a remotely similar level of complexity or plot development.

I grew up in an era where being a gamer required you to be part of the nerd (also intelligent, non-sport) crowd, and I have trouble accepting the new "gaming as mainstream" thing, especially since it appears, at least to me, that over the last ten or so years games have gone from intelligent to retarded with flashy exploding bodies.

Surely I'm not alone in feeling that gaming has regressed, gone backwards to the lowest common denominator, when really, it should have bounced forward, and only those with a functional brain that can tell the difference between a wholesome meal and mcdonalds can get things working and playing, right? Or am I giving the human race too much credit?


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Jaythulhu said:
Surely I'm not alone in feeling that gaming has regressed, gone backwards to the lowest common denominator, when really, it should have bounced forward, and only those with a functional brain that can tell the difference between a wholesome meal and mcdonalds can get things working and playing, right? Or am I giving the human race too much credit?
Mm. I enjoy DM'ing D&D and Shadowrun more than playing video games, and most sessions can take 45 minutes to an hour to set up. I love things like Silent Hill, though, and I maintain that there's some genuine art in modern gaming; Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, that sort of thing.


New member
Feb 20, 2009
Looks like someone mixed Team Fortress 2, Battlefield Heroes and Manga.