Aha! Here is the thread! I think I remember procuring an Image from here, which I now use as my face on the internet. You should recognise it from the image to the left, but in case that's too small:
Can the man who made this please stand up? I'd like to make both a poster a stencil for the case mod I'm in the beginnings of, but resizing this myself just blurs it to hell.
As for me, my meagre art skills extend no further thanthe images of slaughter drawn in red crayon on my wall stick men, although I suppose my current desktop could contribute in some way, although most of the images are not my own. It stands at 1680x1050.
Bigger. [http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk163/hbrutush/Desktoprev3.jpg]
And here's a picture of my dog that's just so gosh-darned cute it has to get me some arty points!
Bigger. [http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk163/hbrutush/Dogwell.jpg]
As for me, my meagre art skills extend no further than
Bigger. [http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk163/hbrutush/Desktoprev3.jpg]
And here's a picture of my dog that's just so gosh-darned cute it has to get me some arty points!
Bigger. [http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk163/hbrutush/Dogwell.jpg]