The 50 Most Boring Opinions In Geek Culture - Part I


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
NinjaDeathSlap said:
This article deserves all the slow claps. My only question is what 25 arguments could you possibly have up your sleeve that are more tired and less interesting than the ones listed here. I suppose I could think of a handful... 'George Lucas needs to leave Star Wars alone'; and 'The plot of 2012 is bullshit', but beyond that I'm struggling.
I don't know if this'll count, but I'd like to see something about the 4th Indiana Jones film in there. Something like "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull didn't happen". It tires me the number I've read people referring to the "Indiana Jones trilogy" in some form because, see, they're being witty by not acknowledging the 4th film. Though that could probably be covered by this point:

44. You only think [movie/show/game] is good because you saw it when you were a kid.
Really, it's just because you watched those first 3 films when you were a kid, or a lot younger than you are now that they seem so much better.

Also: (apologies in advance)

43. Mass Effect 3's ending was bad.

Seriously, folks, at some point we're going to have to accept that every possible variation on this point has been made. Many times. There's no meat left on the bones.

42. Mass Effect 3's ending was good.

See above.
True, but check the Mass Effect Facebook feed - that doesn't stop certain people trying to milk the subject for all it's worth every time a new announcement is made.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
'About 20 or so arguments you've never heard anyone make before' would be a more appropriate title.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
NinjaDeathSlap said:
This article deserves all the slow claps. My only question is what 25 arguments could you possibly have up your sleeve that are more tired and less interesting than the ones listed here. I suppose I could think of a handful... 'George Lucas needs to leave Star Wars alone'; and 'The plot of 2012 is bullshit', but beyond that I'm struggling.
From my own experience in bickering about comics;

"Superman is boring because he's too powerful"
"Aquaman is lame because he can only talk to fish"
"Batman is having sex with Robin!"


New member
May 10, 2011
I don't know... what qualifies as "boring"?

Because some of these arguments I still LOVE hearing people talk about, and there's usually always some new spin on old arguments that shows up from time to time that shakes up the old tried and true opinions.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Rogue 09 said:
PunkRex said:
I think most fans of FF9 would agree 41 is some serious baloni.
Im also aware that (on this site especially) saying FF9 is the bestestest FF is kinda over done... even if its true.
Wow... having played FF VII, VIII, and IX I had forgotten how completely terrible segments of IX were. The Queen was a terrible pseudo-villain and I could never get over the fact that the main character had an annoying tail.

I'm sure VII doesn't hold up too well either to scrutiny, but the story elements put into play were amazing. I'm not sure if it's the first game that had you wield a main character as they go through a semi-psychotic episode / identity crisis, but I recall it being interesting and gratifying.
Definatly, FF9 isn't perfect, its just got a hell of alot more variety then the other FF's I played. I was just spouting my love for the cutscenes, which portrayed alot of character with actions such as facial expressions instead of constant dialouge. I remember enjoying 7, even if the doom and gloom got SERIOUSLY grating at times, maybe because it made characters like Cid, Reno and Rude all the more likable.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
erttheking said:
I can't help but feel that Movie Bob is being just a little bit...ah...what's the word I'm looking for...judgmental? Yeah kind of. Also Movie Bob, a compliant being "boring" doesn't make it any less valid. I'm not going to shut up after we hit a magical number of times we're allowed to say something before it is deemed boring and generic.
Bob logic: "I'm sick of hearing how horrible The Holocaust was. We should stop talking about."


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Bhaalspawn said:
Frank_Sinatra_ said:
Bhaalspawn said:
The point though is that he doesn't have to. That's just a pathetic attempt to smack down criticism. Nobody has to even bother playing Mass Effect to know that the screaming fits were completely unwarranted, and much of the Mass Effect fanbase needed to grow the hell up.
However it is one thing to smack down criticism after having taken time to learn about the grievances and the like. (See here [] on how to properly deal with these situations, and here [] how not to.)

Jim handled it with respect and objectivity. Bob however handled it childishly and used it as a grab for attention.

I think more the irritation with the addition of this grievance to this "Boring Opinons" is Bob dragging this worthless corpse out again without having given it a good, and intellectually honest look for himself just so he can have some more attention. As I stated above.
Best to just ignore it and move on.

(Yes I know I'm giving him attention by proxy since I'm leaving a comment, but I felt I needed to speak out.)
The thing is though, a fanbase does not get to set the terms for which another person calls them out. Bob was calling out a bunch self-entitled dipshits on their poor behavior. Of course he was childish about it, it was an entirely childish protest, and Bob is one of the few people aware that the problem with the games industry is not publishers or creative stagnation, it's the consumers.
I'm sorry, but any argument/reasoning that boils down to "Thing X sucks/has a problem/is stagnating because of the fans!" is just downright silly. How is it the fans fault?


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Here's something I'm sick of hearing constantly.

"PC's are better than consoles, and you're bad for playing on a console!"

Ugh, I am so sick of this. Okay, we get it! PC's are technologically better than consoles, especially now that the consoles are 6-7 year old tech. However, we're tried of hearing about it. We're tired of being demonized, verbally abused, verbally assaulted, and bullied because we mostly play on a console.

You know there are reasons why we play games primarily on consoles, and it's not the reasons you PC elitists think.
It's not because we're dumb or ignorant.
It's not out of some misguided since of fanaticism.
It most certainly not because we secretly hate video games and are deliberately trying to hold them back.
(Yes. I have been accused, directly and indirectly, of intentionally holding back video games for playing on a console.)

We do it because it's the best option for us economically. The initial cost of buying a "decent" gaming PC is too much for a lot of people. I'm also sick of having to remind people that "only $600" is a lot of money, especially during an economic recession.

So, I guess I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for not being blessed with wealthy parents, and/or a cushy job.
I'm sorry for actually having to watch my expenses.
I'm sorry that when I'm able to afford a single game it's a big deal for me.
I'm sorry I'm not willing to abandon a hobby I greatly enjoy that let's me forget my woes, and maintain my sanity.

No, correction. I'm not sorry for not willing to abandon a hobby I greatly enjoy. If you still think I should then I hope karma kicks your ass making you're fancy gaming PC permanently go blue-screen-of-death on you.

I'm also sorry for commenting on an overdone "boring" topic.

Ryan Hughes

New member
Jul 10, 2012
I suppose I am a pretty interesting nerd, because the only one I have even come close to using is:

#39 M. Night Shayamalan Is egotictical and saboutages his own films.

I actually have called him 'self-indulgent' before, but I have never accused him of ruining his own films.

As far as #41, I have always defended video-game cutscenes. The longest cutscene in Silent Hill 2 was about 5-6 minutes long, and I loved every minute of it. The problem lies with video game writers having -on average- the same level of narrative skill as an inbred aardvark.


Elusive Paragon
Aug 31, 2012
Grunt_Man11 said:
Here's something I'm sick of hearing constantly.

"PC's are better than consoles, and you're bad for playing on a console!"

Ugh, I am so sick of this. Okay, we get it! PC's are technologically better than consoles, especially now that the consoles are 6-7 year old tech. However, we're tried of hearing about it. We're tired of being demonized, verbally abused, verbally assaulted, and bullied because we mostly play on a console.
And I'm pretty sure us PC players, or even those who use both PCs and consoles (as I do), have been getting such hate and trolling for years as you suggest the console players are receiving now. When new consoles come out the cycle will continue and PCs will again be questioned, but for now let PCs have their day, huh? What with Steam and their box I doubt it will last forever.

Or, better yet, let's us all be better gamers and appreciated any gaming console, even mobile devices, for what they are: a way to play games.

Guilherme Zoldan

New member
Jun 20, 2011
Well once again movie bob is being pretentious and judgemental.
This really just sounds like a cheap excuse to dismiss opinions he doesnt like to hear as being boring.


New member
May 28, 2008
Anyone who still thinks DBZ hasn't been surpassed should play Asura's Wrath. Yeah its a game, but its so quick time event and cut scene heavy, even structured like an episodic series, it may as well be considered more an anime than a game.

But yeah all the other things Bob mentioned pretty much spot on, every opinion nerds have about anything gets drilled in tot he ground to the point of insanity I find. So when I lose interest in the topic I try to avoid it as best I can. Mass Effect 3 for example, I never want to hear or talk about that game again.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
NinjaDeathSlap said:
This article deserves all the slow claps. My only question is what 25 arguments could you possibly have up your sleeve that are more tired and less interesting than the ones listed here. I suppose I could think of a handful... 'George Lucas needs to leave Star Wars alone'; and 'The plot of 2012 is bullshit', but beyond that I'm struggling.
He already came up with a fair few I never heard of before. I mean, I generally didn't pay overly much attention to Oscar awards when I was three years old.